Zhang Long smiled and said, "there are some things I want to talk to you alone. I don't know if it's convenient for you now?"

The eyes of all the people focused on Han Bin. If he didn't go, it seemed unreasonable, so he walked to Zhang long.

As soon as Han Bin came to Zhang long, Jiang Min shouted, "sister Ling, master asked me to give you something. Come here, too."

Ling Shuangshuang's face sank, subconsciously looked at Han Bin, saw Han Bin shaking his head and said, "elder martial sister five, you're about to start. If you have anything, throw it directly!"

Jiang Min was angry and made a color to Zhang long.

Zhang long understood and said to Han Bin, "fourth martial brother, let's go and talk."

Han Bin snorted coldly. Jiang Min was too impatient. He had just come down the mountain and had to start with him, and he found a helper. Seeing that everyone is stupid and deaf, as long as Zhang long and Jiang Min give an order, they will do it. At the same time, Han Bin was also secretly surprised that their ability was really strong. They could persuade them to start with themselves in such a short time.

Since the other party made it clear that he wanted to do it, Han Bin didn't have to care so much. He tore his face and said, "Jiang Min, you'd better give me some peace. If you mess around, don't blame me for doing it." then he flashed and stood in front of Ling shuangshuangshuang.

Jiang Min was stunned, angry and smiled: "Han Bin, I've heard that you have an affair with Ling Shuangshuang. I didn't expect it to be true."

Han Bin did not refute, to the nine humanitarians behind him: "let's go."

How could Jiang Min watch them leave and said in a harsh voice, "stop them."

Hearing the sound of whooshing, the people offered their magic weapons one after another, pointing to Han Bin and others.

While controlling the flying sword, Zhang Long said to Han Bin, "fourth martial brother, you don't have to be nervous. We won't kill you. We just want to tell you that some people can't offend."

As long as this is a person, Han Bin will not believe it, but he didn't expect that the other party's courage was so great that he really dared to do it here. It's right to think about it. If you don't do it here, it will be difficult to find them in the future. Although the lurks are in the capital, if they don't go to the capital or chase other lurks, they may never see them. Of course, there is another factor. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Who would have thought that the disciples would fight at the foot of zongmen mountain? I'm afraid as the headmaster's lucky immortal, I can't think of this.

Han Bin's face sank, his eyes swept over the people, and then said to the humanity around him: "you go first, I'll deal with them."

Hearing this, Ling Shuangshuang and others were stunned. Jiang Min laughed and said, "if you want to go, none of you want to go today."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Han Bin felt a little bitter. It turned out that the most dangerous enemy was not the real enemy, but the people around him. These dignified monks look decent. In fact, they are very dirty and more vicious than anyone else. Such a person can also be a monk and an immortal? If this is the way that monks must go, Han Bin really can't accept it.

"You don't want to die?" Han Bin looked at the crowd with cold eyes, as if looking at the great enemy of life and death.

Jiang Min looked proud. He seemed to have seen Han Bin killed by them and said with a smile: "yes, you can't leave here alive. Tomorrow's today is your anniversary."

With so many disciples killing around, it is impossible to escape. Han Bin just wanted to sacrifice magic tools and fight with all his strength. Suddenly, a divine consciousness swept over him quickly. It was very difficult to detect, and obviously it was not the ability of the disciples in the Qi training period. Han Bin thought of something and said to the direction of Tianming mountain: "Jiang Min, if you really want to kill me, I will never backhand."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. Zhang long quickly preached, "Jiang Min, I think I'd better forget it!" Han Bin's so calm appearance worried him. If the leader followed him and found that they would kill Han Bin again, they would either abolish cultivation and expel him from the school, or kill him on the spot.

Jiang Min also thought of what his master said last night. At that time, his master secretly observed them. Will it be the same this time? After all, he hasn't left the scope of Tianming sect. If she let Han Bin go, she couldn't swallow anything. She said coldly, "Han Bin, you'd better take your bitch away from me. If I meet you, I'll kill you once."

Han Bin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but did not show weakness in his mouth. He said angrily, "I also hope to have a chance to meet you alone." then he offered a magic weapon and took the people to break through the air.

Jiang Min came to Zhang long and asked, "why did you say that just now?"

"I feel someone looking at us." Zhang long looked around and said in a low voice.

Jiang Min was stunned and said, "you feel it, too?"

Zhang longan was full of panic. He thought that only he had such a feeling. Unexpectedly, Jiang Min could feel it. He was a little frightened and said, "is there really someone staring at our every move in the dark?"

