Halfway up the steps, a huge stone tablet appeared in front of me. On the stone tablet, there were three big characters with dragons flying and Phoenix dancing - Tang Xuanmen.

Those three words contain supreme morality. Even if you look at them, your divine consciousness will be affected.

Han Bin quickly looked away and continued to walk forward. When he finished walking the steps, a white jade gate appeared in his sight. On both sides of the gate stood a disciple of the Tang Xuanmen. They were wearing uniform red robes with a Tang character embroidered on their chest. They looked solemn and stared into the distance as if they were thinking.

After they saw Han Bin, the divine knowledge swept over Han Bin and said, "Taoist friends, what's the matter here?"

Han Bin walked up to them and said, "two Taoist friends, don't you know martial uncle Dong Juan is in zongnei?" after he came to the Tang Xuanmen, he opened the letter and suddenly looked silly. Nalanhai's old friend was actually a woman.

One of them said, "are you looking for martial uncle Dong Juan?"

Han Bin nodded and said, "yes, please give me a notice." then he handed over the letter.

The friar took the letter of recommendation, glanced quickly, saw that it was indeed the handwriting of martial uncle Dong Juan, and said, "wait for me here, I'll inform you." then he went straight to the mountain.

Half an hour later, the disciple came back and said to Han Bin, "go in! Martial uncle wants to see you."

Han Bin was stunned, looked at them and said, "I'll go alone?"

The disciple obviously didn't intend to lead Han Bin. He said faintly, "go straight ahead, go a hundred feet, and turn a corner."

Han Bin didn't know whether he wanted to turn left or right. Seeing the other party's impatient face, he gritted his teeth and walked straight up the mountain. After a hundred feet, there were indeed turns, but there were two. One is a secluded path. The roadside is covered with green bamboos. A breeze blows and rustles. The other is full of flowers. From time to time, you can see butterflies dancing.

Han Bin frowned. Now he has a multiple-choice question. Which one is better! Looking around, there was no one around. Seeing that the sun was going down, Han Bin clenched his teeth and walked to the secluded path. In his opinion, practitioners like quiet places and will never plant any flowers.

The path is deep and winding. I don't know where it leads. After walking for a long time, there is still no sign of reaching the end.

Han Bin wrinkled his head even more. Isn't he wrong? At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of running water coming from the front. Han Bin accelerated and walked quickly. Through the bamboo forest, what appeared in front of him was an open space like a garden, but what was planted on the ground was not flowers, but spirit grass and medicine. Around the garden, there are all towering peaks. The sound of running water flows up and down the rocks in front, converges into a stream, passes through the spirit grass and medicine, and then flows to the bamboo forest next to the path.

Seeing this scene, Han Bin couldn't help sighing, "what a treasure place for immortal families." compared with tianmingzong's cave, it's just a heaven and an earth. Tianmingzong's cave is extremely monotonous. There is nothing in front of the cave. Here, there are not only bamboo, running water, but also spiritual grass and medicine.

Han Bin sucked, a strong spiritual power sucked into his body, incomparably comfortable, and muttered, "what a strong aura."

At this time, a burst of bird songs sounded, and Han Bin started his purpose of this trip. He quickly arched his hands and said, "I'm Han Bin, please see martial uncle Dong Juan." the voice echoed in the valley, and no one appeared.

A moment later, Han Bin couldn't help sending out divine consciousness and looked around, but he didn't find anything. Just as he was about to recover his divine consciousness, a wave of spiritual power flashed on the mountain wall in front of him, and then recovered. Han Bin frowned and stared at the mountain wall carefully. He was shocked and said, "what a clever array, I can't see through."

Suddenly, another wave of spiritual power flashed on the mountain wall, and the white light on the mountain wall flashed and disappeared again.

Han Bin frowned tighter, looked straight at the mountain wall and said, "what does martial uncle Dong Juan mean, do you want to test me?" he thought for a moment, quickly walked to the front of the array, kept pinching the decision in his hand, and hit the spirit balls one by one. Every time you play, the whole array vibrates. As more and more psychic balls are played, the lines on the array become clear and there are faint signs of collapse.

Han Bin doesn't know the array arranged here, but he knows that even the most clever array will collapse as long as it continues to attack. Han Bin thought like this. The speed in his hand was fast again. The spirit ball turned into a straight line and fell on the array. After several breaths, the array collapsed with a bang.

In front of us is a huge cave about three feet high. On the stone wall next to the cave, there are four big characters - Qingyou cave.

Seeing these four words, Han Bin clicked in his heart and said secretly, "did you go to the wrong place? The owner here is called Qingyou?" Han Bin raised his head, looked at the inside of the cave, hesitated, and went in. Now that we are here, whether right or wrong, go in and have a look! Even if you go to the wrong place, it's a big deal to go back.

The stone walls around the cave are inlaid with countless spirit stones. The spirit stones emit white light and illuminate the whole cave like day. Han Bin took about a look. There were so many Lingshi on the mountain wall that thousands of Lingshi were behind a distance of one foot. I don't know if the owner of the cave is too ostentatious, or there are too many spiritual stones to use up. Unexpectedly, so many spiritual stones are wasted in the cave.

Han Bin thought like this. Suddenly, there was a sharp turn in front of him, and the inner hole appeared in his sight.

The cave is divided into an inner cave and an outer cave. The outer cave is generally a passage or a small cave, and the inner cave is a place for monks to practice. Like a human family, there are guest rooms and bedrooms. The outer hole is like a guest room, a place for chatting with guests, while the inner hole is a bedroom and a place for the master to rest.

The layout of the inner hole is also monotonous, a futon, a stone bed, and nothing else.

Han Bin's eyes fell on the futon, his eyebrows tightened, and his eyes were full of doubts.

On the futon lay a woman in white. Her face was pale and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. It seemed that she was seriously injured and was in a coma.

Han Bin took a vigorous step, came to each other's body, took her hand and sensed it with divine consciousness. Suddenly, she found the abnormal confusion of spiritual power in her body. Several spiritual powers collided with each other and went straight to Dantian. Han Bin was just about to feel the situation in her Dantian. A huge ability quickly impacted his divine consciousness. His body trembled and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"What a powerful psychic power." Han Bin looked at the woman in front of him with flashing eyes. He can be sure that this person's cultivation is amazing, and the subconscious comfort after coma can hurt himself. If she wasn't unconscious, I'm afraid she could strangle herself with a finger. For a time, Han Bin hesitated, save or not?

At this time, the woman's body trembled violently, and the spiritual power in her body became more chaotic.

Han Bin clenched his teeth, grabbed the woman's wrist and input his spiritual power into it. I have seen a similar situation from the book on cultivating common sense. If a monk fails to hit the bottleneck, he will be seriously injured or die on the spot. Of course, this is not all the bottlenecks, but from the golden elixir period, it is extremely difficult to break through every realm.

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