Zhu Wenyu and Zhu Hong's faces changed. The latter came to him with a vigorous step and said, "tell me, what's the matter with our ancestors?"

The Royal friar shivered and said, "ancestor, he, he, he has eclosion..."

In the monastic world, eclosion means death.

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a bolt from the blue. Uncle and nephew trembled and their mind was blank.

Zhu Wenyu grabbed the Royal Friar's hand and released it. The latter fell to the ground with a slap, but he didn't dare to stand up.

The Jin Luan hall is quiet and frightening. Dripping water can be heard.

After a long time, Zhu Wenyu calmed down and pointed to the Royal Friar and said, "how did his ancestors die?"

The Royal friar cried, "we sent people to search the whole empire and found no ancestors. Later, it was said that a month ago, the seven days mountains in the north of the Empire suddenly shook like an earthquake, and the whole earth shook. I took people to search, and finally found half of the ancestors' bodies in an open space..."

Zhu Wenyu's eyes glowed and angrily said, "do you know who did it?"

The Royal friar trembled and said, "when we were searching, we met the disciples of the national religion. After observing the scene of the battle, they thought it was..."

"Who!" Zhu Wenyu roared, emitting a huge murderous spirit.

As soon as the Royal friar was tight, he hurriedly said, "they are traitors to the national religion - Han Bin."

Zhu Wenyu thought of many people, but he didn't think of Han Bin, because he felt that a disciple on the fifth floor during the Qi practice period would never kill his ancestors. He angrily said, "it's impossible. He doesn't have this ability."

The Royal friar knew that if he said a wrong word, he would lose his head, so he had to harden his head and say, "my subordinates thought it impossible at first, but they provided very effective evidence that there were traces of psychic finger penetration in the body of my ancestors."

Hearing this, Zhu Wenyu also began to believe. He angrily grabbed the Dragon chair. The carved faucet on the handle grabbed him and pinched him into sawdust. Since then, the anger in my heart has been suppressed. I turned to Zhu Hong and said, "third uncle, can anyone find Han Bin in the scattered practice? I'll break him to pieces."

Zhu Hong waved his hand and motioned the Royal friar to go down. Then he came to Zhu Wenyu and said, "emperor, do you still remember Wu Tian?"

"What do you say about him?" Zhu Wenyu frowned.

Zhu Hong smiled and said, "since the arrest of Han Bin, he bought all the valuable things in the mansion and wanted to find sanxiu to help kill Han Bin. As a result, he really found a sanxiu."

Zhu Wenyu nodded and said, "he's very smart. If Han Bin doesn't die, he'll come and kill him sooner or later." he paused, suddenly thought of something and asked, "you mean..."

Zhu Hong said in detail: "yes, the sanxiu he was looking for is proficient in soul summoning. As long as he takes the soul of Han Bin's relatives as a guide, through the blood connection, he will be able to find Han Bin's whereabouts."

Zhu Wenyu frowned and said, "isn't this kind of magic a member of the evil way?"

Zhu Hong shook his head and said, "there is no distinction between good and evil in Taoism. The key depends on how to use it. The loose monk has never done anything harmful to nature or the national religion would have killed him." at this point, Zhu Wenyu gave him a look to continue talking, and then said: "If Han Bin didn't start with Lao Zu, I didn't want Wu Tian to find the casual repairman. Since Lao Zu died in his hands, we simply didn't do it all the time and took him..."

"Do you mean to kill his family?" Zhu Wenyu stood up and thought about the pros and cons. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "if I don't kill him, he will be strong in the future and will wash the imperial city with blood. When you inform the casual monk, remember to let the disciples of the national religion come. Now there are no ancestors in the Imperial City, I'm afraid he can't stop the lurks."

Zhu Hong said, "please don't worry, Emperor. Two elders of the Chinese sect came to sit down. Han Bin dare not kill here no matter how capable he is."

Three days later, two startling clouds flew over Qingshi village and landed on the open space in front of the village.

When the village name saw the immortal coming, they all fell to their knees and worshipped.

One of them is Zhu Hong, and the other is wearing black clothes and a black hat. He can't see the specific appearance.

The man's name is Heishi. When he was young, he got a cultivation secret by chance and practiced it alone. He has really found something famous for decades, and even practiced it to the level of ten in the Qi training period. His cultivation magic is different from the orthodox magic. He mainly kills and collects souls. No matter what soul comes into his hands, he can make it survive and die.

Blackstone looked at the villagers worshipping on the ground and said, "where is Han Bin's home?" his voice was cold and emotionless.

One of the villagers said, "immortal, are you looking for Han Bin immortal?"

People in the village know that Han Bin has become an immortal. Many people are proud to be a village with Han Bin.

Blackstone snorted coldly and said coldly, "he is also an immortal?"

Everyone's face sank. They didn't know what the immortal meant. But when they thought it was a matter between the immortals, they couldn't join in, so someone stood up and took them to Han Bin's house. After a moment, they came to the door, kicked open the door in black and said to a woman inside the door, "are you Han Bin's daughter-in-law?"

The woman drying clothes in the yard is Liu Xihan. When she saw their costumes, she saw that they are immortals like Han Bin. Liu Xihan was slightly stunned, then slowed down, saluted and asked respectfully, "two immortals, what are you looking for Han Bin?"

As soon as Heishi stretched out his right hand, a black smoke lingered between his fingers and grabbed Liu Xihan's direction. The black fog condensed in a big hand and flew away quickly. In an instant, he grabbed Liu Xihan and brought him to his body. Black clothes gave Liu Xihan a cold look and said, "don't talk so much nonsense. Just answer me, isn't it?"

When Liu Xihan was caught by the other party, she was a little confused at that time. She saw that the two people were not good. She gritted her teeth and said, "yes, I'm her woman."

The black fog lingering on Heishi's wrist separated a thin line and entered Liu Xihan's body. The latter convulsed and turned pale. Black stone's eyes were cold. He suddenly raised his right hand and threw the woman out. Then he said coldly, "I don't understand any spiritual power in my body. I also said it was his woman. I hate people lying to me."

Liu Xihan fell to the ground, filled with a strong black fog, and the fog became more and more. Her body shrank at an unimaginable speed, as if she had been sucked dry by life. Liu Xihan has sensed that her body is different. She knows that her life is coming to an end, and her eyes twinkle with a complex look. She tried to lift her shriveled hand and trembled to her arms. A wooden jewelry was tightly held by her

At the moment of holding the wooden pendant, Liu Xihan raised his head to look at the sky and the distant direction. His eyes were full of relief.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xihan's body turned into a pile of dead bones, and bursts of black fog came out of the bones, which was chilling and creepy.

Zhu Hong couldn't see it anymore and turned around.

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