Jiang Min raised her head and stared at the direction of Tianming mountain. After a long time, he sighed and said, "let's go! If you don't have the right opportunity, don't do it easily, and don't leave a handle." the first sentence was spoken, and the second sentence was voiced.

The magic weapon driven by Han Bin and others flew all the way to the West. The flowers, plants and trees on the ground turned into an ink dot and moved back constantly.

On the way, Ling Shuangshuang accelerated, came to Han Bin and said gratefully, "thank you just now."

Han Bin stared at the front and didn't see the beautiful beauty around him. He said faintly, "don't thank me. I just don't want to see a few people in the team."

Ling Shuangshuang was silent. His eyes kept looking at Han Bin. His mouth moved a few times. He wanted to talk several times and swallowed it.

Half an hour later, a city gradually enlarged in the pupil. When he saw the city, Han Bin's eyes were full of emotion. Tianfeng City, where the monastic practice began, now passes by again. After taking a look at the mountain village not far from Tianfeng City, Han Bin clenched his teeth and quickly flew over.

Ling Shuangshuang wanted to go home and have a look. After seeing Han Bin's eyes, he sighed and continued to fly forward.

After flying for about half a day, they finally came to a mountain outside the city. As monks, they are also Chinese in the national religion. They can't enter the capital too openly, otherwise they will disturb the life of ordinary people. Falling in the mountains, they put away their magic weapons and walked quickly towards the capital. They did not change their Taoist robes. Although the state religion could not easily cast spells in front of mortals, it was allowed to walk among mortals in Taoist robes.

A moment later, they came to a post station. Han Bin showed his jade card of identity. The Yamen of the post station quickly prepared ten carriages to escort them to the capital.

As soon as the carriage left, one of the soldiers said, "what day is it today? It was difficult to see the national religion disciples once before. There are dozens of them today."

Another man also said, "it's true! If it wasn't for the advance greeting from the top, the carriage would not be enough."

"Yes! The people of the national religion can't offend. If the carriage is not enough, you and I will lose our heads." the soldier who spoke earlier said, "let's prepare the carriage quickly! Look at the momentum, I don't know how many people will come later!" he said and walked quickly to the post station.

After they got on the carriage, Han Bin took out the jade slips from the storage bag, input the divine knowledge, and lines of words appeared in his mind. After reading it, Han Bin probably understood what to do next and said to the coachman, "go to Wu Wenhou house." according to the jade slips, each team has a place to stay in the capital, and the place where they call is Wu Wenhou house.

The owner of Wu Wenhou's house is Wu Tian. Although he is only a marquis, he is the most trusted Minister of the Emperor today. He is deeply trusted and has military power in his hands. He has great influence in the capital. The people in the capital, even if they don't know who the emperor is, all know his prestige, and his power is faintly greater than the imperial power.

"Capital!" when Han Bin thought about this place, he felt heartbreaking pain. Liu Xihan was in the capital. I don't know how he's been these years.

The carriage ran all the way, and all the pedestrians on the road avoided. It took only three hours to come to the capital.

The city wall of the capital is about thirty feet high. From a distance, it looks like a huge fortress. On the wall, every three feet stood a soldier in armor. They stared at the front and guarded the safety of the capital. Around the capital, there is a huge moat. Boats fly on the river and sail away.

The carriage rushed to the capital in the blink of an eye. The soldiers guarding under the gate saw the flag of the national religion on the car. They didn't dare to stop it, so they let it go. The passers-by around looked envious when they saw the state religion carriage entering the city. Many people wanted to become disciples in the carriage now.

Once upon a time, Han Bin also wanted to become a disciple of the national religion and had absolute rights. If he had been a disciple of the national religion, Liu Xihan would have left her. Would the famous general dare to beat him seriously? Thinking of the general, Han Bin flashed a killing intention in his eyes. In those years, he could knead himself like a mole ant. After today, he will feel the taste of being kneaded.

Han Bin is a man with clear gratitude and resentment. He will not easily offend others. If others offend him, he will never easily get angry.

After entering the capital, the carriage came to Wu Wenhou's house smoothly under the opening of the soldiers.

As soon as Han Bin got out of the carriage, a middle-aged man dressed in the government greeted him. He only listened to his flattering face and said, "immortal, please come inside."

Mortals call the disciples of the national religion altar adults, and formal disciples like them are collectively referred to as immortals.

Han Bin didn't even look at him. He nodded and quickly entered the mansion, followed by the other disciples.

