Han Bin patted the storage bag around his waist. The seal of heaven appeared in his palm, and then said to Xiao Yuyao, "hold my hand."

Xiao Yuyao blushed and said angrily, "what are you doing?"

Han Bin was stunned. In the twinkling of an eye, he understood that the other party misunderstood his consciousness. He hurriedly said, "as long as you hold my hand, you can instantly restore your spiritual power."

There are few things that can make a friar recover his spiritual power quickly. Both spirit stone and pill have their effects. However, the higher the cultivation, the slower the recovery. If you recover instantly, nothing can restore the spiritual power in your body instantly except the legendary spiritual liquid. But after all, Lingye is a legendary natural material and earth treasure. It is generally in the hands of high-level friars. Even if a few drops appear at the auction, the price is surprisingly high. Friars like Xiao Yuyao can't afford it at all.

Xiao Yuyao looked at Han Bin in disbelief. It doesn't matter whether it's true or false. For the sake of Han Bin saving her twice, it doesn't matter if she takes advantage of it. Thinking of this, Xiao Yuyao did not pretend. She raised her white as jade hand and put it on the back of Han Bin's rather rough hand.

At that moment, her body trembled and had an unspeakable feeling.

As soon as this feeling appeared, Xiao Yuyao had not had time to aftertaste. A pure spiritual power was emitted from Han Bin's body and input into her body. The spiritual power consumed in the body is restored at an amazing speed, and it will return to its best state in an instant. Xiao Yuyao stared at Han Bin in disbelief.

Han Bin frowned and reminded: "Shizu, cast your spells quickly!"

Xiao Yuyao calmed down. She stuck out her tongue like a little girl. Then she thought of something. Her pretty face turned a little red and resumed her arrogant appearance. She raised her hands and kept pinching the law. As the law pinched faster and faster, countless white light spots appeared around her, more and more light spots, and her face became paler and paler.

Chu Dong and others who came after him changed their faces at the same time. Wang Yi shouted, "no, they're going to run."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, the four hurried to improve the speed of the flight, turned into a surprise and went straight to Han Bin.

Han Bin took out all the spells from the storage bag and threw them at the four people. For a time, the sky was shining like fireworks. Fireball, ice archery, sword shadow... They flew to the four people everywhere. As soon as their faces changed, they turned around and avoided flying spells.

When the four fled and pursued Han Bin again, Xiao Yuyao's spell had been completed.

The white light spots that had been suspended around Xiao Yuyao moved quickly like a platoon of soldiers, and in a twinkling of an eye they were trained into spiritual lines. The lines are intricately intertwined to form an array that can cover them. Under the control of Xiao Yuyao, they appear at their feet.

Xiao Yuyao hurriedly said to Han Bin, "stop flying." when they were suspended over the array, she opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood essence. The blood essence was held in her hand. After inputting spiritual power, she went to the center of the array. In an instant, the transparent array that originally emitted white light turned blood red. The red is dazzling and amazing.

At the moment, Chu Dong and others who came after him were less than a thousand feet away from Han Bin. Wang Yi recognized this array and said in surprise: "ancient strange array - blood light transmission array."

Although they didn't know the power of the blood escape, they also knew that once the array was opened, it would be difficult to find Han Bin and Xiao Yuyao.

Chu Dong pinched the Dharma decision and said to the crowd, "hurry up and don't let them start the array."

The three did not sacrifice magic weapons. At the same time, they pinched the Dharma decision. In a twinkling of an eye, the magic was formed.

For a time, the wind roared, lightning and thunder, and four different spells fell at the same time where Han Bin was.

Chu Dong's magic is a rain of fire. I saw the rain of fire falling from the sky. Each fireball is the size of a fist, but the color of the fireball is yellow, not red. It's not that Chu Dong couldn't show the red fireball, but that he gathered his spiritual power in a hurry and couldn't show a more powerful attack.

Zhao Li's spell is a strong wind spell. The wind is invisible and colorless. It looks like nothingness, but it already exists. All the peaks blown by the strong wind can be described as changing the color of heaven and earth, flying sand and stones. All the trees, regardless of their thickness, are uprooted and blown to Han Bin. Among the trees blown up, there are many boulders the size of adults. Not counting these trees, even if several boulders hit Zhong Han Bin, his life will be left here.

Wang Yi's magic is more direct. A dark cloud appears on Han Bin's head, followed by lightning and thunder. White Lightning with thick thumb falls from the sky and goes straight to the two people in the array. Liu Yue gathered a hundred spiritual swords to form a sword array and attack them.

If such a fierce attack is launched at the same time, even if one of the spells falls on them, they will die.

The speed of the spell was so fast that it came to them in the twinkling of an eye. At this time, the array emits a dazzling red light, which wraps their figures in it. Then the red light flashes and they disappear into the array. As soon as they were transported away, lightning fell on the array. They only heard a slap. The array couldn't withstand such a powerful attack, ran away, turned into countless blood red light spots and dissipated in the world.

"Let's go!" Chu Dong showed his anger, sent out his divine consciousness, and quickly searched for the south.

Wang Yi and others also gave up their spells and divided them into four directions to find their whereabouts. Although the four didn't stop the array from opening, they destroyed the array at the moment of opening. Even if they were transmitted away, they would not run far. Sure enough, under the search of everyone, they soon found the whereabouts of Han Bin and Xiao Yuyao.

Liu Yue was the first to find it and hurriedly said, "north, five hundred miles away, chase!!!"

Chu Dong and others quickly put away their divine consciousness and moved to the north. Seeing that Han Bin was really there, he turned into a startled Hong and broke through the air.

In Jiutian mountains, a valley near the center, Han Bin and Xiao Yuyao appeared in mid air.

Xiao Yuyao's face was pale and bloodless. The array was arranged with her blood essence and guided by her divine sense. At the moment of collapse, she was seriously injured and her spiritual power was exhausted. They just fell from the air. Xiao Yuyao's face no longer looked arrogant. She became alarmed. She grabbed Han Bin's clothes and said in a hurry: "Han Bin, how are you?"

Han Bin is all right. He holds the seal of heaven in his hand. He doesn't worry about the exhaustion of spiritual power at all.

Hearing Xiao Yuyao's words, Han Bin subconsciously held her delicate body tightly, moved and flew to the mountain not far away.

Before long, Han Bin sensed four weak divine senses sweeping towards him. With his accomplishments, he could not find the divine knowledge of the friar in the golden elixir period. The reason why he could feel it was because of the heavenly seal in his hand. When the fourth divine consciousness was swept, a strange energy came from the jade seal of the heavenly way, which spread all over the body and was very comfortable. At that time, he felt four weak divine senses sweeping over him.

Han Bin's face sank and said to Xiao Yuyao in his arms, "Shizu, you......" seeing Xiao Yuyao's pale face, he had to change his mouth, "can you still use that array after you restore your spiritual power?"

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