Seeing that Han Bin didn't believe her, Xiao Yuyao turned around, turned her back to Han Bin and said, "so you always believe me!"

"Give me a reason to believe me," Han binning said.

Xiao Yuyao turned her back to Han Bin and gnashed her teeth. She wanted to cut Han Bin thousands of times. She has put down her face and talked to Han Bin in a flat voice. The other party is still pushing an inch. Thinking that Han Bin had passed her more than once, his anger weakened a little and said, "you saved me. If I even killed the benefactor, am I still human?"

Han Bin didn't answer. He quickly walked up to Xiao Yuyao and stared at her eyes for a while. Then he put down his vigilance and said, "I believe you."

Xiao Yuyao tooted her rosy lips, played with her hands and clothes, showed a little girl's posture, frowned and said, "it's not easy for you to believe."

Seeing Xiao Yuyao showing such a look, Han Bin was crazy for a moment. She has seen many beautiful women, but for the first time, she saw the proud woman show the appearance of a little girl in front of her. It has to be said that Xiao Yuyao looked very charming just now. A friar with great perseverance like Han Bin can be lost for a short time. It can be seen how charming Xiao Yuyao is.

After a short absence, Han Bin returned to normal and said, "Shizu, this valley is very big. Let's see how to leave here!"

Xiao Yuyao nodded and regained her arrogant look on her face. Her divine sense radiated into the valley. Then she said, "this valley is very big, and my divine sense can't cover all of it. Let's go ahead and have a look!" she wanted to show her usual appearance in front of Han Bin, but her habit has been developed for many years, and it can't be changed overnight.

Han Bin also understood that once a person's habit is formed, it is difficult to change in a short time. He didn't say much. He said, "let's go!" and offered a flying sword and stepped on it.

Xiao Yuyao frowned and said, "at your speed, when can we reach the end of the valley?"

Han Bin looked at Xiao Yuyao and remained silent.

Xiao Yuyao saw that Han Bin didn't answer him. After thinking for a moment, she said, "otherwise, the aura here is pretty good. You build a foundation here first, and I'll find out the situation in the valley, and then come back to you." then she took out a white medicine bottle from the storage bag and threw it to Han Bin and said: "This is a bottle of foundation building pill, which can improve the success rate of foundation building. With your current cultivation and that baby, the success rate of foundation building should not be low." after that, she added, "you concentrate on cultivation. Don't worry about me killing people and taking babies. I'm not that kind of person."

Han Bin nodded and quickly opened the medicine bottle. A smell of medicine filled the air. Then he poured out a building foundation pill from the bottle. The pill was red and there were two circular lines like fingerprints on it. These two circles represented that the pill was a second grade pill. There were seven grades of pills, and the grades were easy to distinguish. The first grade pill had no lines, the second grade pill had two circles, and so on Now the seven circles of lines are the seven pill.

After taking a look at the foundation building pill in his hand, Han Bin swallowed it without thinking. Then he sat on the ground and entered the cultivation.

Xiao Yuyao showed a faint smile at the corners of her mouth and murmured in her heart, "it's not easy for you to believe." she moved and left in the air.

Han Bin did this to tell Xiao Yuyao that he had let down his vigilance. Just now, Han Bin walked up to Xiao Yuyao and saw Xiao Yuyao's eyes. She knew that the other party really meant no harm. Because a person's expression can be disguised, but his eyes can't. Even if the disguise is good, he can see a clue. Han Bin won't easily trust a person, but once she believes it, No doubt.

After the foundation pill was swallowed, it melted quickly, and a huge amount of energy entered the blood and meridians, and then flowed to the location of the elixir field. This energy ran around the body, came to the elixir field, and fused with the spiritual power whirlpool. With more and more fusion energy, the spiritual Qi whirlpool in the body slowly changed.

The original air mass like spiritual power whirling nest gradually became solidified. With the passage of time, the energy fusion became more and more. A drop of transparent liquid appeared in one of the spiritual power whirling nests. The liquid was like spiritual liquid, and the spiritual power contained in it was not as powerful as spiritual liquid. The first drop of spiritual power liquid appeared not long ago, the second drop appeared again, and the two drops slowly fused together When ten drops of liquid appeared, one of the spiritual power whirlpools disappeared, and the ten drops of liquid fused together and became a drop of white liquid.

Han Bin built the foundation for the first time. Although he had no experience, he understood that the foundation building was completed only after all ten Reiki whirling nests turned into white liquid. Now there is only a drop of white liquid in the Dantian, and there is only a drop of transparent liquid in the second Reiki whirling nest. At this speed, I don't know how long it will take to turn into white liquid. However, with Han Bin's character, I will never There will be impatience. There is plenty of time. Even if the foundation fails for the first time, there will be no shadow in my heart.

Time passed quickly, and the Reiki whirlpool in the body was constantly changing. When the third Reiki whirlpool turned into a white liquid and the first transparent liquid just condensed in the fourth Reiki whirlpool, the energy generated by the foundation building pill slowly weakened. Han Bin looked heavy and hurriedly took out a foundation building pill from the storage bag and continued to swallow it.

The energy in the body was supplemented, and Han Bin entered the cultivation again. With more and more spiritual liquid, the speed of cultivation became slower and slower. It used to take a month to condense into a drop of white liquid, but now it takes three months. Not only that, the consumption of Jidan is amazing. The first Jidan can condense three Reiki whirlpools, the second Jidan can only condense two, the third Jidan can only condense one Reiki whirlpool, and the fourth Jidan can only condense half a Reiki whirlpool.

Han Bin calculated that if we follow this law, we need at least three foundation pills to condense the eighth Reiki whirlpool, five for the ninth whirlpool, and ten for the tenth Reiki whirlpool. Together, 23 foundation pills are needed. Han Bin killed Sun Yu and got ten foundation pills. With the bottle given by Xiao Yuyao just now, there are only 20. Where do you get the other three?

Talent, damn talent again.

If the spirit root is excellent and the foundation building speed is very fast, when the spirit root is weak, we can only use the foundation building pill to make up for it. Fortunately, Han Bin has enough foundation building pills, otherwise someone else can't afford such extravagance. After swallowing the fifth foundation pill, Han Bin quickly took out Zhuge Tianyang's storage bag, easily erased the other party's divine knowledge mark on it, and looked through it.

Zhuge Tianyang has died for so long. After a monk dies, the divine knowledge mark left on the storage bag will not dissipate in a short time, but will slowly disappear with the passage of time. The higher one's cultivation, the slower the divine knowledge mark dissipates. For example, during the Qi training period, the seal of divine knowledge will dissipate in a few days, and the foundation building period will be longer, but it will not exceed a month. As for the golden elixir friars, they usually dissipate in three or five months.

Han Bin has killed Zhuge Tianyang for more than four months. Although the divine knowledge mark on it has not dissipated, it has also become extremely weak. Han Bin can easily erase it. However, after opening the storage bag, Han Bin was quite disappointed. There are many things in the storage bag, including refining materials, magic weapons, pills, spells and so on, but there is no foundation pill.

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