When they entered the hall, Wu Tian hurriedly asked the maid to bring tea and water. When the maid stepped down, Wu Tian pointed to the center of the hall and said to Han Bin and others, "please sit down, immortals." he had long received the news that a team of immortals was coming here, and the leader of this team of immortals was the person sitting in the first carriage.

The ages of these people are between 15 and 17, and only one is in his thirties. Although Wu Tian was a marquis, he was surprised to see the immortal for the first time. "It turns out that the immortal is so young."

After Han Bin sat down, the people also sat down one after another. Wu Tian didn't dare to sit down. He stood aside like a servant. If you let others see the appearance of the emperor's favorite minister, you must not believe it. Of course, the status of Guojiao disciples is different. Even if they meet the emperor, the emperor should be polite to these people.

"As like as two peas," Han Bin said with a cool voice, "I will be useful for a room."

A moment later, the secret room was ready, and everyone entered the secret room one after another.

The secret room is not big, only more than ten square meters. The surrounding is sealed very well. Ordinary people can't eavesdrop on the conversation inside. There are ten chairs in the secret room, as if they were tailor-made for everyone. Ten chairs, divided into two rows, with one in the middle. After Han Bin sat in the middle, the people sat down one after another.

At this time, the younger brother named Liu Ke said, "senior brother, what are we doing here this time?" although they all have a jade slip recording the task, it is different. Han Bin's jade slip is more detailed.

Han Bin said, "this is our foothold in the capital, and so are the other six teams." speaking of this, he paused and continued: "from now on, the downhill experience will officially begin. In the future, everyone will stay in the mansion to practice. Without my order, don't walk alone. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" the crowd said in unison.

Han Bin nodded and said, "if you have any questions, you can ask me."

Or did Liu Ke ask, "fourth senior brother, what if we find it lurking?"

Han Bin didn't answer immediately. After thinking for a while, he said, "if you find it lurking, tell me first. If time doesn't allow, you can follow it secretly. Remember, don't do it in private."

In the following time, the people discussed some problems after they found the potential. They didn't end the conversation until late at night.

Out of the secret room, he came to a corridor. Wu Tianzheng stood there respectfully and saw the people coming. He said respectfully: "you immortals, your room is ready for you. Now you can go back to rest, but..." he glanced up at Han Bin and looked at many male disciples, with hesitation on on his face.

Han Bin frowned and said, "if you have anything to say."

"Yes, yes!" Wu tianmang said, "you immortals are tired for a long time. If you need someone to wait, a group of young and beautiful maidens have just been selected in our house and are waiting in the yard!"

After hearing this, all the disciples were stunned, and then they laughed softly. Several people even lost their eyes.

"Hmm?" Han Bin's face sank and looked at Wu Tian coldly.

Wu Tian broke into a cold sweat on his forehead and hurriedly said, "fairy, calm down. Please rest assured that those maidens have never been touched." seeing his frightened appearance, he almost didn't kneel down to Han Bin and others.

Han Bin just wanted to get angry. Liu Ke said, "senior brother, he is also kind. Don't blame him."

Xiao Gang also said, "it's not easy for us to come out once. If we miss this time, I'm afraid we won't have a chance in the future."

"Fourth senior brother, you won't allow it?" Liu Wei looked at Han Bin pitifully, his eyes full of expectation.

These disciples have never experienced human affairs. At their age, they have great curiosity about women. Although there are female disciples in the sect, there are too many male disciples. All female disciples with a little beauty have become other people's immortals. Even those with ordinary appearance are also the object of pursuit of all disciples. Many disciples only heard about things between men and women, but they didn't do it at all.

Han Bin originally wanted to get rid of them, but after hearing what they said, he changed his mind and said, "forget it, those who want to be waited on will choose with him, and those who don't want to go back to the mansion to practice." he didn't know these people well, and he didn't know their temper. If you really stop them, it will not have an effect, but will be resented by everyone.

As soon as they heard this, most of them cheered and ran to the yard. The rest smiled disdainfully and walked to their rooms. Ling Shuangshuang was already flushed. He just wanted to turn around and leave, but he saw Han Bin standing there motionless, looking forward as if distracted. He hurriedly asked, "Han Bin, what's the matter with you?"

Han Bin's body was stunned, then he calmed down, shook his head and said, "it's all right, just think of some things."

Ling Shuangshuang saw that Han Bin didn't want to answer, so he didn't continue to ask. She played with her clothes and whispered, "senior brother, let's go back together!"

