Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 16


Chapter 16 016 [Hold a weapon, kill your heart! ]

The long dark night passed again.

Su Yun appeared wearily from the edge of a mountain forest, but there was an unprecedented excitement in his eyes.

After a whole night of hard work, he used Shadow Phantom's "flash" and the cooperation of other Secret Puppets to search all areas within ten miles, and once again transformed two special Resentful Grade strange as new Secret Puppet.

It's a small, lark-like dementor!

The other is a bloody pupil that looks like a pair of blood-stained eyes!

The soul-destroying bird can emit a special call that shakes the soul. Unless strong soul protection measures are in place, even the Foundation Establishment cultivator will be temporarily absent when hearing its call.

Cultivation base The weak will even be confused by the sound of the dementor, and they will take the initiative to step into some dangerous places.

For example, jumping off a cliff by yourself, or unknowingly putting yourself in front of some life-threatening weirdness!

However, what Su Yun values most is the tyrannical ability of the Destroyer Bird to stun the soul.

With Sequence Four's marionette manipulation, I am afraid that below the Golden Core Realm, without mastering the special means of Blade Intent sword intent, no one can resist the process of being transformed into a marionette by Su Yun!

Because the "spiritual body string" was initially controlled for only three seconds, and it was almost imperceptible before that.

When the target perceives that the situation is not right, thinking and actions have already become dull and stagnant.

If at this time, there is another dementor sound, and I fall into a state of temporary absent-mindedness.

Wait until came back to his senses, I am afraid that a few breaths of time have passed, and it is very close to being completely transformed into a marionette.

Even if they can finally get rid of the fate of being a marionette by means of some means, the resulting delay in thinking and action is completely inevitable.

The foreseeable Su Yun can trigger the Blade Intent at close range and give the target another thunderous blow!

How many people can resist this set?

As for Qi Refinement Realm cultivator and Monster Race of the same level, Su Yun does not need to use such means at all. The terrifying melee combat ability brought by [Blade Dao Master] is not a decoration.

And the other Resentful Grade is even more weird!

Although the blood eye pupil looks very casual, its attack method is not ambiguous at all.

This thing can't be seen!

As soon as someone looks at him, he immediately falls into a terrifying vision.

The light soul is injured, and the heavy soul is directly exhausted and died in the illusion.

If it wasn't for Su Yun's use of marionettes to explore the path and directly remotely control the "spiritual body string" of Xuemutong last night, I'm afraid the soul would also suffer a lot of trauma.

And the blood eye pupil can be installed on any Secret Puppet, directly replacing the original eyes of the Secret Puppet, it is very convenient to carry and use.

It can be said that after having these Secret Puppets, Su Yun no longer needs to worry too much about her own safety as long as she does not encounter a wealth of wealth, many trump cards, and a cultivation realm that far exceeds her rivals.

But what makes Su Yun a little puzzled is that.

Last night, he fearfully turned two Resentful Grade into a marionette one after another, but he did not attract the attention of that mysterious will again.

Could it be that this powerful existence who stocked all the weirdness didn't care about this little thing?

Then why did Su Yun do it for the first time and it sparked It's eye bet?

Su Yun pondered for a long time and couldn't come up with any valuable answers. After all, all his speculations were based on his own cognition, which was probably far from the real situation.

For the time being, these questions can only be pressed into the bottom of my heart.

There is one looming problem that Su Yun has to tackle right now.

That's delaying the massive gathering of Monster Race cultivators, thereby slowing down Immortal Sect cultivator battallion Wu's eventual return to his makeshift home!

According to the experience in the simulation, even if you return to the station and successfully expose the identity of Monster General Fu Shan, the battle strength of the three Golden Core cultivators in the station is not enough to kill Fu Shan on the spot. .

But if the memory inherited from the original body is not wrong, after another twenty-five days, three Golden Core Realm cultivators from Nether Cloud City will come to "Bright Sprint Valley" to switch defenses.

When the time comes, there will be six Golden Core Realm cultivators in the station at the same time!

If the team happens to arrive at the station at this time, as long as a backhand report is made, Fu Shan will no longer be able to run!

According to the experience of the second simulation, we can know that this guy has a huge might Forbidden Item.

