"Isn't there any treasure on him?" Xie Qichao's eyes flashed and became a little interested in Han Bin.

The three went to the middle of the hall and said, "disciple Han Bin (Sun Yu, Xia houming) has seen the real leader."

Immortal Tang Gu nodded his head, looked at Han Bin and said, "you are Han Bin who worshipped in the entrance ten years ago?"

Han Bin's cold look converged and said in a flat voice, "I'm the disciple."

Immortal Tang Gu didn't speak. He exuded a huge momentum, which turned into invisible pressure and shrouded the whole hall.

Han Bin's heart tightened and looked at immortal Tang Gu with the meaning of inquiry in his eyes.

Immortal Tang Gu didn't seem to see Han Bin's eyes. His momentum slowly improved and observed Han Bin's situation at the same time.

As soon as Han Bin's eyebrows tightened, the spiritual power in his body quickly turned to resist the pressure from the air, and he was on a par for a time.

Seeing that the released pressure didn't work, immortal Tang Gu nodded with satisfaction. Instead of putting away his momentum, he continued to improve. The momentum he released just now is difficult for the disciples on the eighth floor during Qi practice. Han Bin can resist it, which shows that his cultivation on the eighth floor during Qi practice is very stable and his spiritual power is also very pure.

After immortal Tang Gu raised his momentum, he saw that Han Bin could not only resist, but also looked relaxed, and a look of surprise flashed in his heart.

The disciples in the hall, except Xia houming and Sun Yu, looked at Han Bin differently. When Han Bin appeared, the seven Qi training disciples didn't pay attention to Han Bin at all. In their opinion, with Han Bin's cultivation of the eighth floor during Qi training, they didn't deserve to participate in the competition with them. Then, when the seven people saw the real man of Tang Gu exerting pressure and temptation, many people took a joke mentality to see how long Han Bin could last.

After Han Bin resisted the momentum that the ninth floor could only barely adhere to during the Qi training period, immortal Tang Gu pinched the law in his hand, and the authority in the hall suddenly increased, nearly doubling. Han Bin only felt that it was difficult to breathe. As soon as he clenched his teeth, his spiritual power doubled, offsetting the discomfort around him.

Looking at the rest of the hall, except that Xie Qichao could resist easily, the other nine people did not resist easily, frowning one by one.

Han Bin also saw the intention of the real leader. While resisting the pressure in the air, he hugged his fist and said, "real leader, can the test be over?" although Han Bin's cultivation is not as good as others, his spiritual power is very pure. Especially after the scattered work, the original pure spiritual power became more pure.

If Han Bin could cast three fireball spells with his spiritual power, he could cast six now. This is not a quantitative change, but a qualitative change. The spiritual power in the body is pure and unimaginable. Although such pure spiritual power is not as good as the friars in the foundation period, the gap between them is not much.

Immortal Tang Gu smiled and couldn't see what he was thinking. Suddenly, the decision in his hand moved again, and his authority suddenly increased to an unimaginable level. Looking at the face of immortal Tang Gu, he was a little pale. He almost raised such great prestige and consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Han Bin's body trembled, subconsciously retreated three steps, released more spiritual power at the same time, resisted the pressure around him, and blocked it hard.

Han Bin could barely block it, and the others were not so lucky. Except Xie Qi's teeth, the other disciples fell to their knees with convulsions on their faces. After they fell to the ground, they saw Han Bin still standing. Except Xia houming and Sun Yu, the others looked at Han Bin as if they saw a monster.

"How could this be possible!" an idea came into the minds of the seven monks at the same time.

In a moment, immortal Tang Gu put away his pressure, looked at Han Bin with satisfaction, and said slowly, "the spiritual power in your body is stronger than I thought. You'll be the captain this time!"

Han Bin breathed a sigh of relief. If Immortal Tang Gu didn't put away his coercion, he couldn't resist it.

Hearing the other party's words, Han Bin took a deep breath and hugged his fist: "headmaster, let me lead the team in this competition. I don't know what reward?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. After being stunned, immortal Tang Gu smiled and said, "interesting. It's the first time in years to see someone ask me for a reward." he paused and continued, "since you have this idea, I'm satisfied with you. Come on! What do you want?"

Without thinking about it, Han Bin said, "I hope zongnei can arrange a quiet cave for me."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned. Even immortal Tang Gu didn't expect that Han Bin should put forward such a condition that is not a condition.

Seeing Han Bin's face, it didn't seem like a joke. Tang Guzhen was humane: "if you can win the first in this competition, no one will disturb your cultivation before you build the foundation." at this point, he paused and continued: "if you need help when building the foundation, you can come to the palace to find me."

Hearing this, ten people, including Xie Qichao, showed envy. In particular, the disciples in the Qi training period who have not yet built the foundation are envious. Although there is only one realm between the foundation building period and the Qi training period, the cultivation achievements between them can not be said to be different from each other, but there is also a big gap. Some people can build the foundation in just a few years, while others can't for a lifetime. During the Qi training period, friars all want to build a foundation. After building a foundation, in addition to improving their accomplishments, their longevity will increase exponentially.

The time limit for a friar to practice Qi is only 200 years. Once the foundation is built successfully, he can be promoted to 500 years.

Han Bin glanced at the nine disciples in the Qi training period and said, "disciples must do their best." he understood that the leader just gave him a step. The Xuanmen of Tang Dynasty is known as the largest sect in the ten continents. It really deserves its name. If any sect wants to find out the words on the tenth floor of the nine Qi training period, it can't do it. Qi Hao was the only disciple on the 10th floor of Tianming sect during Qi practice.

After arranging Han Bin's hand, immortal Tang Gu coughed and said, "in addition to the ten of you, one person will be sent to go with you to be responsible for your safety."

Xie Qichao tidied up his Taoist robe, looked at immortal Tang Gu and waited for him to announce.

The vision of immortal Tang Gu swept over Xie Qichao and said solemnly, "in the past, they all participated in the competition accompanied by the elder of the foundation period. This competition is different from the past, and we need the supreme elder to go together."

Xie Qichao's face became a little ugly. He couldn't help asking, "elder martial brother, what's the difference in this competition? Why do you have to go with the supreme elder?"

Immortal Tang Gu knew that he couldn't hide it, so he said, "this competition is not just a competition. After the competition, all the disciples will enter Jiutian valley."

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