"Disciple doesn't mean that." Hongyun's forehead is full of cold sweat for fear that Chu Fei will blame him.

Chu Fei snorted coldly, with an ordered voice: "tell me about Han Bin's situation in zongnei."

Immortal Hongyun said truthfully: "Han Bin came to the sect three years ago. At first, he was just a peripheral disciple..." he believed in Han Bin's situation. He also admired Han Bin's ability to practice in isolation for three years without leaving the cave. Over the years, many disciples have worked hard to cultivate, but people like Han Bin are rare.

After hearing this, Chu Fei thought for a moment and said, "Han Bin is not a simple man. He only practices Qi for a period of cultivation, but he can escape in my hand. I observed his face. He is by no means a short-lived man. Based on his performance in the sect in recent years, he should be a person who doesn't love performance and won't provoke others easily. If anyone offends him, he will retaliate." Speaking of this, Chu Fei turned his words and said in an irrefutable way: "abolish the order to arrest Han Bin. Who killed him, Han Bin will find him in the future and bear it." with that, he waved his sleeve and went straight to tianmingzong.

Chu Fei was helpless to do so. He understood that if he continued to arrest Han Bin, he would not only fail to catch him, but also implicate zongmen.

Immortal Hongyun stood stunned. His face was very complex. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Time passed quickly, and more than half a month passed in the twinkling of an eye. In the past half a month, Han Bin has been practicing day and night, taking a lot of pills and pregnant with spiritual power, and most of his injuries have recovered. He woke up so soon, but he had to. After a month, the soul of his parents will dissipate. He must find a way to conceive and raise his soul within a month.

Han Bin stared at the direction of Qitian mountain, sighed and said to the nine clawed dragon cat around him, "are you going with me?"

The nine clawed chinchilla frowned, thought for a moment, then shook his head, raised his furry claws and pointed to the mountain forest.

Han Bin looked at it for a long time and finally understood what this guy meant. He smiled and said, "you want to practice here, don't you?"

Nine clawed chinchilla saw that Han Bin understood and shouted excitedly. Her eyes were full of reluctant look.

With such a lovely expression, Han Bin couldn't help laughing and said, "goodbye, I'll come back to see you later." with that, his figure flashed and moved to the Qitian mountain.

The nine clawed chinchilla squatted on the ground and waved its furry claws as a farewell.

Han Bin's figure flashed rapidly in the Qitian mountain range. According to the route provided by the nine clawed chinchilla, although he heard the roar of many monsters, none of them came forward to attack. Since then, Han Bin has moved a lot faster. It took only three days to cross the whole mountain range.

Three days later, Han Bin came to the other end of the mountain, stood on a mountain peak, looked down at the endless plain, and sighed in his heart. He never thought that one day he would become an immortal, nor did he think that his parents would be implicated, let alone leave his hometown one day.

Han Bin turned around, looked over the Qitian mountains, looked at the distant east, and said, "Daming Empire, I will come back." as he said, his body suddenly jumped into a parabola and flew down from the top of the mountain. In mid air, he patted the storage bag around his waist, the light flashed, and the flying sword was suspended at his feet. He stepped on the flying sword and quickly went in the direction of the state of Zhao.

A moment later, he came to Tianlang City, the military city of the state of Zhao.

The wall of Tianlang city is about ten feet high. Countless soldiers stand on the gate, holding weapons and staring at the front. They looked solemn and could not see any expression, just like a statue. Han Bin changed into ordinary clothes, paid a copper coin and entered the city smoothly. When he came to the city, Han bingang wanted to find a place to practice. A shop appeared in his sight and a color of difference flashed in his eyes.

On the plaque of the shop, four gold characters - Jubao pavilion are clearly written.

Although the name of the shop is strange, it won't make Han Bin look like that. He felt surprised that entering the shop is not a mortal, but a monk. Han Bin looked at it for a while. Many friars came in and out. In the twinkling of an eye, he understood that this is a Friar's shop. Han Bin's eyes flashed a look of doubt. The Ming Empire did not allow private sales of monks' things. Why did Zhao allow it?

Thinking of this, Han Bin quickly walked to the door. As soon as he got to the door, the waiter in the store welcomed him and said politely, "Taoist friends, please come inside." the waiter only had one level of cultivation during the Qi training period. He didn't look surprised when he saw Han bin, as if he saw an ordinary mortal. Maybe there are too many monks coming to the shop, and they see more of all kinds.

Han Bin nodded and walked inside. The man was always with him.

The shop is very big. It is much larger than the Tianming hall. More than a dozen monks are standing by the counter looking at something. Next to each monk is a waiter. If the monks don't understand anything, they will explain it. At this time, the man around Han Bin spoke and said, "Daoyou, come to Zhao for the first time!" he was very smart. When he saw Han Bin's dress, he knew he was not a local.

Han Bin did not answer and nodded noncommittally.

The guy didn't get angry because of Han Bin's attitude and continued: "Daoyou, there are all magic tools and pills in the shop. Do you need anything?"

There are countless small wooden cabinets around the shop. In each cabinet, there is a thing with a label on it, which introduces the things in the cabinet in detail and indicates the price. Han Bin took a casual look. The things here are very complete. The friars need everything during the Qi training period. There are many kinds of magic weapons. You can buy them from the best magic weapons to the ordinary magic weapons.

In addition, the pills here are also complete, such as julingdan, Bigu Dan, Peiyuan Dan

However, the price of the pill is not low. A bottle of Bigu pill needs a spirit stone. Han Bin doesn't even have a spirit stone and can't afford a Bigu pill. Thinking that there were not many Pigu pills in the storage bag, Han Bin asked casually, "you only sell things here, don't you accept things?"

Hearing this, the man was slightly stunned and immediately said, "Taoist friend, do you want to be something or sell something?"

Han Bin had nothing to be, so he said, "what if it's for sale?"

The man replied, "if you want to sell something, you must identify it first. Only after identification can you give the price."

Han Bin nodded and said, "do you want everything?"

The man was a little unclear and said, "what do you want to sell?"

"Spell." Han Bin said.

The man is stunned again. There are many friars selling things here. They usually sell materials. Like spirit grass, yellow paper and the fur of monsters, it's the first time to see things to sell finished products. Originally, he didn't take Han Bin seriously. In his opinion, Han Bin, a disciple on the fifth floor of the Qi training period, can come up with anything good. At the moment, after hearing Han Bin's words, the man's attitude was more respectful than before and said, "Taoist friends, is that the finished charm?"

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