Although the purpose of Monster Race is to blow up the defenses of Nether Cloud City by detonating the [Profound Dragon] core Formation.

But after Fu Shan ran away with a serious injury, he would sneak back in with other cultivators to give the station a shot.

Six Golden Core cultivators and hundreds of Immortal Sect Disciples, plus a medium-sized semi-permanent station on the northern battlefield, are already worth a Forbidden Item from Monster Race.

However, Su Yun always crouched at the entrance of the station to observe everyone's "spiritual body string".

Let's not say whether he can stand it or not, the cultivator of the Overwatch Temple must first doubt his motives.

So simply arrange Fu Shan to be perfectly clear in one wave, then he will never have the chance to do anything again, and his own life can be guaranteed.

Six beings of the same rank shot together, I don't believe that a Monster General trifling can make any waves. After all, it takes time to detonate the Forbidden Item.

And will Ji Tao and the others just watch him detonate?

So Su Yun had to find a way to delay the time, at least to delay the gathering of a large number of Monster Races for two or three days.

Then the best way is to kill some of them, let the nearby Monster Race attrition a lot, and then take the opportunity to run away and join the Immortal Sect cultivator's battalion team.

With the cover of [0-08], Fu Shan will not notice him, so this action should be safe.

Confirming that the plan is feasible, Su Yun immediately picked up the movement method and hurried to the front of the hill.

Last night, with Shadow Phantom's "blink" ability and "spiritual body string" vision, Su Yun discovered that there were at least dozens of Monster Races lurking within a ten-mile radius.

Since you want to kill the last batch, let's start with the nearest Monster Races!

It happened to be familiar with the abilities of the new marionettes.

In a verdant valley, several Monster Races were following a messy trail running fast in the tall grass.

Sniffing the faint smell of blood in the wind, Monster Wolf, headed by him, looked excited, and the long knife in his hand seemed to be a little lighter.

"Run, run, the faster you run, the better the taste!"

After saying this, he couldn't help but turn his head and emphasize to the companion behind him: "It's my turn to eat the fat one. The other day I met some skinny ones, and the birds faded out of their mouths."

The few Monster Races behind them bared their fangs and looked on their faces. Unhappy, but looked at the big knife in Monster Wolf's hand and finally shrank back.

Monster Wolf was overjoyed when he saw this, grinned and chased harder.

The Monster Race is apparently tracking down a few injured Immortal Sect Disciples, and it looks like they're going to catch up soon.

Judging from the content of their conversations, you can imagine what will happen once they are caught up.

After turning around a mountain wall, a few silhouettes running in a hurry can be vaguely seen ahead.

One of them stumbled back to the end, clutching his chest, apparently not badly injured.

The Monster Race, who had been chasing for a long time, suddenly became excited, and Monster Wolf couldn't help but let out a long howl!

At this moment, an extremely sharp chirping sounded suddenly, the powerful Dementor sound oscillated back and forth in the minds of the group of demons, and the five-headed Monster Race froze in place.

An invisible shadow flickered in the outline cast by the grass, and a silhouette in a black outfit instantly appeared behind the five-headed Monster Race.


Su Yun took one step forward and pulled out the knife!

There was a sudden light in the valley.

A blade glow that is a hundred times more dazzling than sunlight ripped through the air in an instant! Raise the hurricane!

Like Thunderous Roar, like a galaxy rewinding, roaring and bursting in the light of the void!

All the weeds and shrubs around fell down in this brief moment, and the high-speed moving blade rubbed the air, sending out a harsh sonic boom and a scorching smell!


Extremely fast!

The howl of Monster Wolf's exit had just spread through the valley, and the panic on the Immortal Sect Disciple's face ahead didn't even have time to turn into panic.

With a thunderous explosion!

The five hideous heads left their masters in an instant, and the blood springs that spurted out dazedly flew to the heights.

Several small squeaks rang out.

The five monster cores were shaken by Blade Qi, and they automatically broke through the monster and jumped out.

Su Yun gently returned the knife to the sheath, stretched out his hand to take pictures of his own spills of war, and then disappeared out of thin air.

The gentle mountain wind blew again, leaving only five headless corpses on the spot.

Today's second update is over, and there is a third update at 8pm.

(end of this chapter)

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