Han Bin nodded and walked quickly to the front of the corridor. At the end, there were two roads. One leads to the courtyard and the other to the garden. Through the garden is the room where people live. Walking in the garden, Ling Shuangshuang suddenly remembered what his master had told him before he left, so he asked softly, "senior brother, why did you want to stop them just now?" although Han Bin didn't show his thoughts, she still saw it.

Han Bin looked at her in surprise and said in a deep voice, "I don't think practitioners should have too much distractions. If they are bound by women, how can they calm down to practice?"

Ling Shuangshuang thought for a moment and asked, "so monks can't have their own love?"

"Love?" Han Bin's body suddenly stopped. If you look carefully, you will find that his body trembled slightly.

Ling Shuangshuang looked puzzled and said, "senior brother, what's the matter with you?"

Han Bin smiled bitterly and said, "nothing, let's go back!" and he was about to go forward.

Ling Shuangshuang stood where she was. She took a deep breath and suddenly said, "I know you have something on your mind. If it's convenient, you can talk to me." speaking of this, I saw that Han Bin didn't stop because of her words, and continued: "practitioners can't be bound by the world. If the knot in their heart can't be solved, how can they calm down and practice?"

This sentence just finished, and now someone said the same thing to him, Han Bin felt a little ridiculous. Yeah! If the knot in your heart can't be broken, what if you can calm down and practice? Han Bin stopped, turned and looked at Ling Shuangshuang. The moonlight shone on her. The whole person looked like a fairy. He couldn't help but be stunned.

Han Bin shook his head, got rid of his disordered thoughts and said, "since you want to hear, I'll talk to you!"

They came to the stone bench in the garden and sat down. Han Bin slowly talked about his past. Especially when Liu Xihan left, his voice became very excited. "If she hadn't left me, I wouldn't have embarked on the road of cultivation. Is all this a coincidence or a joke from heaven?" he has always been very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he also has a weak side, He never thought of showing his weak side, nor did he think of talking so much to a woman.

After hearing this, Ling Shuangshuang found that she had some bad feelings in her heart and asked, "do you love her now?"

Han Bin was unable to answer the question and remained silent. If you say you don't love, it's false, but even if you love, what can you do? The woman who once loved deeply has already become another wife. Can you grab it? Han Bin never thought of doing that, nor would he do that. What he lost will never be recovered, and so will love.

Seeing that Han Bin didn't answer, Ling Shuangshuang understood no matter how stupid he was, and said, "do you regret it?"

Han Bin raised his head, stared at Ling Shuangshuang and said word by word: "I don't regret it. If their feelings are separated for some reasons, it's not true love. It's not true love, why regret?" he understood this truth and knew how to do it. But even so, the pain in my heart can't be restrained. Just like taking drugs, even if you know it's wrong, even if you want to quit, you just can't control it.

Ling Shuangshuang took a deep breath and said faintly, "Han Bin, I know it's difficult to forget a person. It's not impossible."

Han Bin raised his head, looked at the beauty in front of him and suddenly asked, "what's the way?" he thought he could forget the past by practicing hard, but now he came to her place and thought of the past, and he found that he had not forgotten at all. The dusty memory of the past is just buried deep in my heart. When it is opened, the pain will increase exponentially.

Ling Shuangshuang didn't know what to say next, but she could see Han Bin's painful appearance. Her heart was soft and said, "if you forget one person, the best way is to fall in love with another person."

"Falling in love with another person?" Han Bin was stunned, and then smiled softly. The laughter was very desolate and helpless.

After Han Bin finished laughing, Ling Shuangshuang said, "don't you believe it?"

Han Bin shook his head and said, "it's not that I don't believe it, but that I don't believe in love at all." memories bite my heart like satisfaction and swallow the courage of love. How can I believe that there is still true love in this world. Standing up, Han Bin glanced at the end of the garden and said slowly, "it's late. Let's have a rest early!" and strode forward.

Looking at Han Bin's back, Ling Shuangshuang murmured, "what kind of person is he? There are so many things in his heart. Why can he practice to this level in a short time?" yes, he must have dusty his memory. Don't he know how terrible it is for a monk to dust his memory. Ling Shuangshuang didn't shout Han Bin, but she secretly decided to find a chance to help him forget that unhappy past.

It was late at night and the mansion was quiet.

The door of Han Bin's room opened with a squeak. He took a vigilant look around. His figure flashed and disappeared into the night. When he was standing in the corridor, he was distracted because he saw a man, a familiar man, passing by at the end of the corridor. That person's appearance is Liu Xihan, who once loved deeply.

