Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 148


Chapter 148 147 [Calm analysis, a little thinking] (first update)

[This life simulation is over . ]

[Evaluation: The life of trying nothing and accomplishing nothing, as a cultivator, your death is very distinctive. ]

[Based on your life, you can choose a harvest from this simulation to manifest. 】

【Heavenly Rank low grade Dual Cultivation cultivation technique "Heaven and Earth 合賢"]

【High-level secret technique "Twenty-Four Bridges Bright Moon and Night"】

[Endurance ability beyond the limit of mortals (ten years without eating or drinking)]

[The simulator enters a cooling state with a cooling time of 14 days. ]

Starved to death? ?

Seeing such a simulation result, Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help frowning.

What is the Nether Fog?

In addition to infecting the fleshy body and making it impossible to use the amount of God's Soul Power and spiritual power, it can actually make [0-08] go silent? !

And another problem that Su Yun had worried about also happened.

The chance of this three calamities of Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment is that he spy on Chen Qing's fate, and it was mentioned in the last simulation that this is Chen Qing's destiny.

In other words, even if other people can survive or even get out of the strange realm after entering the Nether Gorge, they may not be able to find the legacy of their predecessors like Chen Qing.

After all, no matter how small a strange area is, it often covers an area of several dozen li.

It is indeed a very low probability to find this opportunity exactly.

In other words, Su Yun can conduct trial and error directly through the simulator without entering the strange realm, and predict the results of subsequent actions in advance.

Innate is invincible.

Otherwise he would definitely not have the confidence to acquire this method of Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment.

But this simulation is not without harvest.

Su Yun is keenly aware of an important message hidden in the simulated experience.

In the simulation, he once returned to the core of the strange domain to wait for the rabbit, trying to wait for the arrival of Chen Qing.

But until the age of 25, that is, one year after Chen Qing's destiny has been established by the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, there is still no trace of Chen Qing.

It means that Chen Qing did not enter the core area of the strange domain in the end.

This method of Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment must be hidden in other places in the strange domain!

Then in the next simulation, Su Yun can change her behavior based on this known information.

There is no core place in the False Territory, so go to other areas of the False Territory to find it.

Try a few times and you won't be able to get the Foundation Establishment.

If it still doesn't work, just wait for a few years in the simulation experience, and after Chen Qing comes in, follow it, so it won't be fruitless.

So after Su Yun figured this out, she quickly let go of her concerns and started looking at other information revealed in the simulation.

A large number of Sacred Heart Sect Disciples have entered the Nether Gorge one after another, and they have been trying to explore the core area of the strange domain.

What is their purpose?

A group of people died and the next group came. Could it be that they were looking for something important?

In addition, when he was in the Beihuang battlefield, Chen Qing also mentioned that dozens of Golden Core cultivators who went to explore had died in the Nether Gorge.

In addition to the Sacred Heart Sect, there is probably no other force near the city of dark abyss that can come up with such a hand.

After contemplating for a while, Su Yun turned her attention back to the simulated harvest.

Among the three options that could be realized, he first ruled out the secret spell whose name looked very high.

Twenty-Four Bridges Bright Moony Night,...

You must know that the simulator directly instills relevant memories.

Forget this kind of special skill, he and someone can't bear this kind of mental pollution.

Shakes his head vigorously to dispel the suspicious images that come to his mind.

Su Yun hesitated for a while, but decided to pull the taller one out of the shorter one.

The ability not to die without eating or drinking for ten years is really useless except in some extremely special circumstances.

Another way is Heavenly Rank cultivation technique.

If there is a Dao Companion or a personal maid in the future, wouldn't it come in handy?

As Su Yun finally touched the options with his thoughts, a Dual Cultivation cultivation technique with extremely delicate content and a large number of "holographic images" suddenly appeared in his mind.

Well, the kind with a huge amount of information.

That is, Su Yun has superhuman Soul Power, and has already experienced the test of various works in Blue Star.

After a while, this time cultivation technique is finally over.

Ignoring some of the poses that are eye-opening to Su Yun and unimaginable to ordinary people, this cultivation technique is equally exquisite and exquisite.

Although it is far from the "Heavenly Stars Revolution" which was cultivated by Su Yun.

But it is enough to support the cultivator to complete the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, and even point to the precious cultivation technique of Nascent Soul Realm.

Very good.

One-click favorites for emergencies.

With fourteen days to go before the next simulation, Su Yun was naturally impossible to waste.

Looking at the simulator light curtain, information about the cultivation skills immediately came into view.

【Pill Dao (First Rank ), Forbidden (First Rank ), Rune Dao (not beginner), Formation Dao (not beginner), Refiner (not beginner)]

cultivation The level division of skills is very intuitive. It is divided into Rank 1-9 from low to high, and the real value is higher as it goes on.

Take Pill Dao as an example, the cultivator who can make the seventh rank medicine pill is called the high-level Pill Master, then the eighth rank is the Master, and the ninth rank is the Grandmaster.

The same is true for Rune Dao, Formation Dao and Dao of Refining.

Over the past two months, Su Yun has devoted almost all of her time to the study of these classics and preliminary practice except for cultivation.

However, the process of trying is not ideal for some reason.

In addition to successfully mastering more than a dozen simple prohibitions with the extraordinary amount of Soul Power, and refining a few furnaces of the lowest-level Fasting Pill.

He found that he was almost ignorant in other areas, especially talisman formation and formation.

The whole process of trying can be described as "from entry to give up".

As for the refiner, due to the lack of suitable earth fires on the cross-domain flying boat as support, Su Yun has not had a chance to try it yet.

So in the next time, I can only do more practical operations on Pill Dao for the time being. In addition to practicing hands, I can also increase the inventory of Fasting Pill.

Isn't the simulation saying that after the Nether Fog erupts, you will eventually starve to death.

Then prepare a massive amount of Fasting Pill before the next simulation, I don't believe that I can starve to death again!


An alchemic furnace about three feet high was heavily placed on the ground by Su Yun.

The probe picks up a lot of low-level spiritual grass and piles it next to it, then throws a low-level spiritual fire down the pile furnace.

As Su Yun quickly injected spiritual power and used fire-control tactics to activate the spiritual fire, the bottom of the pill furnace immediately began to spit flames.

Strains of spiritual medicine were successively thrown into the pill furnace, and gradually refinished into the essence of spiritual medicine under the combined action of spiritual power and fire.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a faint medicinal scent began to permeate the quiet room.

Su Yun immediately began to change the seal art for the most important step of condensing.

In the burnt furnace, a pool of dark liquid began to be quickly divided into ten small groups, and gradually formed by tempering through the temperature in the furnace under the control of Su Yun.

Just when Su Yun thought it was safe.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng!”

A series of dull explosions accompanied by a thick plume of blue smoke rose from the pill furnace, leaving a mark on Su Yun’s face. A grey face.

emmm, the 12 o'clock update result was directly blocked by Divine Beast. After checking it many times, no banned words were found. I had to make a big change. I really don't understand the starting point of review.

(end of this chapter)

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