Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 106


Chapter 106 105 [The choice of the road! ]

Gently push open the lid of the jade box.

Dozens of marbles with extremely irregular sizes and shapes, but constantly emitting Star Power, appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes.

Su Yun reached out and twisted up one of the pieces and placed it flat in the palm of his hand, then put away the rest, put his heart in a posture of facing the sky, and closed his eyes to start cultivation.

With the operation of "Heavenly Stars Revolution", the faint rays of starlight are gradually attracted, and then under the traction of an invisible connection, they pass through the gangrene layer The barrier is thrown down.


Su Yun's [stardust] in the palm of his hand gradually rises into the sky, and the rich Star Power contained within is fully stimulated by certain fluctuations brought about by the operation of the cultivation technique.

In the quiet room, the stars shine brightly.

In Su Yun's body, the "black hole" formed by one hundred and eight proven apertures also rapidly rotated in this brief moment.

They greedily absorb the spiritual power and the rich star energy that permeates the quiet room. The light around Su Yun seems to be distorted, constantly deflecting towards the many proven apertures. go.

These energies are crushed, decomposed, and absorbed by the proven apertures through continuous rotation and vibration, constantly strengthening and expanding these mysterious "nodes" that seem to contain infinite power.

Part of the energy eventually turned into a tiny little invisible silver star that spewed out of the proven aperture again, slowly and firmly infiltrating every skeleton and every inch of flesh and blood around Su Yun's body.

The surging Power of Qi and Blood is automatically activated.

They began to oscillate in their bodies with the rhythm of many proven apertures, which coincides with a certain pattern of Heaven and Earth.

The tiny impurities hidden in the flesh and blood organs are constantly washed away by the rushing blood, and gradually turn into tiny particles that cannot be seen, and quietly escape along the pores on the skin surface.

The flesh becomes purer and more tenacious.

Even the viscera organs, which were originally much more fragile than skeleton and flesh and blood, seem to be gradually transforming into another type with higher strength and can make Qi and blood run more efficiently. Structure.

Over time.

Su Yun gradually felt a slight bulging feeling coming from the inside of the body from time to time, the flesh and blood infiltrated by Star Power seemed to be cheering, and the cells seemed to be cheering.

Under the combined effect of spiritual power and Star Power, his body is undergoing subtle and deep changes.

This is a slow jump in the nature of life.

As important as the promotion of the cultivation realm!


A hot white air was exhaled from Su Yun's mouth, and a strong wind swirled violently in the air.

Su Yun stood up, stood in the center of the quiet room and began to stretch his muscles and bones, lightly clenched his fist, the crackle's skeleton and the sound of the air being squeezed constantly sounded in the quiet room.

At the same time, Su Yun suddenly clicked on the simulator light screen on a whim.

A long-lost personal information panel appeared before his eyes.

[Name: Su Yun ]

[realm: Qi Refinement 8-Layer ]

[cultivation technique: "Heavenly Stars Revolution Refinement Classic" ( initial understanding (refining the internal organs), "Shattered Void Tribulation and Destruction" (initial understanding), "Thundershock Blade Art" (achieved perfection), "Shadowbrush Step" (brought to the point of perfection)]

[Current innate talent: appease (blue), Blade Dao Master (orange), marionette manipulation (orange), extraordinary natural talent (purple), open door (green)]

[special item: Ince · Zangwill's special trousers (purple), 0-08Pen of Alisford (red)]

Refinement? !

Su Yun looked at the three unfamiliar words behind the cultivation technique, and a kind of heartfelt joy suddenly surged in her heart.

According to Su Yun, the information obtained when the cultivation technique is infused.

"Heavenly Stars Revolution" will continuously absorb Spiritual Qi, Star Power and various energies in the void starting from the opening of the first proven aperture.

In this way, the fleshy body of the cultivator is gradually strengthened, and the fleshy body strength is gradually advanced to the level equal to or even surpassing the level of the body cultivator of the same level.

The Dao of Body Refinement in Heaven Origin World is currently divided into seven levels, namely Qi and Blood Realm, Bone Forging Realm, Refinement Realm, Astral Qi Realm, Golden Body Realm, Undead Realm, Nirvana Realm.

Every time you climb up a level, your fleshy body strength will get a qualitative leap, and your melee battle strength will also have a terrifying improvement.

This is not a division method corresponding to cultivation realm, it is simply a staged evaluation standard for fleshy body cultivation, which is a by-product of some special cultivation techniques.

