Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 18


Chapter 18 018 [Ah! my eyes! ]

The unprecedented crisis of death was like a tsunami in the heart, and Su Yun never thought that he would face this level of attack so soon.

At this moment, even with Su Yun's eyesight, Fu Shan's action could not be clearly seen.

I only felt the cold glow flashed in front of me, and an extremely sharp attack suddenly pierced through the space and attacked me!

Can't pick up!

If you take it, you will die!

Spiritual power all over his body was surging like a volcanic eruption, Su Yun's first spare no effort triggered the Blade Intent he just realized!

A tyrannical air machine that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome instantly cut off Fu Shan's imposing manner, and went straight to the sky, and even cut all the clouds shrouded in the sky!

Within ten feet!

Whether it was a towering ancient wood hugged by dozens of people, or a hard rock that was nearly zhang thick, they were all neatly broken into two pieces after an invisible wave swept through!


Carrying the astonishingly powerful sharp claw to explore the air, the air directly exploded a line of dozens of meters long under this terrifying stab. White air waves!

The tyrannical demon power slammed around, and the sudden gust of wind would directly lift the giant trees and rocks that were cut off by the Blade Intent, and crashed down into the depths of the mountains and forests dozens of meters away.

There was a flying sand running stone in the field, and Su Yun's figure had already disappeared in place at the moment the Blade Intent erupted.

After a short pause, he quickly fled to the distance in a way similar to teleportation.


“Can you run?!”

Fu Shan coldly snorted, pinching a lark that appeared in front of him into The body flashed, and quickly chased in the direction where Su Yun left.

Although he doesn't understand the way Su Yun is running now, as a Monster General level existence with a profound culture base, he has lived for hundreds of years, what scene has he not seen?

Whether Su Yun escapes with Escape Talisman or some unknown escape method, there will be nothing to hide under his Divine Consciousness sweeping around several dozen li range!

However, something very familiar to Fu Shan happened again.

It was obvious that Su Yun was right in front of him, but when he swept through his Divine Consciousness, he could only perceive a void, as if there was some mysterious power blocking it all.

"It's really you!"

Fu Shan complexion turned cold, and anger surged up instantly.

He had already guessed when he first received the subpoena.

After all, two days ago, he sent dozens of his subordinates to test out the Blade Intent, but all of them, including a close junior who had advanced to the Demon Soldier realm, were gone forever.

Today, I heard that there is a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator of Blade Technique's amazing and crazy slaughtering low-level Monster Race nearby.

He didn't believe that a second Immortal Sect Disciple with such strength could be found in the current Northern Wilderness battlefield.

And when Su Yun inspired Blade Intent just now, it made him even more sure.

Fu Shan's anger finally couldn't be suppressed until he felt this strange situation that was clearly in front of him, but couldn't be touched by Divine Consciousness.

The mighty Great Demon force as thick as a river rushes fast in the meridian, its body shape is like a meteor and lightning, Fu Shan quickly catches up to several hundred zhang behind Su Yun.

To his surprise, Su Yun's movement speed is not slower than him at all!

If it wasn't for Su Yun's brief pause after each "teleport", Fu Shan could hardly keep up with him.

“This child must not be kept!” Fu Shan was shocked and immediately made a decision.

Originally, he still had a bit of a cat-and-mouse mentality, but after seeing Su Yun's performance, he didn't dare to despise this young Human Race cultivator at all.

Blade Technique is superb, very ruthless, act decisively, and go away with one strike!

The most terrible thing is that he not only comprehended Blade Intent, but also has some kind of extremely fast and strange escape technique, and can even block Fu Shan's Divine Consciousness probe!

With such a person, once he was let go, Fu Shan thought to himself that apart from himself, all the Monster Races in this radius of several hundred li would probably be destroyed!

And if Su Yun is determined to take revenge on the Monster Race cultivator, it will definitely bring a devastating blow to the infiltration plan led by Fu Shan!

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

Thinking of this, Fu Shan once again restrained his imposing manner a little bit, so as not to be detected by the Golden Core cultivator in the distant Human Race station after his breath leaked.

After all, the entire Beihuang battlefield has already been carefully checked by Human Race Divine Transformation and even Void Refinement Stage powerhouse with its tyrannical Divine Consciousness.

All the Monster Races whose cultivation base exceeds the Monster General realm, as long as there is no time to retreat with the Monster Race army, have been killed in the air!

The reason why Fu Shan was able to escape the disaster was because he was on the mission of sneaking into Human Race City to destroy the defense, so he was able to hide with the Forbidden Item on his body.