After returning to the room, Han Bin wanted to practice, but he couldn't calm down anyway. Finally, he decided to investigate.

Han Bin's figure flashed quickly, as fast as a ghost. Many Wulin experts are hidden in the residence. These people find that ordinary people are OK, but they can't find friars like Han Bin. Han Bin's body flickered several times in the yard and came to a hidden place. His divine consciousness radiated and felt around him. His current accomplishments can already sense the situation within a radius of half a mile. Wu Wenhou's house is very large. If he wants to sense all places, he must feel it at least more than ten times.

After a incense stick, Han Bin appeared in front of a humble room, where servants lived. There was not even a guard. Han Bin didn't want to come because Liu Xihan said that how could he live here if he wanted to marry an aristocrat. However, he was not sure whether Liu Xihan was telling the truth, so he wanted to find out.

The divine consciousness radiated out, and everything in the house was seen in the eyes, snoring, talking, and even breathing between men and women. Han Bin couldn't see it anymore when he saw it. He just wanted to recover his divine knowledge, but he heard a woman say, "madam, it's pathetic! I've been neglected since I came to the residence for more than three years. What's more, the master took her..."

"More than three years?" Han Bin's divine knowledge about to be recovered stopped. Liu Xihan came to the capital for more than three years. Is it really such a coincidence that she became the wife of marquis Wu Wenfu? Thinking of this, Han Bin decided to continue listening.

In the room, two servant girls looked around warily and said in a low voice, "Xiaocui, keep your voice down and don't be heard by outsiders."

Xiaocui waved her hand and said, "Xiaohong, when were you so timid? Are there any guards here? Are you worried that the walls have ears?"

The servant girl named Xiaohong stuck out her tongue and said, "it's better to keep your voice down. You don't know the rules in the house." after that, she hurriedly asked, "where did you say? Which lady was given to General Yang?"

Xiaocui said, "which lady can it be, the lady Liu who came three years ago? She's so poor. It's said that she is only seventeen years old and beautiful. She was given to General Yang because she said a wrong word when serving the master. According to brother Wang, the master told General Yang that he is tired of playing and can let his soldiers play in turn."

Xiaohong smacked her tongue for a while and couldn't bear to say, "the master is too cruel! Doesn't it let the lady die?"

Hearing this, Xiaocui smiled disdainfully and said, "what's this? Do you remember that Mrs. Wang? She was... Xiaohong, what's the matter with you?" she saw Xiaohong looking straight behind her, and her face looked like seeing a ghost. She didn't believe in ghosts in the world, so she turned around. She almost fainted when she saw a behind the scenes.

In the room, a person appeared quietly. It was Han Bin.

Han Bin's body exudes a black fog. Under the light, he can only see a hazy figure. It looks like a ghost circulating in the Ming Dynasty.

"You are a man or a ghost." Xiaocui was frightened and her hair stood up.

Han Bin's face was gloomy and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "it doesn't matter whether I'm a man or a ghost. You just answer me a few questions and I'll keep you safe."

The two chicks nodded vigorously like pecking rice. "Excuse me, master ghost, the maidservant must tell the truth and will never hide it."

Han Bin took a deep breath and asked, "what's the name of Mrs. Liu you just said."

They were stunned. They knew that ghosts were powerful. They didn't expect to eavesdrop on people's conversation.

Xiaocui was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "ghost Lord, how can we be slaves... How can we know the taboo of madam? You'd better find... Find someone else to ask!"

Han Bin snorted coldly, and his eyes turned to Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hong also didn't know. After thinking hard for a long time, she said, "ghost Lord, i... I only heard others say that Mrs. Liu's name is Liu Hanhan. It's been a long time. You killed your maid, but she can't remember."

"Is it Liu Xihan?" Han Bin frowned and said suddenly.

Xiaohong was surprised and said, "yes, it's called Liu Xihan." the next second, she was confused and blurted out: "how do you know, ghost Lord?"

Han Bin did not answer and continued, "where does general Yang live?"

This time, Xiaocui answered first, "when you get out of Hou's house, go straight east and cross three streets." Xiaohong just answered the question correctly. She should answer everything she said once. If the ghost Lord kills her in anger because she doesn't answer the question, he won't even have a chance to regret it.

Han Bin just wanted to leave. He suddenly remembered something and said, "what did she say and was punished by Wu Wenhou?"

