Han Bin walked up to them and waved. Two storage bags fell behind him, and then he was about to turn and leave. At this time, Nalan Jingyi suddenly grabbed her feet and listened to her excited cry: "cousin, don't go, cousin wants to..." she moved and Nalan, who was originally lying on her, rolled to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Han Bin's face sank, his wrist moved, and a Dharma decision fell on Nalan Jingyi.

A white light flashed on Nalan Jingyi, and the disordered spiritual power gradually recovered. In a moment, the toxicity in the body disappeared and the consciousness gradually became sober. Nalan Jingyi opened her eyes and saw her naked Luo body. With a cry of surprise, she subconsciously grabbed the torn clothes from one side. Before she could stop her profanity, she saw a bloody head, another exclamation, and almost fainted. She tried to keep calm. She recalled everything that had happened before she was unconscious. Seeing that her body had not been ruined by Nalan flying, she was relieved. At the same time, she hated and said, "cousin, you deserve to die."

As soon as she finished speaking, Nalan Jingyi was confused again. She wondered, "my cousin is a friar in the foundation period. How could he die? The wound is so neat that it should be cut off by magic tools. Did a friar pass by when he despised me." the more she thought about it, the more she felt it possible. She muttered in her heart: "it must be a female friar, otherwise..." She has absolute confidence in her appearance and figure, otherwise a normal man can't have evil thoughts on her.

Nalan Jingyi just thought of this. There was a flash of white light in front of the cave, and Han Bin suddenly appeared.

Sensing that there was a spiritual wave behind him, Nalan Jingyi tightened her body and subconsciously turned away. Four eyes were opposite. Nalan Jingyi's eyes suddenly flashed a look of surprise. Then she realized something, screamed and quickly blocked her clothes in front of her chest. After blocking, I found that my lower body was not blocked, and quickly put it in front of me.

Since then, the upper body could not be covered. Nalan Jingyi was ashamed and angry. Finally, she simply threw away the clothes in her hand, tooted her mouth and said angrily, "look! Look! You've finished reading it anyway."

Han Bin didn't look. He turned his eyes to one side and said, "how do you open your storage bag?" after he left, he wanted to erase the divine knowledge mark on the storage bag, but found that the spiritual power on the storage bag was very strong and could not be erased anyway. Han Bin goes back and forth. He just wants Nalan Jingyi to untie the storage bag. If she doesn't untie it, he doesn't mind killing.

Nalan Jingyi didn't answer Han Bin's words, but asked, "you saved me just now."

Han Bin nodded noncommittally and waited for her answer.

Nalan Jingyi took a deep breath. Just when she wanted to talk, she remembered that she was not dressed and said, "you can't let me talk to you naked!"

Han Bin took out a piece of his own clothes from the storage bag, threw it to the other party and said, "now you can say it."

Nalan Jingyi's body rotated in the air, quickly put on her clothes, then stared at Han Bin for a while and said, "why did you save me?" after that, she remembered what Han Bin had just asked and suddenly realized, "you follow us?" at the same time, she also understood that the other party must be for something in her storage bag.

Han Bin didn't have much time. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the little girl and said, "I'll ask you for the last time, whether to say it or not."

Hearing the threatening words, Nalan Jingyi not only didn't get angry, but showed a master's posture and said to Han Bin, "you are a friar on the fifth floor of the Qi training period. Do you still want to kill me? For the sake of saving me just now, give me the storage bag. We don't owe each other, but you just looked at my body and keep those eyes!"

Han Bin frowned and flashed a killing idea in his eyes, "looking for death."

Nalan Jingyi was stunned, then smiled and said, "your cultivation is not high, your tone is not small, you don't seem to know the current situation!" after that, she took a deep breath, looked at Han Bin for a while, and said, "I doubt if you are a man. In that case, you are not interested in me. It's rare."

Han Bin's face sank. He raised his right hand and pointed to Nalan Jingyi.

Nalan Jingyi didn't know why Han Bin raised her hand, but she didn't worry. The other side had a friar on the fifth floor of the Qi training period, which didn't put it in her heart at all. Nalan Jingyi tidied up her clothes and said, "I said, are you a pig? If I don't kill you, you not only don't appreciate me, but also want to do something to me."

Han Bin's wrist moved, and a white light flew out of his fingers and went straight to Nalan Jingyi.

Sensing the amazing power contained in the white light, Nalan Jingyi's face became solemn. The jade hand stretched forward and grabbed the white light. The white light fell into her hand, and the huge energy flew along the palm of her hand. In the blink of an eye, it entered her body and swallowed up her spiritual power. As soon as her face changed, she quickly controlled the spiritual power to stop it. When the spiritual power was almost exhausted, she narrowly and narrowly offset the white light.

On Nalan Jingyi's face, the disapproval disappeared and became dignified. He only listened to his voice: "who are you?"

Han Bin's eyes flashed a look of surprise. The other party was only a friar in the early stage of foundation construction. She was not injured under the finger of spiritual power. It seemed that the spiritual power in her body was also pure. Hearing Nalan Jingyi's question, Han Bin said, "tell me how to open the storage bag, otherwise I don't mind giving you a ride." his body exudes a huge murderous spirit. Obviously, this is not a joke.

When Nalan Jingyi saw such a scene, she was at a loss and said awkwardly, "Taoist friends, if you have something to say, we don't have to meet each other like this!" Han Bin sent out a murderous moment. She had no doubt that if she really started, she would die under each other's hands. At the same time, she also wondered what spell the other party practiced could exert such a powerful power.

Han Bin's face was gloomy and silent.

Nalan Jingyi stuck out her tongue, looked naive and said, "the divine knowledge mark on the storage bag is not my method, and I don't know how to remove it."

Han Bin snorted coldly. He didn't believe each other's words at all. He said, "you don't know it's not important. Take out the soul tree." he took the storage bag and walked to Nalan Jingyi step by step.

Nalan Jingyi just wanted to pick up the storage bag, but Han Bin raised his hand, pointed to her brain and said, "if you dare to cheat, your life will stay!" he didn't want to kill Nalan Jingyi. He can his character and doesn't want to kill easily. Han Bin is not a good man, but he is definitely not a bad man.

Seeing that Han Bin saw through her intention, Nalan Jingyi smiled and said, "Taoist friend, do you think I'm such a person?" after that, she muttered, "it's not fun at all, cold, like a wood." she had a divine sense and a black wood the size of a palm in her storage bag. The wood is ordinary. If it didn't emit powerful spiritual power fluctuations, no one would think that this is the soul raising wood among the seven sacred trees.

Han Bin grabbed the soul raising wood, and his divine consciousness was distributed. He immediately felt comfortable and said in a condensed voice, "I'll let the storage bag ten miles away. You can get it at that time."

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