Rao is so, he doesn't dare to exert more power than Demon Soldier realm Peak now.

Otherwise, once the Human Race cultivator finds out, all his ambitions and plans will be in vain.

The Human Race monitoring hall has various mysterious detection methods, and it is difficult to guarantee that one will not be tracked.

However, although Fu Shan's imposing manner was restrained, the demon power on his body suddenly started to burn, and his speed, which was able to keep up with Su Yun, suddenly skyrocketed a lot.

In just a few breaths, he came quickly behind Su Yun and beyond the hundred zhang!

A terrifying air force was approaching, and Su Yun was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he had left a hand for a long time, and he did not push the flashing ability of Shadow Phantom to the extreme at the first time.

Between the thoughts flashing, the speed of "flashing" suddenly increased by a few percent.

So the figure that Fu Shan had just caught up with immediately fell behind again, and the chase returned to the situation where only Su Yun's back could be seen at first.

The two of them, one after the other, quickly crossed several dozen li fields, and swept all the way to the vast mountains.

Fu Shan was terrified as he chased after him, but Su Yun was also getting more and more anxious.

Shadow Phantom, as the strangeness of all creatures in the world, uses the ability of "flash" just like ordinary people eat and walk, which is completely an instinct.

At least Su Yun has not noticed any limit on the number of times it can be used so far.

But that doesn't mean Su Yun can escape forever in this way.

Because his Divine Soul Power is capped!

Even though the [Marionette Manipulation] innate talent has advanced to the equivalent of Sequence Four, Su Yun's Divine Soul Power has also been enhanced in an extraordinary way when the innate talent is promoted.

In the process, Su Yun even has an incomplete Legendary Creature Form similar to that of other Crafty Mages at Demi-God Level in Lord of Mysteries.

But after a long period of uninterrupted use of the marionette for "flashing" and "place swapping", Su Yun's Divine Soul Power was nearly exhausted.

Once the Divine Soul Power is completely depleted, his current fast-moving state will be instantly reverted to his original shape, and he may even be in danger of losing control immediately.

You have to find a way to get rid of Fu Shan's tracking, or you will never be able to consume this old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

Su Yun struggles to recall what has been revealed in the last few simulations while keeping her speed constant.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be an important content that could break the current predicament.

In the flash of thoughts, an aura suddenly jumped out of my mind!

Su Yun quickly took out a ferocious wolf's head from the storage bag, and then quietly pressed the blood-eyed pupil that had just been transformed into a marionette last night on it.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the wolf's head abruptly, and turned his bloody eyes towards Fu Shan, who was chasing after him. He came up with his own "mythological form".

He pressed his throat and shouted in a strange tone: "That little monster in the back, look what this is?!"

Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the very familiar head, Fu Shan subconsciously looked away.

next moment.

A Dao Accumulation vision of strange power suddenly occupied his entire line of sight, and in an instant, like a dye vat overturned, a large amount of light and shadows quickly poured out that was enough to evoke the infinite fear in the hearts of ordinary people.

However, as a dignified Monster General level existence, how could Fu Shan care about such a low-end spirit attack?

His eyes froze, and the monster core shook.

A divine Soul Power that was dozens of times stronger than this attack instantly counterattacked along the faint connection.

However, Su Yun has been waiting for him for a long time!

Thoughts move, Su Yun immediately takes over Xue Mutong's "spiritual body string" and all perception.

So Fu Shan's counterattack came back with the amount of God's Soul Power that hit Su Yun's soul without a trace!

At this moment, Su Yun only felt that his soul seemed to be touched, the side that belonged to the human was quietly hidden, and the other illusory shadow layered with tentacles, and the terrifying illusory shadow suddenly appeared deep in his mind. floated up!

"Ah! My eyes!"

The unprepared Fu Shan screamed, and his soul suddenly felt like a heavy blow!

There was a terrifying pain in both eyes, and the eyes were completely plunged into darkness.

In a trance, he felt as if he had glimpsed some kind of indescribable terrifying existence, and the facial skin, which had long been tempered as hard as gold and iron by the magic power, suddenly moved like a worm.

His eyes glowing with cold green light cracked open quietly, and two tentacles that were several feet long stretched out from them, "crackling" in the air!

The densely packed granulation scrambled to pierce the flesh, squeezed through the skin, and fell straight from Fu Shan's face to the ground like a piece of noodles, and even kept probing all around. go.

The blood of the dark red demon was dripping down, making him look like a ghost that jumped out of hell, extremely ferocious and terrifying!

The first update is over, and the second update is at 8pm.

(end of this chapter)

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