Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 116


Chapter 116 115 [The discovery of horrible to see! ]

[Xu Jianming: Captain of Nether Cloud City Black Armor Xuanwei 16th Squadron]

[Wang Cheng: Nether Cloud City Black Armor Xuanwei 16th Squadron (Sacred Heart Sect) ]

[Chi Yu: Nether Cloud City Black Armor Xuanwei 16th Detachment]

[Zhong Dali: Nether Cloud City Black Armor Xuanwei 16th Detachment (Sacred Heart Sect 劉子)]


Su Yun stepped aside and stood on the side of the road waiting for the patrol cultivator to pass by.

Behaves the same as those cultivators who can't bear the intimidation of the black armor Xuanwei's imposing manner.

However, the few hazes passing through his eyes from time to time are enough to show the restlessness of his deep in one's heart.

With just a cursory scan, five or six of the more than twenty black-armored Xuanwei were found to be Sacred Heart Sect secret sons!

How can Su Yun not be shocked by it? !


The word signifies that such a cultivator exists from the very first day of being cultivated to perform a secret mission.

This is a completely different concept from Chen Geng, who was born in Sacred Heart Sect inner sect disciple.

Chen Geng was separated from the Sacred Heart Sect Inner Sect and joined the Supervision Hall after he recovered his freedom.

The whole process is just and honourable, there is no concealment and fraud, and it conforms to the rules of the Supervisory Hall for the selection of supervisory counselors.

In fact, it is difficult for the cultivator to be manipulated in terms of identity and origin.

In addition to strict selection and high requirements for strength.

Another reason is that the overall number of cultivators in the Overwatch Hall is not large, and at the same time they also shoulder heavy responsibilities.

The influential figures of the Supervision Hall have enough means to spend a lot of time and resources to trace the entire life trajectory of each supervision counselor from birth to joining the Supervision Hall.

However, the Black Armor Xuanwei is not worthy of such rigorous identification.

After all, there are too many numbers, and the strength is not on the same level, so the standard will naturally be lowered accordingly.

In accordance with the military system of Nether Cloud City.

There are 32 black armored Xuanwei teams in the city.

Each team of Heijia Xuanwei consists of one Golden Core Realm Captain and one hundred Foundation Establishment Realm players.

Captain is appointed by the Golden Core cultivator from the cultivation alliance.

The team members are publicly selected by the league.

A Foundation Establishment cultivator with a clean background, no Great Influence background, and a freelance state is usually selected from Nether Cloud City, and can only take up the post after going through layers of tests.

There will naturally be a number of processes involved in verifying the origin of the identity.

But without using the high-level means of causal tracing, it is possible for the Great Influences to add sand to it.

However, under normal circumstances, there should never be so many dark sub-groups of a certain force appearing in the black armor Xuanwei's team!

These results must have been made possible without the help of the high-ranking guard cultivator of Nether Cloud City.

Su Yun's mind flashed across the silhouette of the black robe Nascent Soul Cultivator that he saw today.

Before it got dark, Su Yun finally returned to the temporary accommodation she had rented.

Since he stumbled upon the secrets of the Sacred Heart Sect.

He deliberately went to all places in Nether Cloud City where Heijia Xuanwei could be seen, ready to verify whether the Sacred Heart Sect he saw was an accidental phenomenon or a common phenomenon. .

The results of the verification weighed heavily on Su Yun's heart.

Among the thousands of black-armored Xuanwei he had investigated successively, more than 150 were Sacred Heart Sect secret sons!

Although it's all the usual Foundation Establishment advanced with the Foundation Establishment Pill.

But if this ratio is calculated, among the 3,200 black armored Xuanwei, at least 400 are Sacred Heart Sect dark sons?

In addition, there may be a Sacred Heart Sect cultivator above the Golden Core Realm in the inner city.

The entire Nether Cloud City has no secrets for Sacred Heart Sect, or for Xu Niansheng and Monster Race.

