Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 118


Chapter 118 117 [Leadership! Unreasonable Forbidden Item! ]

Xu Niansheng face changed.

Immediately set up several powerful formidable power restrictions around the surroundings, confining the aura fluctuations from the altar firmly in this secret room.

In a few moments.

The space above the altar suddenly distorted.

A crystal shaped like a chicken egg and red as blood suddenly appeared.

A wisp of invisible ripples continued to spread outward, and the scorching vitality was swept away by a madness, darkness, and an aura that seemed to be filled with endless killing intent.

Xu Niansheng's long-dry body immediately became much fuller after the ripples swept across, and the whole person seemed to be ten years younger in an instant.

The old skin even began to become smooth and smooth under the stimulation of this vitality. With the rotten and twilight aura on his body, he was filled with an indescribable sense of disobedience. .

"Is this the Heavenly Demon blood essence..."

Xu Niansheng greedily stretched out his palm and grabbed the Supreme Treasure, which seemed to represent infinite hope, his eyes filled with Moved by a fiery belief called ambition and madness.

Just as Su Yun hurried to the Supervision Hall.

Ling Shujian finally got a reply from Spirit Sword, which was sent to Eastern Continent a few days ago.

A dim streamer that could not be seen by naked eyes quickly fell from the high sky, and was then firmly blocked by the Formation light curtain shrouded above Nether Cloud City, stopping outside the invisible barrier and stopped moving.

Fortunately, Ling Shujian sensed the aura of Spirit Sword in advance, so he appeared outside the Formation light curtain almost as soon as Spirit Sword stopped.

The detective put away the Spirit Sword and glanced at the black armor Xuanwei who came over to check the movement.

Ling Shujian took a step forward and disappeared outside the Formation light curtain again.

As one of the guard cultivators with the highest cultivation base in the city, the token he wears naturally allows him to pass inside and outside the formation at will before Formation does not fully stimulate it into an attacking state.

Inspect the interior of the temple.

Ling Shujian read the information recorded in Spirit Sword with complicated emotions, and fell into a long silence unconsciously.

"There are 31 people in the Battle Hall, 17 people in the Supervisory Hall, 29 people in the Foreign Affairs Hall, 15 people in the Item Hall, and the Dan Hall..."

"More than 700 people Among the stationed cultivators, there are actually two Nascent Souls, thirteen Golden Cores, and one hundred and twenty-seven Foundation Establishment cultivators from Sacred Heart Sect Disciple!”

The strong shock comes from Lingshu sword His heart flashed quickly, and at this moment he really didn't know how to describe his inner feelings.

"Xu Zisheng, Jiang Dapeng! What are you Sacred Heart Sect trying to do?!"

Nether Cloud City guard Liu Qixing is by no means a fool.

The other Nascent Soul Cultivators in town, each with their own heavy responsibilities, are no dereliction of duty either.

Want to mobilize so many cultivators from Sacred Heart Sect unconsciously to participate in city garrison and defense.

It can only be as stated in the Spirit Sword's communication, with the active cooperation of high-level guard cultivators, and through reasonable personnel transfers over the decades, the manpower can be gradually concentrated.

The energy and the connections involved are beyond words.

It is definitely not something that Xu Zisheng from Nascent Soul Middle Stage and Jiang Dapeng, who has just come to Nether Cloud City for less than half a year, can do it.

"This matter must be reported to the guards immediately!"

Ling Shujian is swift and decisive.

After he made up his mind, he immediately turned around and walked out of the side hall, moved towards the main entrance and strode away.

At this time, Su Yun had come to the main road of the city outside the Supervision Hall.

This is about several li away from the bustling battle hall.

On weekdays, except for the cultivator who chooses to traverse here to the east side of the Commerce District in order to save the transmission fee, basically no who will come specially.

Fortunately, it's still early, and there are still many cultivators on the road, otherwise Su Yun still doesn't know how to reasonably hide his existence.

A moment.

Su Yun brushed past his marionette.

A cold, lonely rays of light shone on the marionette.

This black-armored Xuanwei marionette that Su Yun had just "shunned" from the vicinity of the battle hall immediately showed some kind of change that could not be observed by naked eyes.

He will temporarily disappear from the Divine Consciousness of all high-rank cultivators.

Su Yun walked forward slowly as usual, and soon became an unremarkable member of the cultivator.

The Secret Puppet under his control turned abruptly after walking forward for a section of the road, moved towards the main gate of the Supervision Hall, which was less than zhang from the main road.

There is not a huge square outside the Supervision Hall like the Battle Hall, so Su Yun doesn't need to worry about the marionette getting out of his control range in a short time.

He had calculated it before.

At his current speed, if the Secret Puppet enters the main gate of the Supervision Hall, it will take about half an hour before he will completely escape the control range.

There are no black armored mysterious guards stationed outside the Supervision Hall, because no one will take the initiative to approach this ghost place, which is said to be full of torture instruments, and there may be screams at any time.

Therefore, Su Yun controlled this marionette to successfully enter the main gate of the Supervision Hall by virtue of his identity as a black armored Xuanwei.

However, just after crossing the threshold blocked by the soundproofing Formation, Su Yun couldn't help but be stunned.

The exit of a corridor less than ten feet away in front of the left, just at this moment, turned out a tall silhouette with a mighty atmosphere like the sea, and the whole body exudes the breath of strangers.

“Mysterious Grade Supervising Envoy Ling Shujian?!”

Although this marionette has been banned from the soul because of his identity as the dark son of the Sacred Heart Sect, Su Yun can’t be in the palace. Read more confidential information without touching the ban.

But just the thought read from the shallow consciousness is enough for Su Yun to recognize at a glance the important Supervision Hall who is said to be able to fight against the Divine Transformation cultivator on the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivation base. figure .

"This saves me a lot of time."

Originally, he planned to make some noise to attract the attention of the high-rank cultivator in the Supervision Hall, and finally achieve the purpose of spreading the news.

But now that I have directly met the person here, I don't need him to make other troubles.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"There is absolutely no character like you among the black armor Xuanwei."

A tyrannical imposing manner quietly Diffuse throughout the great hall.

Ling Shu Sword God was dignified, looking at the Secret Puppet who had just stepped into the main gate of the Supervision Hall as if facing a great enemy, and asked the great doubts entrenched in his heart.

If he hadn't kept the Divine Consciousness habit of scanning outwards at all times, he would have almost ignored the person in front of him.

Under the scan of his powerful Divine Consciousness that has already reached the Nascent Soul Peak level, everything in this hall can be described as every delicate hair was completely shown, whether it is the subordinates who are dealing with documents in the great hall or the ground There is no trace of fine dust attached to it.

But before naked eye saw this person, Divine Consciousness didn't exist at all.

It's as if there is only a void where the other party is!

But how is this possible? !

You must know that even Liu Qixing, the guardian of the Divine Transformation Late Stage, can't do such a thing that goes against common sense.

This has already been involved in the Void Refinement Stage and above to start contacting and trying comprehend's Dao of Laws!

However, this is the most unreasonable part of the Forbidden Item. As long as it is within the scope of its ability, it is impossible for ordinary cultivators to break its rules and restrictions.

Since the initial idea has been achieved, Su Yun immediately went straight to the point and controlled the marionette to say indifferently: "Ling Shujian, it doesn't matter who the old man is."

"The important thing is this Nether Cloud City is about to have a Death Tribulation coming down, but you are all kept in the dark, so far you haven't noticed."

"It's so pitiful!"

Regarding the update issue, thanks to the author

(end of this chapter)

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