Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 127


Chapter 127 126 [The Treacherous Fate of the Nether Cloud City cultivator] (First Update)

[Liang Shichao: Nether Cloud City Black Armor Xuanwei 5th Team Member]

[10 years old: Born in a Cultivation Family, living in Nether Cloud City for generations, after awakening the spirit root, he received careful guidance from his elders, and cultivation progressed very quickly. ]

[19 years old: First time taking Foundation Establishment Pill Foundation Establishment failed, not willing to give up, joined loose cultivator team, and entered the mountain range of Youyun in order to gain the opportunity of Foundation Establishment again. ]

[27 years old: I was lucky enough to get a high grade spirit medicine in a certain experience, and returned to the city to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill, and finally became a Foundation Establishment cultivator. Three years later, he joined Heijia Xuanwei through selection. ]

[35 years old: Monster Race marched into Nether Cloud City, was temporarily broken due to City Protecting Great Formation, and died under Xu Niansheng's blood refinement secret technique. ]

[Evaluation: A cultivator with a small chance, unfortunately not very lucky. ]

The black armor Xuanwei named Liang Shichao has nothing special, but the sentence that revealed the trajectory of his final destiny made Su Yun difficult to understand for a while.

Judging from the results, Su Yun's previous actions must have rewritten the fate of the fall of Nether Cloud City.

This can be seen from the phrase "City Protecting Great Formation was temporarily broken".

A brief break means that the final formation is restored.

But since the protection of the large array did not fail in the end, why did Xu Niansheng still create the disaster of blood refinement?

This is where Su Yun is puzzled.

After a while.

Su Yun still didn't understand the point, but his eyes fell on the evaluation of Liang Shichao's fate.


Could it be that this black-armored Xuanwei is a special case, other cultivators have not encountered this situation? !

Su Yun quickly turned his attention to the other cultivators and decided to change the target to re-deduce.

To be on the safe side, he finally chose to come to the most crowded Eastside through Transmission Formation.

A middle-aged cultivator who is fiercely criticizing the female cultivator in a nearby shop with a righteous gaze came into view, and he became the lucky one selected by Su Yun this time.

[Liu Dachuan: loose cultivator (Nether Cloud City Zuihualou frequent visitor)]


Su Yun ignores the other experiences of this old dart player, Directly looked towards the last line of writing.

[91 years old: He was strong and strong, still working hard, he suffered a fiasco in a fierce personal fight with a female cultivator, and unfortunately died in battle. ]

[Evaluation: The peony flower is dead, and it is also romantic to be a ghost. ]

Su Yun was taken aback by such a life trajectory and evaluation.

Then greater doubts arose in my heart.

What's going on? !

Why did the Black Armor Xuanwei, who was in charge of defending the city, die under the blood refinement, while an old dart player who lingered in the drunk flower building finally died at the age of ninety-one?

Su Yun couldn't help but read his life trajectory from start to finish.

It turns out that this guy didn't even mention the upcoming turmoil in Nether Cloud City in his entire life trajectory, in addition to his strange death.

In other words, he was clearly not affected by this incident!

What happened to this Nether Cloud City? !

It matters a lot.

Even though the number of games per day was only three, Su Yun couldn't care less about keeping one more for exploratory purposes.

I glanced at a cultivator passing by, and a few lines of writing appeared quickly.

[Zhao Qi: loose cultivator]


[37 years old: Monster Race marched towards Nether Cloud City, was completely destroyed by City Protecting Great Formation Destroy and die while fending off Monster Race attacks. ]

[Evaluation: Although the cultivation base is weak, but in terms of Human Race, he is still a hero. ]

Su Yun's expression was solemn, and his eyes stayed on the sentence "City Protecting Great Formation was completely destroyed" for a long time, and once again felt a heavy pressure between the lines.

Three games.

Three completely different life endings.

Two of them mentioned the destruction of the Nether Cloud City Great Array in their fate tracks, while the other remained unharmed.

Su Yun has yet to fully understand the key to this.

However, it can be seen from the information that has been determined that this Tiangang Black Tortoise formation had a total of two problems in the ensuing turmoil.

The first time it was temporarily broken, it was finally repaired.

The second time was completely destroyed, and even the battle situation was about to collapse.

So much so that the average cultivator living in the city has to participate in the battle to resist the attack of the Monster Race.

Once the Black Tortoise formation, which enveloped the city inside and outside, is fully activated, it basically means that the Monster Race army has come to the city.

The stage where both sides send low-level cultivators to fight against each other will be completely over.

Su Yun obtained information related to city defense from Secret Puppet's thoughts.

It usually occurs when the Monster Race is approaching the city and the big formation is fully stimulated.

Because of the existence of the moat guarded by all around the mountain range of secluded clouds.

The garrisoned cultivator only needs to face attacks from the north side of the city.

Unless the Formation is completely broken.

Otherwise, all the following battles will only be handled by the garrison cultivator, the black armored Xuanwei and the guard cultivator.

At least one Divine Transformation, digital Nascent Soul, more than 100 Golden Cores, three or four thousand Foundation Establishments!

This kind of strength is enough to firmly resist the Monster Race's offensive with the aid of the large formation, various defensive equipment and battleship.

even more how as predicted in the simulated experience.

Next, after the Monster Race advances, the cultivation alliance will mobilize other Divine Transformation cultivator and Nascent Soul Cultivator to come to support.

At that time, there will inevitably be a large number of garrison cultivators coming from the rear to arrive one after another.

But now that Nether Cloud City has finally assembled such a force.

The guarding cultivator has also removed many secret hands set by Xu Niansheng in the city through his own early warning.

Why did the loose cultivator named Zhao Qi die in the process of resisting the Monster Race attack? !

Why is Tiangang Black Tortoise still broken twice? !

This is the question that Su Yun most wants to understand.

He subconsciously wants to continue to deduce the fate of other cultivators in order to learn more from them.

But nothing happens on the emulator.

Because the three-day game opportunity has been used up.

Looking up at the sky, the sun hasn't completely sunk into the sky.

Su Yun frowned went back to the residence, ready to wait until tomorrow when the number of games resumed, and then come to the East District for a run.

The east is again grey dawn.

Su Yun, who had been cultivated all night, put away the [stardust] that had fallen from the sky, got up and moved his muscles and bones, and then strode out.

Improving strength is one of the most important things at any time.

So after he returned to his residence yesterday, he forced himself to put down his mind and enter the cultivation state with peace of mind.

Rush to the Eastside again via Transmission Formation.

This time Su Yun deliberately came outside Wenxian Pavilion.

He wanted to see if the cultivators here were affected in the ensuing turmoil.

The white-bearded old man silhouette with the dive poise and sagelike features reappeared in his sight, and Su Yun immediately inspired the spectacle deduction.

[Qin Yuzhou: Nether Cloud City asks Xiange cultivator]

[159 years old: culture base stays at Foundation Establishment Peak for decades, not an inch, retreat Strongly punching the neck of the gold pill bottle, after the failure, strength great injury, and died during meditation in the retreat place a few months later. ]

Seeing this kind of normal life ending.

Su Yun was stunned again.

(end of this chapter)

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