Even if Xu Niansheng doesn't directly start sneak attack, he will guard the cultivator in the city.

As long as these dark sons buried long ago will create chaos together at the critical moment when the Monster Race is sieging the city.

For example, taking the opportunity to destroy the Transmission Array, deliberately destroying the defensive equipment, these alone are enough to cause catastrophic consequences!

It's not impossible to even cause the city to be breached directly.

Su Yun has no way of knowing exactly how Xu Niansheng and the others completed this series of secret arrangements, but it is certain that it will never happen overnight.

The current situation is enough to show that Xu Niansheng has long had the idea of dedicating the city to the enemy, and has even been taking action.

Otherwise, the basic garrison strength in the city is absolutely impossible.

The night is deep, and the blood moon hangs high.

Su Yun, who thought about it quietly in the middle of the night, finally figured out her next plan.

He found a pile of white paper from the storage Magical Artifact and put it on the table, and started writing what he needed next.

The night is still long.

He still has enough time to try to change the fate of this important town in the Northern Wilderness and the 300,000 cultivators in the city.

Central Eastern Continent.

The Great Sect forces gather together, and it is also the headquarters of the Eastern Continent, where the cultivation alliance is located.

In the middle of the city, there is a vast expanse of palaces and pavilions that can hardly be seen.

A tall, tall young man with a face like a crown of jade was burying his head in looking through the mountains of files on the jade case in front of him.

A few names of different lengths can be vaguely seen on the files that are scattered on the ground and spread out.

If you look carefully, you can also find that the records above are exactly the origins and transfer information of the new recruits in the Eastern Continent War Hall, Supervision Hall, and Foreign Affairs Hall in recent years.

After a long time.

The young man gently put down the last scroll of jade in his hand, and looked up suddenly.

The light and shadow in the hall went out for a while, and it recovered after a while. It seemed that the powerful Formation protection around him couldn't bear his sight.

“How many cultivators from Sacred Heart Sect have been transferred to Nether Cloud City in the past 30 years?”

“What exactly does Sacred Heart Sect want to do?”

Although the personnel transfers recorded on the dossier are all the same, in all respects, they conform to the regulations of the cultivation alliance.

However, as a Mysterious Grade Supervising Envoy who joined the Supervision Hall at the same time as Ling Shujian, how could he not be able to identify the problem.

Monster Race cultivator is suddenly in abundance.

The cultivator of the Beihuang resident monitoring hall colluded with the Monster Race.

Sacred Heart Sect Supreme Elder Jiang Wanli was investigated by Holy Land.

And the hundreds of seemingly ordinary transfers recorded on the dossier in front of me.

Once these series of events were linked together, he immediately smelled something sinister.

After a moment of thought.

The young man reached out and took out a small jade sword about three inches long. He recorded the information that Ling Shujian entrusted to him to investigate one after another with Divine Sense, and added a few formidable lines. power Not bad protection prohibition.

With the rapid injection of his powerful mana, a bright golden streamer quickly lit up on this communication Spirit Sword, which looked extremely eye-catching.

It seemed that this was a little inappropriate, and he reached out and revised the above prohibition again.


The dazzling aura just now faded away, replaced by a Spirit Sword whose appearance was exactly similar to the night outside.

The young man stepped out of the temple sheltered by the formation and stood under the night sky lit by the blood moon.

The mana urges and shakes the sleeves.

The Spirit Sword immediately followed a strange connection and passed through the city's protective formation in an instant, straight into the thousands of zhang high spaces, and then folded to the north, cutting through the layers with an indescribable speed. Layers of emptiness are gone in an instant.

It wasn't until the communication Spirit Sword completely disappeared from the Divine Consciousness induction that he turned around and walked towards the palace just now.

A faint murmur echoed in the air, and the silhouette of the young man went further and further away.

"Ling Shujian."

"You must come back alive..."

(End of this chapter)

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