Where Han Bin disappeared, Chu Fei's figure flashed and suspended there. There was no flying sword at his feet. There was a huge energy around his body, holding his body. When the cultivation reaches the golden elixir period, there is no need for magic tools to maintain flying, because the friars in the golden elixir period can learn evasion, which is a kind of Flying Magic. Different types of cultivation have different speeds.

In general, the cultivation of wind evasion is because wind evasion flies the fastest and can be accelerated by the wind.

Chu Fei looked around and snorted coldly. His arm suddenly raised and grabbed at the nearby void.

The captured space became distorted, and then Han Bin's figure appeared.

Han Bin's throat was sweet and a mouthful of blood vomited out. His face became as pale as paper. He looked at Chu Fei vigilantly.

Chu Fei was slightly surprised and said, "yes, your invisible talisman is very interesting. I was caught by you at once." after that, he glanced at Zhu Wenyu held by Han Bin and said faintly: "let him go and take out your baby. I can let you live. How about it?"

"What baby?" Han Bin secretly raised his spiritual power and said in a cold voice.

Chu Fei didn't care about Han Bin's action. He reminded him, "don't be lucky. If you can't run in front of me, don't play tricks for me." at this point, he paused and said, "I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. If you don't take out the baby, don't blame me for killing you."

Han Bin looked tight and stared at Chu Fei in silence.

Chu Fei looked disdainful and snorted coldly. After ten breath, he asked in a deep voice, "are you really not taking it out?"

Han Bin is not a fool. Even if he takes it out, the other party will not let him go. He suddenly raised Zhu Wenyu in his hand and said, "I don't have any treasure. If you want to save him, come with me." then he flashed and went straight to Qitian mountain.

Chu Fei's face changed. After he reached the golden elixir period, he said in a cold voice, "boy, you want to die." he didn't chase him. He quickly pinched the law in his hand, and a huge spiritual power was released. Then he whispered, "wind." after his voice said, he didn't see a whirlwind, but a clear wind. The breeze quickly chased Han Bin, chasing faster and faster, and the wind became louder and louder.

In the blink of an eye, the strong wind blew in front of Han Bin, and a huge ability fell on him. His body was uncontrollable in the wind and was chased three miles away. When the wind stopped, Han Bin's body suspended in the air, his face became more pale, and a mouthful of blood vomited out again. At the same time, the white light flashed in front of him, and Chu Fei appeared ten feet away.

Chu Fei smiled with disdain and said, "you can stop my strong wind. Your cultivation is not bad." he raised his right hand again, smiled and said, "since you want to die, I'll give you a ride." then he pinched the Dharma decision again and whispered, "ground fire." the ground under Han Bin's feet suddenly vibrated and yellow fireballs flew off the ground, Go straight to Han Bin.

Those fireballs, each containing powerful energy, thousands of fireballs quickly flew to Han Bin.

Han Bin knew that although the fireball was not big, it contained amazing energy. As long as one fell on him, he would die. He flashed and wanted to fly out of the area of the fireball, but under the control of Chu Fei, those fireballs chased past at an unimaginable speed and came to Han Bin.

In the face of so many fireballs, Han Bin blinked, gritted his teeth, gave up flying, took out a black iron shield from the storage bag and blocked him. The fireball fell on the black iron shield, afraid of making a loud noise, and then burst. Every time a fireball burst, Han Bin's body trembled. More than ten times later, Han Bin's spiritual power was consumed.

Han Bin had to take out the heavenly seal and hold it in his hand. After his spiritual power recovered, he resisted the fireball again.

There are too many fireballs. The energy contained in them is too strong. The black iron shield is burning red, and a hot breath is blowing in the face. Han Bin kept releasing his spiritual power. It seemed that he didn't want money. Because he was around his body, he reluctantly blocked it. When the last fireball landed on the black iron shield, the whole shield collapsed, broke into more than ten pieces and fell to the ground.

Chu Fei didn't continue to do it. When Han Bin blocked all the fireballs, he snorted coldly and said, "the treasure of ancestor Ling Tian was ruined by you, and you didn't use the magic weapon like that." at this point, he turned his words and continued: "can you block the first two spells, or the third?" his eyes fell into Han Bin's hands, and a trace of greed flashed, Although he couldn't see what Han Bin was holding in his hand, he felt that it must be a baby who can instantly restore his spiritual power.

"I see." Chu Fei's eyes flashed a killing idea and whispered, "lightning and thunder." with the pinch of FA Jue, there were many black clouds in front of him. The clouds flashed and flew quickly to Han Bin's head.

Seeing the dark clouds coming, Han Bin ran in the direction of Qitian mountain without thinking.

At this time, Zhu Wenyu in Han Bin's hand also woke up. When he saw the scene in front of him, he almost fainted. The wind roared around him. Zhu Wenyu tried to look behind him. When he saw Chu Fei, he looked ecstatic and shouted, "immortal, help me quickly. I'm the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

Chu Fei ignored his words and chased Han Bin while controlling the dark cloud. His face was full of banter, like a cat chasing a mouse.

Seeing the dark clouds getting closer and closer, Han Bin clenched his teeth, suddenly raised his right hand and threw Zhu Wenyu out. At the moment of throwing, a spiritual force was input into his body and broke his seven meridians and eight veins. Even if he was saved, he was disabled. After throwing Zhu Wenyu, Han Bin has been watching Chu Fei's actions. If he goes to save the Ming emperor, he may have a chance to escape.

However, Han Bin was disappointed. Zhu Wenyu quickly fell to the ground, but Chu Fei didn't mean to save him.

Zhu Wenyu looked pale, waved his arms and shouted, "immortal, just me..."

Chu Fei glanced faintly at Zhu Wenyu, who was falling, and disdained to say, "it's just an emperor among people. If one is dead, you can choose one. Do you think I'll give up chasing you for him?" he not only didn't save him, but also raised his right hand and threw a fireball at Zhu Wenyu. The fireball made a track in the air and landed on him. He screamed and his body was burned to powder and dispersed in the wind.

At the same time, the dark cloud also came to Han Bin's head. With a roar, a white lightning fell straight down and fell to Han Bin's head at an unimaginable speed. Before lightning came, Han Bin felt the amazing pressure contained in it. At the moment, he had no magic tools to use and could only sacrifice the aura shield.

The magic decision in his hand was pinched in an instant, and the spirit shield appeared in front of him, one after another.

Chu Fei sneered and said with the same disdain: "the aura shield is only a low-level spell. Even if the spirit power in your body is pure, it can't resist the attack of lightning. Before you die, I remind you that the gap between accomplishments can never be made up." he decided to pinch it again, and the falling lightning suddenly accelerated and fell down.

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