Immortal Revenge

Chapter 1525

Han Bin's face sank, his killing intention flashed in his eyes, and said coldly, "I know Dieer is in Gram's hands, and the next person to die is him."

Green looked at Han Bin with a complicated face and said, "you also know that gran is my grandson. If you kill me, Gran will feel it at the first time. Aren't you afraid of Gran killing rainbutterflies?"

"If it were you, would you do that?" Han Bin said coldly. "Butterfly is the bottom card to protect his life. Will he take out the bottom card for a dead man?"

Green's heart clicked. He wanted to fool Han Bin, but he didn't expect Han Bin to see it so thoroughly. He had to say, "you're right. Gran will take the rain butterfly to protect his life. But I don't believe you can let Gran go. Since gran is dead, why doesn't he kill the rain butterfly before he dies?"

When green spoke, his right hand was behind his back and wanted to quietly pinch the law to contact gran.

Han Bin snorted coldly and said, "don't contact gran. He can't hear the voice."

Green's method decision had been pinched. He was surprised to find that the magic power of thousands of miles had lost its function. He was surprised and said, "have you arranged an array around?"

"Yes, I arranged the array. You can die." Han Bin stopped talking nonsense. He already knew what he wanted to find out. His right hand raised and pointed to green. Although this magic power is powerful, it is not enough to kill gran. Han Bin offered a kill sword, a heavenly seal, and let the purple wing ant emperor fly away. One magic power quickly attacked green.

At this moment, green sensed the breath of death. He didn't expect Han Bin to be so powerful that his attack power reached the power of the LORD God. Green didn't dare to resist. He took a step and wanted to use his magic power to leave here. But at the moment he fled, a scene he didn't expect appeared.

Han Bin clenched the jade seal of the heavenly way, whispered and said in a harsh voice: "the stars change, the universe of all things."

As soon as this space magic was displayed, Han Bin and green changed their positions.

Green reacted quickly and tried to step aside.

At this time, Han Bin quickly pinched the law, waved his right hand to the void in front of him, and shouted: "heaven and earth cage!!!"

Han Bin reached the realm of the superior God in all his 18 parts. Now he has the cultivation of the main god of life. He found that the cage of heaven and earth can condense the power of 18 attributes in the cage. All monks trapped in the cage can't escape from the cage within three seconds as long as their accomplishments don't exceed Han Bin.

Three breath, it seems that the time is not long, but the battle between the strong can decide the outcome in an instant.

The killing sword roared, turned into a streamer and went straight to green. At such a fast speed, green was trapped in the cage of heaven and earth, and he couldn't escape at all. Gran could only offer a shield in front of him, but the magic power he used in a hurry did not have much defense. The kill sword easily defeated and stabbed into his Dantian.

Green's body trembled. He felt that all three souls had a tendency to run away. He was shocked and said, "don't kill me. I can give you whatever you want..."

Han Bin ignored Green's words and moved his heart. The purple wing ant emperor heard his words and flew into Gran's body like lightning. The purple wing ant emperor swallowed the blood essence of many gods, and his cultivation has reached the level of nine evil species. If divided according to human cultivation, he is also a superior God.

The purple wing ant emperor devoured Green's body crazily. Green's body twitched constantly, white foam came out from the corners of his mouth, and the divine power in his body dissipated at an amazing speed, followed by his blood essence and his longevity yuan. After only three breaths, Green's body completely collapsed, and the yuan God was on the verge of collapse. He wanted to escape before the failure of the cage of heaven and earth, but the purple wing ant Emperor didn't give him a chance to open his blood basin and swallow it.

Green died, and he was scared. He didn't have a chance to use his power to protect his life against the sky before he died.

A white main magic card flew away from Green's body, turned into a streamer, and wanted to fly into the nine secluded land.

After Han Bin had an experience, it was easier to earn the main divine card. With a wave of his right hand in the air, the main divine card was caught by Han Bin. Han Bin swallowed it and didn't refine it immediately. He said to the four divine beasts: "if I guess well, Gran should feel that green is dead. We hide around and wait for him to come. As long as he sees Green's body, he will hide in the middle thousand world."

The four beasts nodded, and everyone dodged and hid in a mountain thousands of miles away.

I don't know how long later, a streamer came quickly over the silent mountains. If you look carefully, who is not Gran?

Gran's face was unspeakably ugly, as pale as paper, and his body was trembling slightly. While looking for the mountains, he touched the heaven and earth bag around his waist. He obviously guessed that Han Bin came and wanted to trade rain butterflies for his life before he was killed. Gran didn't wait for Han Bin, but found Green's body. He hesitated and knew that some things couldn't be avoided. He gritted his teeth and flew to the mountains.

There was a rotten corpse lying in the mountains. We could still vaguely see each other's appearance from the fuzzy facial features.

Gran looked at the body and knew who the other party was. He choked: "Grandpa, who killed you..." he was very uncomfortable. He didn't feel uncomfortable about Grandpa's death, but thought that such a powerful grandpa had been killed. How could he be Han Bin's opponent?

Gran cried bitterly, offered a flying sword from the heaven and earth bag, dug a pit on the spot and buried green.

