Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 123


Chapter 123 122 [The change of the great formation, the murderous intention suddenly arises! ] (two chapters in one)

Liu Qixing, the guardian of Nether Cloud City? !

No wonder then.

As long as the cultivation alliance does not order the replacement of the guards, the entire Nether Cloud City can be said to be the Divine Transformation Late Stage Great Cultivator.

Most people wouldn't take the initiative to conflict with him if Ask Immortal didn't touch the bottom line of each Great Influence.

Even if other small and medium-sized forces have objections to this, they are also unable to do anything in the face of this guardian envoy whose status as a cultivation base cannot be underestimated.

It is even more impossible that someone dares to interfere with his move to establish Wenxian Pavilion.

In Su Yun's view.

This building is simply not a book store for earning Spirit Stone, but a "Book Store" that can benefit all low-level cultivators!

It seems to be because it is rare to meet a cultivator who admires the deeds of his own adults.

The old man was also aroused by Su Yun's questioning desire to talk.

As he led Su Yun forward, he explained to Su Yun: "Master Guardian was originally a loose cultivator, and I don't know how many hardships I have experienced to achieve today's achievements."


"After the old man came to Nether Cloud City, he deeply felt that loose cultivator cultivation is not easy in the world, especially the lack of various cultivation techniques, so he was determined to withstand the pressure of all parties to build this cultivator. I want to find an upward way for the loose cultivators in the world.”

The old man pointed at himself again, and added with emotion: “After hundreds of years, the influence of Wenxian Pavilion has gradually spread to Most of the Eastern Continent cultivation world."

"This city can gather so many cultivators, and Wenxiange also has a share of credit for it, such as old man and other people from humble backgrounds can only get it With the help of the corresponding classics, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm."

"All of this is thanks to the guardians!"

Su Yun glanced at it with respect. Looking at the huge bookshelves around, for the first time, I felt the rare kindness of this world to the bottom cultivators.

For the overwhelming majority low-level cultivator.

It was never just the shortcomings of Innate Aptitude that limited their ultimate realm improvement.

It comes from the lack of cultivation techniques and from the vicious circle caused by the lack of means to obtain cultivation resources.

The significance of Liu Qixing's founding of this Wenxian Pavilion is to open a portal to the new Heaven and Earth for the low-level cultivators struggling in the quagmire.

It's almost like remaking life for them.

Because in this world where power belongs to itself, knowledge of cultivation is the most precious thing.

Regardless of these low-level cultivators occupying most of the cultivation world, they purchased advanced cultivation techniques and attack techniques from the pavilion.

Because of this, I also learned professional skills in cultivation, such as talisman and alchemy.

For a cultivator at the bottom, this is a huge opportunity to change the fate.

At least within the reach of Wenxian Pavilion's influence.

Some people will not appear frequently until the Foundation Establishment Realm is still cultivating Qi Refinement Realm cultivation technique, or the Foundation Establishment Realm is still using the lowest-level Wind Blade Technique, pyrotechnics and other means and The embarrassing situation of fighting with the same cultivator.

It's just that high-end powerhouses like Liu Qixing are still too few.

Otherwise, why does the existence of the battle list gradually become a taboo that only a small number of people can touch?

How can the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment and the Heavenly Rank cultivation technique become a natural barrier that firmly blocks the continuous improvement of the overwhelming majority cultivator realm?

After thanking the old man for his answer.

Su Yun politely declined the old man's warm invitation to continue to follow the explanation, and slowly read along the huge bookshelves alone.

Su Yun is now very interested in all the books that involve various cultivation skills, given her experience in the simulation of Pill Dao in the last simulation.

Whether it is Pill Dao, Qi Dao, Talisman Dao or Formation Dao.

He plans to buy a batch of basic books related to it.

Maybe it can play a key role in a subsequent simulation or cultivation.

After all, even ordinary medical practitioners can find a way to treat the wounds of the soul after intensive research, and other Taoist protection methods summed up by countless cultivators after thousands of years of verification are absolutely impossible to help cultivation.

A lot of skills don't overwhelm you!

At this point, Su Yun still knows very well.

The furnishings in the Ask Immortal Pavilion are a bit like the common library in Su Yun's previous life.

There are dozens of books of each type.

The uniform cover faces outwards and is placed individually in a delicate wooden lattice, and the price is written in a small wooden token next to it.

There is a unique prohibition on the tome that obscures most of the content.

However, before lifting the ban, you can also watch some of the most basic information at the beginning.

Su Yun was surprised.

These classics are not simply recorded in words, but also extensively use the same Illusion Technique as the one on the Nether Cloud City map.

