Seeing the shield split, Sun Yu's face was bloodless. The shield was his greatest reliance. It was so broken. Seeing that Han Bin raised his right hand again, Sun Yu had no idea of fighting. He hurriedly said, "Taoist friend, wait a minute, please listen to me." he suddenly felt that it was the biggest mistake to come to kill each other.

Han Bin ignored each other's words. His practice was dangerous. No one could believe it, especially those who wanted to kill him. As soon as his eyes were frozen, the Lingli finger was released again, half as fast as lightning, and came to Sun Yu. Sun Yu knew that he couldn't stop the attack. His face suddenly became ferocious. He took out a silver spell from the storage bag and threw it at Han Bin. He said ferociously, "since you want to kill me, die together!"

The next moment, the white light passed through Sun Yu's body. His body trembled and fell to the ground without breath.

The spell came to Han Bin's body in the twinkling of an eye and turned into a fist sized thunder ball. The thunder light flashed and crackled.

Han Bin's figure flashed and appeared ten feet away. Raising his hand to the thunder ball is a fireball technique. The Yellow fireball collided with the thunder ball. With a bang, the fireball dissipated. The thunder and lightning on the thunder ball only weakened slightly and attacked Han Bin again. Han Bin's eyebrows tightened and then showed a sudden color, "this is not a spell, but a Fubao, otherwise it is impossible to continue to attack after the master's death."

Fubao is a spell made by the friars of the golden elixir period. Generally, it has 30% of the attack power of the friars of the golden elixir period. Although this attack is nothing, it is as easy to kill a friar in the Qi training period as to crush an ant. Even if the friar in the foundation building period encounters it, he will be seriously injured. In addition, there is a weak consciousness in the spell. Even if the monk who controls it dies, he can attack. As long as the spiritual power inside is not consumed, he will not stop attacking.

Han Bin waved a fireball to slow down the thunder ball. At the same time, he released huge spiritual power, formed a huge palm in front of him and grabbed the thunder ball. The thunder ball was caught in his hand, and the force of thunder and lightning was transmitted to Han Bin's body through spiritual power. His body seemed to be hit by lightning, which was unusually crisp and numb. Not only that, the big hand formed by spiritual power is getting smaller at an amazing speed and will dissipate soon. Han Bin's face sank and hurried to sacrifice the heavenly seal from the storage bag. The spiritual power consumed in his body recovered quickly and was input into the hands of spiritual power again. The two energies were equal at one time, and no one could destroy anyone.

Han Bin will never do this if he only consumes. He just needs to keep casting spells. Han Bin wrapped the thunder ball with Lingli's big hand. He just wanted this Rune treasure to be used by himself. Fubao is a good thing. When encountering a strong enemy, it can be sacrificed, consume the opponent's combat effectiveness, and even kill the opponent. Han Bin gave a low cry, and all the spiritual power in his body was released. The big hand of spiritual power condensed in an instant and suddenly exerted its power. The thunder ball could not move, and the lightning on it was also dim. For a moment, the thunder ball darkened and turned into a white talisman.

Han Bin's divine sense moved. The Fubao was pulled in front of him by the big hand of Lingli, and the big hand disappeared. There was a silver Fubao in his hand. The Fubao looked similar to the spell, but the color was slightly different, and the patterns on it were also different. It was not a complex pattern, but a small thunder ball. The thunder ball emits lightning, which is very realistic.

Put away Fubao. Han Bin looked at the direction and quickly pinched the method. The flying sword came to him again. He stepped on the flying sword and broke the air. After flying for three days and nights, I finally came to a small town. According to the description on the map, as long as I pass through the small town, I can go to Nalan's house.

Nalan family is the same as Zhang Jia in the Ming Dynasty. They are all monastic families. There is also business in the world. Zhang Jia sells pen, ink, paper and inkstone, while Nalan family mainly focuses on wood.

Han Bin put away his magic weapons and walked quickly to the town. There is an open-air teahouse in front of the town, where many people sit and drink tea. Han Bin didn't care about this teahouse. He just wanted to move on. A man and a woman came side by side. They both look eighteen or nine. The man was dressed in a long white shirt, with a handsome face, sword eyebrows and stars, and a white face like a woman. Look at the woman, wearing a long pink dress and a melon seed face. Especially her skin can be broken by blowing. As long as the man looks at it, he can't help being attracted by her stunning beauty.

Han Bin's eyes swept over the two people, and then frowned. Both of them are monks, and their accomplishments are building up their early appearance. From the direction they came, it can be seen that even if they are not from Nalan's family, they must have a relationship. When they walked into the teahouse, Han Bin hesitated and walked over.

Han Bin knew in his heart that with his current cultivation, it was almost impossible to enter Nalan's family, and even he would be driven out. Nalan's family was different from other monastic families. There were so many experts in their family, and even Jindan's ancestors were in charge. Even if ordinary practitioners sneak into the state of Zhao, they dare not offend them. As for those casual practitioners, Nalan family doesn't pay attention to them at all.

That's right. Han Bin doesn't intend to go rashly. If he can know the Nalan family, it's best to take him into the family. If he can't meet him, he can only break through. Han Bin can't watch his parents' souls dissipate. Even if the probability of getting a soul tree is infinitely close to zero, he will try. Of course, he won't take this step unless he has to.

After the man and woman sat down, the woman said, "cousin, what are you doing with me this time?"

This woman may not be known to outsiders. Everyone in the Nalan family knows that she is the most gifted among the younger generation of the Nalan family. Her name is Nalan Jingyi. It is said that she has ten star spiritual roots. The speed of cultivation is amazing. When she was young, she cultivated to the state of foundation period. Her future is unlimited. Everyone in the family regarded her as the apple of their eye.

The man sitting opposite Nalan Jingyi is named Nalan Feiyang. His spirit root is equally scary, only one star less than Nalan Jingyi. They are not only cousins, but also grew up together and have a very good relationship. This time he came out, it was Nalan Feiyang's attention. He wanted to go out to participate in the fair. He was afraid of being known by the family elders alone and severely punished him, so he called Nalan Jingyi, because he knew that as long as Nalan Jingyi was around, even if the family knew they were going out to play, he would not be punished at most with a few warnings.

Nalan Feiyang glanced around, smiled and said, "what else can you do? Of course, go to the fair."

Hearing this, Nalan Jingyi frowned and muttered, "what fun is there in the fair? It's better to practice at home!"

Seeing his cousin's expression of unwillingness to go, Nalan Feiyang hurriedly said, "little sister, you don't know. There are a lot of people at the fair and a lot of things to sell. It is said that the fair is jointly organized by the scattered repair of ten empires. It can be said that it is unprecedented, and some good things will appear at the fair." speaking of this, he paused and continued: "Haven't you always wanted a magic weapon made of pearls? Maybe we can buy Pearls with big fists this time."

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