【Qi and Blood Realm】, through condensing qi and blood to improve fleshy body strength, the sign of this realm's completion is that qi and blood are like mercury, tendons are stretched like strings, skin is as tough as drums, and the strength reaches thousands of pounds.

【Bone Forging Realm】, using Power of Qi and Blood and spiritual power to gradually transform skeleton and flesh and blood, exercise all the 206 bones and flesh and blood of the whole body like gold and iron, since then Magical Artifact is hard to hurt, and has tens of thousands of pounds of fleshly body strength.

Su Yun's previous fleshy body strength has reached this level after two consecutive enhancements of [extraordinary natural talent].

The most obvious proof is the "golden body and jade bone" that greatly enhances the defensive ability of the fleshy body.

After all the changes of Bone Forging Realm are completed, spiritual power further penetrates inward to transform the internal organs, and gradually strengthens the fragile organs such as internal organs and brains to the same strength as other flesh and blood in the whole body.

This step is the [refinement of the internal organs].

After obtaining the inheritance of the Heavenly Rank high grade cultivation technique, "Heavenly Stars Revolution".

Su Yun's cultivation technique skips the first proven aperture opening, and the subsequent thirty-six and seventy-two, and goes directly to one hundred and eight proven apertures that are opened at the same time. degree.

Such a huge qualitative change naturally brought Su Yun all-round improvement and strengthening.

His fleshy body strength has completely crossed the boundaries of [Bone Forging Realm] and officially entered the third level of body refinement [Refinement Realm]!

With the large amount of Star Power contained in [stardust] being absorbed by Su Yun, the progress of internal refining of internal organs will also be greatly promoted.

Once he has used up all the stardust in his hands, he will completely complete the transformation process of the [Refining Bodily Realm].

The viscera and organs of the whole body will be integrated from then on, turning into another structure that is completely different from the original, and will also enter the level of Magical Artifact that is hard to hurt!

At that time, Su Yun will no longer need to worry about any form of collision with the tyrannical opponent of fleshy body, and it is even possible to crush the opponent in melee combat.

Su Yun stared inwardly.

It can be clearly sensed that the proven aperture in the body is always rhythmically driving the fleshy body and spirit to vibrate constantly at a strange frequency that seems to be in tune with Heavenly Stars Revolution.

Su Yun's Divine Soul Power is getting hammered, tougher, and solid in the process.

The mysterious loop between these proven apertures also seems to be effective at suppressing the chaos, madness, and runaway tendencies that Demi-God form brings.

Su Yun could vaguely sense that a layer of invisible shackles was firmly bound to the Demi-God form that was once beyond his control, absorbing all the "pollution" it occasionally released, disappear into the invisible.

Scenes like this gave Su Yun a clear comprehension in his heart.

If he doesn't intend to completely transform himself from human to indescribable being.

In the future, his cultivation must be based on the Heavenly Rank high grade cultivation technique, the Heavenly Rank high grade cultivation technique, which integrates all his physical and spiritual characteristics.

Always keep the Demi-God form or other stronger innate talents that may be acquired in the future under control to avoid irreversible "tentacleization" and "outer deification" due to loss of control one day the way.

The sky is getting brighter.

Su Yun moved quickly along the wide streets of Nancheng District.

Before the first ray of morning light jumped out of the sky, he had already arrived in the crowded DC area.

Follow the map for another hour.

Su Yun finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

A large three-story wooden attic appeared before his eyes.

Look up.

A huge plaque, meticulously carved from high-grade spiritual wood, seems to have experienced baptism for a long time and hangs quietly on the gatehouse.

It is not blessed with any brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

But just those few ancient seal characters full of unique charm have firmly attracted the attention of past cultivators.

【Wang Family Pill Pavilion】.

In order to more intuitively show the realm performance of the protagonist in different magic cultivator lines, the corresponding cultivation technique realm evaluation will be added when the personal information of the protagonist is listed later.

But you don't have to worry about borrowing this number of words. At present, there are only 4 personal messages in more than 100 chapters.

The evaluation of cultivation technique realm is as follows: initial understanding , reach a higher-level , brought to the point of perfection , peaked , achieved perfection , One with Heaven and Earth .

PS: I have one more thing to say sorry to everyone.

During the Qingming period, the author needs to drive back and forth to his hometown. On April 4th and 5th, we can only update two chapters a day. From the 6th, we will resume three daily updates. Please forgive me. .

(end of this chapter)

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