In this way, some contents related to cultivation technique circulation path and cultivation key points are displayed in a more intuitive way of "illusionment demonstration".

"Qingyun sword art", "Hundred Battles Blade Technique"...

"Zixia Gathering Qi Song", "Aoki Eternal Spring Art", "Xuanling Yushui Jue" ...

Su Yun looked at the bookshelves in front of them one by one.

No matter what kind of books it is.

Even if it is the simplest First Rank technique or the most basic entry Qi Refinement Realm cultivation technique.

All have been simply refined in the same way, with demonstrations that are essential for beginners.

Looking at the book is no different from other ordinary books, but in fact it is a book of basic cultivation techniques that are really precious to most cultivators.

Su Yun fell silent again.

If such a method can be extended to the entire Heaven Origin World, it can even be used for all books.

How huge will the overall strength of the low-level cultivator be?

How many outstanding talents will Human Race add? !

After all, many people haven't benefited from cultivation for a long time, and the reason is probably due to the deviation of understanding of cultivation technique.

Once you can get guidance to cross that hurdle, you may have the possibility to advance to Golden Core Realm or even Nascent Soul Realm.

The Humane Foundation Establishment does not mean that the probability of advanced higher realm is completely cut off.

It's just that compared to the other two Foundation Establishment methods, especially the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, the probability of progressing to Golden Core and Nascent Soul is much lower.

But if there are enough cultivators as the foundation and enough cultivation guidance, the number of Human Race backbone powerhouses can definitely increase by several times or even double!

It's a pity that the books in Ask Immortal Pavilion should only contain a small part of Qi Refinement Realm.

At least after Su Yun flipped through several bookshelves in a row, she didn't find any books beyond Yellow Grade high grade for the time being.

Perhaps this is also the most fundamental reason why Wenxian Pavilion has been maintained for hundreds of years.

Take Liu Qixing, the Divine Transformation Late Stage Great Cultivator's rank and status.

Only provide low-level cultivation techniques to the low-level cultivators to a limited extent, so that the fundamental interests of all parties will not be affected.

Only then can this innovation, which is enough to change the entire cultivation world, have the possibility to continue and develop.

Until it gets dark.

Su Yun came to the entrance of Wenxian Pavilion to pay for Spirit Stone with a pile of books that he was interested in.

"Pill Dao Introduction", "Qi Refinement Realm talisman Encyclopedia", "Low-level Forbidden Collection", "Rank 1 Array Straight Talk"...

There are dozens of them. This tome is stacked high.

Even if all of them are just low-level classics, they are worth more than 3,000 Spirit Stones together.

The old man in charge of collecting the Spirit Stone is no stranger to this.

After all, most low-level cultivators often can't walk when they see the books in the pavilion, and there are many people who buy a lot of them and bring them back to the family or Sect.

But seeing Su Yun put away the scriptures and turned to leave, the old man couldn't help but reminded: "Little friend, if you plan to study these scriptures, you'd better choose one of them. It is only through intensive research.”

“It should be noted that no matter which one of the cultivation arts requires a lot of energy and time, my generation still has to take the cultivation progress as the foundation, and don’t embark on it. Wrong way."

Su Yun's heart warmed upon hearing this, and could not help but stop, turned around and bowed respectfully to him: "Thanks Senior for your guidance!"

"Please also senior Don't worry, I bought these books just to bring back the sect, not to bite off more than one can chew and try to master them all."

The old man saw that his words did not seem to be falsified, and his expression was relieved. down.

"He he he, the old man is getting old, he can't help but like to teach others, please don't mind."

Su Yun smiled and once again After thanking the old man for his kind reminder, he turned around and strode out of the gate of Wenxian Pavilion, and hurried to the direction of the great hall.

Today, by chance, I saw a place like Wenxian Pavilion. An invisible string in Su Yun's heart seemed to be touched unintentionally.

Perhaps changing this world doesn't necessarily need to be achieved through fierce killing and internal friction.

Like Liu Qixing, he uses more advanced means to gradually transform the world within his reach.

Seems like a good way too.

This gave Su Yun many new ideas for her future cultivation planning.

He urgently needs to find a quiet place to sort out and record some of the sudden inspirations in his heart.

Time flies fast.

While Su Yun stayed behind closed doors for several days, she began to think about cultivation issues and use spiritual object increasing cultivation base to enter the country.

Nether Cloud City.

A silent operation has been completed without anyone noticing.

Guarding the main hall of the mansion.

Liu Qixing sat on the throne in the center, calm as water and high as a moutain. Ling Shujian, Chen Yuansheng, and Han Shixiu stood in front of him.

After waiting for a while.

Cheng Zhong hurriedly strode from outside the hall, salutes Liu Qixing and immediately reported: "Reporting back to your lord, the inspection you ordered a few days ago has been completed."