Xiaocui said, "she seems to mention a man whose name is Han. She said that if it was him, he would not treat me like that."

In the room, the black light flashed and Han Bin disappeared.

The two servant girls were sweating and their backs were wet. Xiaohong took several deep breaths of air before asking, "Xiaocui, how do you think ghost adult knows his wife's name?"

"Lord ghost even knows what we just talked about. What else don't you know?" Xiao Hong patted her chest and said in a panic.

"But?" little red looked puzzled. "Since he knew everything, why did he ask where General Yang lived?"

Xiaocui: "

At this time, Han Bin quietly appeared behind them again, put his hands on their heads, and then the two fainted. Han Bin came back again to erase their memories. Although he is not afraid of being discovered by others, Wu Tian is likely to suspect him if it gets out. If Wu Tian runs away overnight and wants to kill him, it will not be so easy.

After erasing their memories, Han Bin recognized the direction, flashed and went straight to General Yang's residence.

On the streets of the capital city, Han Bin's figure flashed quickly. A moment later, he came to a mansion.

In front of the residence stood two soldiers guarding the general's residence. They looked at the front with awe. On the plaque was written three gold characters - General's residence.

Han Bin thought for a moment, changed into mortal clothes, and then flashed into the general's house.

There were also many Wulin experts hiding in the mansion. Han Bin easily avoided them and went straight to the backyard of the mansion. There are many courtyards and rooms in the mansion. The owners of the mansion usually live in the backyard. When he came to the backyard, he saw a huge room. Han Bin closed his eyes and felt everything in the room.

In the room, the lights were bright and the sound of whip came faintly.

In the sound of the whip, a middle-aged man's voice came faintly, "Sao. Goods, it's your blessing to let you serve the general. Since you don't obey, I'll kill you today."

"Pa! PA! PA!" the whip whipped quickly, and each whip used a lot of strength.

Han Bin's divine sense entered the room. When he saw the situation inside, he couldn't help but be stunned.

A general in a shirt was holding a whip about three feet long and was beating a woman on the ground angrily. The woman was seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a translucent gauze dress. Her clothes were torn under the whip, revealing her looming skin. Her skin was bright red and blood flowed from time to time.

Looking at their appearance, Han Bin felt suffocated. The woman was Liu Xihan who had left him for more than three years, and the middle-aged man was the one who seriously injured him.

Liu Xihan's face was full of tears. She bit her teeth and said nothing. Her pupils were full of despair.

Three years later, the three met again. It was such a scene.

Han Bin's eyes lit up, his figure flashed, and he came to the door. He kicked on the door. With a click, the door was kicked open and entered the room.

General Yang's name is Yang Xiong. He is a great general under Wu Tian. In addition to fighting, he also has a task to find some women with good qualifications for Wu Tian. Those women married to the Marquis house for a few years at most. When Wu Tian had enough, he rewarded them to the following general. Yang Xiong gave the most. I don't know how many young women died in his hands.

When the door was kicked open, Yang Xiong was stunned and suddenly looked in front of the door. When he saw Han Bin coming, he angrily said, "who are you?"

It's been more than three years since he disappeared. Han Bin's appearance has changed greatly. Yang Xiong didn't recognize him at a glance. He just felt that the young man in front of him seemed to have seen him somewhere.

Han Bin exuded a faint murderous spirit. He walked to Yang Xiong step by step and said, "you don't need to know who I am, because you can die."

Yang Xiong laughed. This is the general's residence. No one can control his life and death. He disdained to look at the people in front of him and said with a smile: "boy, you're too rampant. It seems that you haven't figured out where this is!"

The accident in the room startled Liu Xihan, who was almost unconscious. She tried to raise her head and look at the young man coming. When she saw Han Bin's appearance, the whole person trembled like an electric shock and said, "Han Bin, why are you here." although three years later, Han Bin's appearance has changed greatly, she recognized it at a glance. Then, she suddenly thought of something. She stood up hard, jumped in front of Han Bin and said eagerly, "go, go! He will kill you."

Han Bin stood still. No matter how Liu Xihan pushed him, he didn't move.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xiong understood even if he was stupid. He sneered, "Oh! I see. Your mistress came to the door. Unfortunately, he is looking for death." he wondered in his heart, the general's house is guarded. How did the boy come in? But he didn't take it to heart. He thought how capable a young man of about 20 could be?

Han Bin's murderous spirit became stronger. He hugged Liu Xihan with his back hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly, "Xihan, go and sit while I solve him."

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