Han Bin took a cold look and turned into countless light spots. Xie Qichao had no sense of guilt in his heart. He whispered, "if I keep my promise, I'm afraid I'll die early." after he put away the bronze mirror and green sword, his figure moved and came to the flame. The flame still floats in the air, and a breeze blows and flutters with the wind.

Han Bin looked for a moment, his wrist looked forward, condensed into a powerful hand and grabbed the flame. As soon as the big hand touched the flame, it disappeared. Han Bin frowned and his divine consciousness came out. When he came to the flame, his divine consciousness ran away again. Hesitated for a moment, Han Bin took out the jade seal of the heavenly way, and the divine consciousness was distributed crazily and approached the flame.

This move was like a moth to the fire. Han Bin forced his divine knowledge to be printed in the flame. He didn't believe it. With the continuous supplement of spiritual power, he couldn't accept the strange flame. Han Bin's idea is good, but he really underestimated the temperature contained in the flame. After half a column of incense, he still failed.

Han Bin took back his exhausted divine consciousness, gasped and thought about the solution. One thought after another flashed in his mind, all of which were denied by him. If he gave up the flame so much, he was really unwilling. Just as he was about to accept the Fubao offered by Sun Yu at the beginning, when he forcibly accepted the flame, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind and hurriedly took out the bronze mirror from the storage bag.

The yellow light flashed in his hand, and the bronze mirror appeared in Han Bin's hand. Han Bin made a decision against the bronze mirror and shone on the flame. The flame was still suspended in the air without any movement. Han Bin threw the bronze mirror in his hand at the flame. The bronze mirror crossed a track in the air and flew to the side of the flame. When the mirror comes into contact with the flame, the whole copper mirror shakes violently, then the white light flashes, the flame disappears, and then appears in the mirror.

At the same time, the bronze mirror shook more violently. The divine sense controlled by Han Bin quickly weakened. It was about to disappear and cut off the connection with the bronze mirror.

Han Bin's heart clicked, and a larger divine consciousness was released and fell on the mirror.

With the continuous consumption of divine consciousness and the continuous release of Han Bin, a tug of war began.

After a stick of incense, the bronze mirror finally calmed down. Han Bin waved and the bronze mirror fell into his hand. Han Bin looked carefully and saw that there was no flame in the mirror. He was disappointed. When he wanted to study it carefully, he was surprised to find that one of the nine golden black eyes on the copper mirror lit up and turned white.

Seeing this, Han Bin was delighted and hurriedly looked at the other eight Jinwu. The eight golden black eyes are all the same, all black, and only the top one turns white. A bold idea appeared in Han Bin's mind. The flame just now may meet some requirements of the bronze mirror, and then stored in the mirror to light up a golden black eye. The flame is white, so Jinwu's eyes are white.

Han Bin doesn't know whether this guess is correct, but he knows that the bronze mirror is a treasure. When Xie Qichao said the opening decision of the bronze mirror, he also said the origin of the bronze mirror. According to him, the bronze mirror was inadvertently obtained by his ancestors from a mountain range. When he obtained the bronze mirror, he did not mention anything about the bronze mirror except a book recording the decision to open the bronze mirror. Therefore, he did not know whether there was a powerful magic power in the bronze mirror.

Supernatural power is a powerful spell. Whether it is a spell cultivated by monks themselves or a spell hidden in magic weapons, as long as they can have super power, they are all become supernatural powers by people in the spiritual world. Of course, it's very difficult to cultivate supernatural powers, but it's much simpler to refine them in magic weapons, but they consume more spiritual power when they are used.

Looking at the bright eyes, Han Bin's heart is also boiling. If he can light up all the nine Jinwu eyes, won't he be able to open Jinwu's magic power? Han Bin thought of this and made a decision against the bronze mirror. There were two lights on the mirror, one yellow and the other white. The yellow light did not go out of the middle position, but the white light was located directly above, which was consistent with the place where Jinwu was located.

Seeing the white light, Han Bin knew that he was right. He made a decision against the white light. A ripple appeared on the mirror, and the light was suspended on the mirror. Han Bin hesitated for a moment and made a decision on the yellow light. The ripple flashed, the white light flew into the mirror, and the yellow flame was suspended on the mirror.

Han Bin's mind moved. Under the control of divine consciousness, the bronze mirror pointed to the big tree in the sky not far away. With a flash of yellow flame, it turned into a line of fire and flew straight to the big tree. The next moment, only a loud bang was heard. The tree was broken in two, and the other half had not yet fallen to the ground. A raging flame burned from the fracture, and the whole tree burned to ashes in the twinkling of an eye.

Han Bin flashed an excited light in his eyes and put away the bronze mirror. After that, Han Bin quickly cleaned up the valley and removed some traces of battle before sacrificing magic tools and flying in the direction of Tang Xuanzong. When I came to the sect gate, I didn't meet any questions from my disciples. I was secretly relieved.

Tang Xuanmen is different from Tianming sect. Although there are disciples around to hide and guard, there are not many. Unlike tianmingzong, it is everywhere. Of course, this has something to do with the door rules of the two places. Maybe Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty has a vast territory and abundant resources, and there are few restrictions on his disciples. There are no restrictions on the place of cultivation except that the orders of the door should be obeyed unconditionally. It is far from like Tianming sect, which allocates the cave according to the level of cultivation and spiritual root.

After Han Bin returned to the cave, he offered a green sword and hit it with a series of Dharma decisions. Each time the Dharma decision played, a green light was released from the sword. After playing more than 100 Dharma decisions in a row, Han Bin's spiritual power was still exhausted. He took out the heavenly jade seal and continued to play Dharma decisions while absorbing aura.

There are two ways to refine a monk's magic weapon. One is sacrifice refining, but blood refining.

After the magic weapon is obtained, if there is no open decision, although it can be manipulated, it can only exert less than one layer of power. After the sacrificial refining, the power will be different with the degree of sacrificial refining. If you can completely refine the magic instrument, you will be able to use it easily. Of course, the magic weapon is not refined once. With the improvement of the monk's cultivation, it must be refined again. Otherwise, not only can it not bear more powerful spiritual power, but also it can't be handy. If the material of the magic weapon is too weak, it will even collapse.

Blood refining, as the name suggests, uses the life essence blood to refine magic weapons, which is also the most commonly used method of sacrificial refining for friars above the golden elixir period. Blood refining magic weapon is fast and consumes less spiritual power. It can succeed in a few days or half a day. After success, there is no need to sacrifice and refine if you improve your cultivation in the future. Of course, the blood refining magic weapon also has disadvantages, that is, uniqueness. A monk can only have one blood refining magic weapon in his life and become his own life magic weapon. Unless his own life magic weapon is destroyed, he cannot use other blood refining magic weapons. When the original life magic weapon is severely damaged, the owner of the magic weapon will also be involved. The degree of severe damage is different, and the impact is also different, ranging from serious injury to falling cultivation.

Of course, if you lose something, you will get something.

The magic weapon after blood refining is not so easy to use. It can connect the mind and spirit and share weal and woe. As long as the thought in your heart is present, you can attack according to your own ideas, and the attack power is much stronger than the magic weapon of sacrifice refining. When the monk's accomplishments are improved, the power of blood refining magic weapon can also be improved. As long as the material of magic weapon can keep up with the limit of spiritual power, the magic weapon can grow all the time. However, if the material of the magic weapon is too poor, forcibly input the spiritual power into it and attack, it will also run away. If so, we can only find good materials and continue refining to further improve the material of the magic weapon.

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