"The battleships parked on the gimbal and the defensive equipment in the arsenal are not abnormal, but..."

He hesitated for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and said an astonishing news : "But the spare Tiangang Black Tortoise disk in the inner city arsenal was compromised."

"There are several formation marks that were damaged by secret means, if I hadn't deliberately detected one by means of formation. Fan, I can't find it at all."

"But once it is put into the array core, I am afraid that it will be completely disconnected under the impact of the power of the spirit vein in an instant, and even cause a large collapse or even a violent explosion. It's temporarily unavailable!"

Huh? !

Liu Qixing heard this suddenly face changed, Ling Shujian and the others also turned ashen.

The Tiangang Black Tortoise formation is the powerful ninth rank formation outside Nether Cloud City.

Once the Formation is fully activated with the support of the spirit vein, it is enough to withstand the full attack of the Monster Venerable (equivalent to Human Race Void Refinement cultivator) for a short period of time.

The spare array disk in the arsenal is an emergency measure specially prepared to prevent accidental damage to the core array of the large array.

If this emergency measure is abolished now.

Once there is any accident in the core formation, this city will directly face the ruthless blow of the high-level Monster Race!

Liu Qixing's mood only fluctuated briefly, and then he quickly regained his composure.

He glanced at the two disciplines, and solemnly asked: "Yuansheng, Shixiu, how are you guys, is there anything abnormal in the great formation?"

Chen Yuansheng and Han Shixiu Looking at each other, Qi Qi shook his head.

Chen Yuansheng responded: "Reporting back to Master, Junior Brother and I took turns to check the spirit vein and the formations, formations, and city walls in the city, and there was nothing abnormal."

"I deliberately checked the core of the great formation and the position of the spirit vein, and there is nothing wrong with it. The power of the spirit vein is transmitted very smoothly, and the Black Tortoise formation of Tiangang should be as usual."


Hearing this remark, everyone immediately sighed in relief.

As long as the big array itself is fine, the spare array disk can be repaired.

However, Liu Qixing was not as optimistic as they were.

He raised his head and swept his gaze over, summing up: "Since the secret hand behind the scenes is attacking the backup formation, it must already have the means to damage the big formation, and we must plan for the worst. ."

"Cheng Zhong, with your Array Dao accomplishments, how long will it take to repair the spare array disk?"

Cheng Zhong is the only Rank 7 Array Master in the city.

Although he doesn't have the ability to set up ninth rank Formation, he can still do it if he just repairs the spare array.

The three of Ling Shujian also turned their attention to Cheng Zhong, waiting for his next crucial answer.

If the Monster Race is really about to attack.

The speed at which Cheng Zhong repairs the Formation will likely directly determine the fate of Nether Cloud City.

A tremendous amount of pressure came down.

Even with Cheng Zhong's usual composure, he couldn't help but feel nervous in the face of such an important issue.

A few drops of cold sweat leaked from his forehead quietly, after pondering for a long time, he finally answered resolutely and decisively: "If it is completely undisturbed, I will only need two days to repair the spare array. ."

Hearing this answer, Liu Qixing immediately instructed: "You immediately take the battle plate and enter the secret room of my retreat, even if Monster Race attacks, you will not be disturbed in it."

"Don't waste time, leave now, and I will tell their three people to do everything else in the city."

"My subordinates take orders!"

Cheng Zhong moved towards Liu Qixing and bowed, then turned around and quickly walked towards the inner library.

A moment later, a heavily fortified, Formation-heavy chamber was activated in the guard house.

After a secret wave, Cheng Zhong's breath completely disappeared from everyone's senses.

"Ling Shujian!"

Liu Qixing's eyes fell on Ling Shujian, who had never spoken, and he instructed with a cold expression: "You immediately take down Xu Zisheng, if he resists stubbornly, kill him immediately. !"

Chen Yuansheng heard this frowned and asked: "Master, are we not waiting?"

Liu Qixing shook the head, and said: "Don't wait, Neiku Among them, apart from me, only a few of you can enter, and among them, Xu Zisheng is the only one who may secretly attack the backup array.”

“Since he dares to move the backup array. Hands and feet, this move is no different from a traitor."

The cold glow flashed in Liu Qixing's eyes, and a wisp of murderous aura quietly grew out of him.

"Ling Shujian! Go!"

"My subordinates take orders!"

Ling Shujian turned to go out with a blank expression, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Today there are only two chapters of 6700 words, because they are combined.

Thank you for your monthly ticket and subscription support, I have nothing else to say, continue to code and rush tomorrow's manuscript, and it will be moistened~

(end of this chapter)

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