Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 144


Chapter 144 143 [Sacrificing yourself to defend the enemy and defend our territory! ]

Devouring Blood!

As the name suggests, once such an area is formed, it will continue to devour Spiritual Qi within its range and convert it into blood energy.

This kind of blood energy naturally repels and devours the surrounding spiritual power. It is only suitable for Monster Race to absorb through its unique blood cultivation method. Human Race cultivator is definitely not stationed in such a place.

Once the Devourer of Blood is fully formed, whether or not Nether Cloud City falls into the hands of the Monster Race, this line of defense can be said to be In name only.

"I can't believe that the Devourer of Blood was created with the Heavenly Demon blood essence!"

"Guardian Liu, what should I do next?"

Although Liu Qixing was seriously injured, the cultivation base also fell to Nascent Soul Realm.

But after experiencing this series of changes today, the respect of everyone present for him came from the heart, and the natural first reaction was to ask him for countermeasures.

Liu Qixing looked at Lei Poyue, who was also seriously injured, and made an immediate arrangement: "Fellow Daoist Lei, you immediately return through the air formation, and send a message to Holy Land to request Void Refinement Venerable for help."


"Maybe it's still too late."

After Lei Poyue nodded responded and left quickly.

Liu Qixing covered his chest and coughed a few times, then turned his attention to Li Chengfeng, the only Formation Dao Grandmaster in the field.

“Fellow Daoist Li, according to written in ancient records, when the Spirit Devouring Bloodland first formed, the ley lines were only as deep as the hundred zhang for the time being.”

“If the Three high grade spirit veins are used as the foundation to lay out a large array. Can the ley lines be cut off and the spirit-devouring blood region be moved out of Nether Cloud City?

Li Chengfeng frowned and stared ahead, occupying a ten-mile radius. The blood Qi Sea Ocean, which is still slowly spreading outward, and the blood-colored giant pillar that reaches thousands of zhang high empty spaces, remained silent for a long time without answering.

The field was quiet, and everyone was silent. After waiting for his reply.

After a full ten minutes of breath, Li Chengfeng shook his head and sighed: "If I want to move such a vast land and land at least several hundred li, with my formation skills, it is not enough. You can give it a try. "

"But the Spiritual Qi required is too large, and the Spiritual Qi that three high grade spirit veins can supply is probably far from enough. "

Hearing such an answer, everyone's expressions changed.

Liu Qixing, who has devoted countless efforts to this city, even felt that his shoulders were pressed against a mountain. Heavy, the unspeakable depression almost made him breathless.

“Holy Land is millions of li away, even if Void Refinement Venerable arrives, it will take at least one hour to arrive. It has completely exploded. "

"Is this Nether Cloud City just handed over to Monster Race? ”

Everyone looked at the magnificent culture city under their feet, and their hearts were filled with unspeakable emotions.

For tens of thousands of years, Human Race has successively defended this line of defense. I don't know how many cultivators' lives have been paid.

If this city is reduced to a soul-devouring blood domain, wouldn't the sacrifices of the ancestors and the consumption of countless resources in the past few years be in vain?

In such silence.

Ling Shujian, who has never spoken, suddenly asked Li Chengfeng: "If you first cut out this piece of land, and then set up a large array to detonate it. Three high grade spirit veins, can we use the force of battle to blast them out directly? ! ”

Such a unique idea immediately caught everyone's attention.

Li Chengfeng hearing this even brightened his eyes and his face was full of excitement: "You can try this method, I'm afraid it is possible! ”

It can’t be too late.

Since there is a feasible plan, many cultivators in the field with a cultivation base above Nascent Soul immediately spread out along the spirit-devouring blood field and start to work Cut this piece of land.

Because the power of Heavenly Demon blood essence is too tyrannical, everyone can't directly lift the land and land with earthwork, so they can only choose the most primordial method.

One after another, the huge might spell, sword light, and blade glow that received the blessing of Power of Heaven and Earth quickly fell, and the roaring noise accompanied by the billowing smoke continued to spread in Nether Cloud City.

Dozens of Divine Transformation and more than 40 Nascent Soul Cultivators work together, how efficient is it.

It takes less than a cup of tea.

With the Soul Devouring Blood Domain as the center, one piece occupies The vast land with a radius of ten li or so was completely cut off by four ravines as deep as hundreds of zhang or so and as wide as several feet.

Then came several Divine Transformations headed by Zhao Kongxuan. The sword cultivator worked together, and cut the connection between the Devourer of Souls and the Nether Cloud City leylines from the ground.

Everything is ready.

Li Chengfeng immediately started the digital high-level Array Master With the help of , they quickly arranged the Formation along this severed land.

With another quarter of an hour, after the Formation was completed, they could try to detonate the spirit vein before the Devouring Blood Territory fully erupted.

Forcibly "send" it away from Nether Cloud City.

However, the Monster Race side will watch them calmly sabotage their own plans.


The roar of the Scarlet Bloodfiend dragon came from above the sky again, and hundreds of thousands of Monster Race cultivators were rushing along the Nether Cloud City city wall that had lost its shelter.

Several terrifying breaths silhouette e shot from the sky in the north at high speed, and it was the five high-level Great Demons who had just been temporarily frightened by the violent surprise attack of the Human Race side and returned again.

"Fellow Daoist Li! I'll leave everything to you!"

Liu Qixing took a deep look at Li Chengfeng and the others who were busy, and instructed to other cultivators: "Nether Cloud The survival of the City is here! Everyone, follow me forward to meet the enemy!"

Dozens of tyrannical imposing manners soared into the sky and went straight to the sky, quickly colliding with the five attacking Great Demons.

Due to huge differences in cultivation realm.

In addition to Zhao Kongxuan, Liu Qixing and the other six Divine Transformation Middle Stage cultivators who were able to resist the attacks of the five Great Demons, the remaining forty Nascent Soul Cultivators were unable to resist the crossing even if they joined forces. A terrifying attack of a whole great realm.

The rumbling sound of thunder and sonic boom resounded through the void, and one after another continuously exploded above the sky.

The confrontation between the two sides quickly entered a white-hot state.

The Nascent Soul Cultivator is constantly dying under the unstoppable attack of the opposite Great Demon, and there are people who choose to self-destruct Nascent Soul at the last minute in order to hurt the enemy and stop the enemy.

Under such a desperate effort, even if the five Great Demons tried to break into the city, they could not achieve their goal.

On the contrary, Nascent Soul self-destruct and Zhao Kongxuan and the others suffered serious injuries successively in the unsuspecting attacks of Human Race.

And on the city wall below.

The black armored Xuanwei and the stationed cultivator, who were at an absolute disadvantage, could not resist the tide of Monster Race's offensive. The area where Chengfeng and the others set up the Formation quickly rushed away.

They are naturally impossible and have the ability to resist the attacks of Divine Transformation and Nascent Soul Cultivator, but it is very possible to use their lives or other means such as the Foul Spirit Arrow to interfere and temporarily delay the formation process.

"Fellow fellows!"

"Nether Cloud City's survival is not just the responsibility of your adults. Since I am a Human Race, since I am in the city, it is my responsibility!"


"Who is willing to join me to kill the enemy and defend the territory of our clan?!"

A roar from nowhere shook the city, followed by thousands of The roar that went straight to the sky kept responding: "Go forward to kill the enemy and defend the territory!"

"Go forward to kill the enemy and defend the territory!"

one after another tiny silhouette from The half-destroyed west side city rushed out and quickly merged into an unstoppable torrent, which crashed and collided with a large number of Monster Race cultivators entering the city!

(end of this chapter)

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