After burying Grandpa, Gran didn't leave immediately. Looking around, he roared angrily, "Han Bin, I know you killed Grandpa, come out!" he has determined that Han Bin killed Green, because he saw the traces of the purple wing ant emperor devouring Green's body, and Han Bin is the only one who has the purple wing ant emperor in the divine world.

Gran's voice echoed in the big valley. There was nothing to hear except the echo.

"Did I guess wrong that Han Bin left after killing his grandfather?" Gran thought so and soon made a decision.

Ge Lang is not Han Bin's opponent. He just wants to save his life, and the best place to save his life is the Zhongqian world arranged in the void space. It doesn't matter whether those main gods can't kill Han Bin. If they can kill the best, if they can't kill, they can also devour the power of faith in the middle thousand world.

Gran took a deep breath, looked at a direction if there was nothing, and said coldly: "Han Bin, the gratitude and resentment between us won't just forget it. One day I'll kill you with my own hands..." he said, flying in the direction of nothingness under his feet, turning into an ink dot and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Just this scene, Han Bin clearly looked at the bottom of his eyes. He sighed and said, "go, let's catch up."

Just as they wanted to get up and leave, two figures came again. The two people who came here were no strangers to Han Bin.

After lan'ao and Zhu Rong came here, they quickly felt around and soon found a mound in the valley.

They looked at it and saw the clue. One of them flashed to the mound.

Lano walked around the mound and said, "there's a smell of link here. I'm afraid he's dead."

Zhu Rong, the LORD God of fire, frowned and sighed: "Zhou Ji said that Han Bin was likely to return to the divine world. He said that Cheng Hui was dead. The second person to die should be link. Unexpectedly, we came a little late. I just don't understand who made the grave and who was so kind to bury link's body?"

LAN Ao Leng snorted and said, "it's worth thinking. It must be gran. I know this guy's secret."

Zhu Rong's eyes were full of doubts and said, "what secret?"

"In fact, it's not a big secret. Many people know that Linke's name is green, Geyun is his son, and Gran is his grandson." Lan Ao is not going to hide it. He said truthfully, "Gran must have been here and buried green, but he doesn't know where he is now."

Zhu Rong nodded suddenly and said, "so it is. I said why the relationship between Glenn and link is so good. When Han Bin wanted to kill Glenn thousands of years ago, link tried his best to protect him. It turned out to be this relationship." speaking of this, he paused and said, "it doesn't matter where Glenn goes. We must find out whether link was killed by Han Bin."

Zhu Rong glanced at the grave in front of him, and the meaning of his words was self-evident.

LAN Ao was a little silent, nodded and said, "this is the only way to know the cause of link's death." as he said, he was going to dig Green's grave.

But at the moment when they were about to start, a cold voice suddenly occurred in the valley, "you two, don't you know that digging someone else's grave is immoral?"

The voice was so familiar to the two that they knew who the voice belonged to even if they closed their eyes.

Both of them raised their vigilance at the same time, back-to-back, looked around, but they didn't see the person they were looking for.

LAN Ao roared angrily and said, "Han Bin, since you're here, why don't you come out?"

On the clear sky, a streamer came quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, it came to them and turned into Han Bin.

Han Bin looked calm. He couldn't see what he was thinking in his deep eyes. His clothes churned violently in the absence of wind, but there was a feeling of immortality. After Han Bin landed, he looked at them and said, "I'm not ready to kill them. I didn't expect you to come to the door..."

LAN Ao glared at Han Bin. His hatred for Han Bin can be said to be deep in his bones. Without Han Bin, he would not kill Ge Yun or become what he is today. LAN Ao wants to kill Han Bin now, but he thinks that Han Bin can kill even the time Lord God Gelin. He is busy sensing Han Bin's accomplishments. He wants to know what kind of state Han Bin has reached now.

The next moment, LAN Ao stared and said, "how is it possible, how is it possible..."

Han Bin knew why LAN Ao was surprised, but Zhu Rong was confused and said, "brother LAN Ao, what's the matter with you?"

LAN Ao took a breath and trembled. At the same time, he looked at Han Bin as if he were looking at a monster. He was shocked and said, "you can know if you feel his cultivation..."

Zhu Rong believes that no matter how powerful Han Bin is, he can't improve his accomplishments in a thousand years, and he can reach the realm of superior God at most. However, when he sensed that Han Bin exuded the breath of the Lord of life, he set off a huge wave in his heart, stared and said, "the realm of the Lord of life? You broke through not long after Cheng Hui died. How did you do it?"

Han Bin didn't answer Zhu Rong's words. He said coldly, "you don't need to know. Just think about how to die."

If any God said this sentence, they would think they heard the funniest words in the world, but Han Bin said it, but they didn't think so. Han Bin's strength was clear to them. When there was only the realm of the lower gods, they could not kill. Now their accomplishments have been improved so much that they are not Han Bin's opponents at all.

They looked at each other and saw the color of fear from each other's eyes. LAN Ao took a deep breath and said, "Han Bin, can you let us live?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Han Bin sneered, quickly pinched the law, and came out of the cage of heaven and earth.

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