Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 21


Chapter 21 021 [The secret of "spiritual body string", the history that repeats itself! ]

disappeared? !

If this sentence is not from the deduction content of the simulator, Su Yun almost doubts his eyes!

You must know that even in the mysterious original, Amon, who is only one step away from being promoted to True God, still has a "spiritual body string".

And the uncountable weirdness under the blood moon is no exception.

Densely packed "spiritual body strings" extend from their bodies to the unseen heights of the sky.

Unless it's more of a conscious, conceptual, and abstract thing than an entity, like the beastly incarnations in the Psychology Alchemy Union "Garden of Eden" in Mystery.

Otherwise it is impossible to get rid of the "spiritual body string" restriction.

But these weirdnesses don't show the slightest bit of that.

Then why did this Blood Charm directly violate this law after obtaining the "Blood Eye Pupil"?

The thoughts in Su Yun's mind ran fast, thinking about the key points.

In the simulation experience, this blood charm seems to be complementing himself, which reminds him of some kind of puzzle-like setting, but the strangeness of this world is obviously not the kind of strange recovery.

And what Su Yun can't figure out is that since this blood charm is so eager for "blood eyes", why not do it by herself, but get it from Su Yun instead?

After all, although the "blood eye pupil" is rare, in this vast mountain, in any case, it is impossible to find one.

Or, what's the difference between this "blood eye pupil" in your hand?

Su Yun quickly dismissed this guess as her thoughts tumbled.

Things in this world can't be so coincidental. It just so happens that this "blood eye pupil" in his hand is a different species in ten-thousand does not have one.

That leaves only one possibility.

Su Yun controlled the "Blood Eyes" who had been guarded by him outside the tree hole and quickly floated in, the "spiritual body string" field of vision opened, and he began to seriously distinguish the "spiritual body string" on the marionette in front of him. string".

black, some illusory, also as many as hundreds.

It doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary.

Su Yun frowned, put out the two Demon Sect marionettes in the storage bag, and put the dementors standing on the treetops together, four marionettes in a row open.

However, after observing for a long time, Su Yun still found nothing.

Because their spiritual body string is completely the same.

I'm afraid I still have to compare it with other weirdness!

Su Yun controlled the dementor to fly out, and quickly searched for other strange traces around.

Soon, he found a low-level weird silhouette outside several hundred zhang.

This is a corpse puppet with a gray body and a shriveled body. At this time, it is standing stiffly in the middle of a clump of grass, and it seems to be accepting the baptism of the Blood Moon.

Su Yun controlled the Dementor to land on the treetop next to him, and his eyes switched instantly.

Next moment, a large piece of "spiritual body string" appeared in front of him.

With the strong memory of the cultivator, Su Yun little by little compares the "spiritual body string" in front of him through the pictures in his mind.

There seems to be no difference in color, quantity.

The only difference is that after being turned into a marionette by Su Yun, there are two less "spiritual body strings" extending to the heights of the sky!

Su Yun was shocked, as if struck by a thunderbolt in his mind.

The thoughts are suddenly suddenly cheerful!

It's no wonder that the first time he marinated the Shadow Puppet, he touched the mysterious will of the unknown distance. It turned out that he really robbed It's control over the weirdness!

It's no wonder that the [Li]-level blood charm with spiritual wisdom in the simulation experience has to get the "blood eye pupil" in his hand, I am afraid it is also because the "blood eye pupil" is missing. The reason for these two "spiritual body string"!

As the thoughts turned, Su Yun couldn't help but cast a heavy haze in his heart.

Being able to "graze" the myriad weirdnesses that can be found throughout at least the entire Heaven Origin World!

It can silently make another space where the weirdness overlap with this world for a long time.

Can such an immeasurable powerful existence really allow himself to steal the authority of It?

Judging from the terrifying power that It almost cast his gaze across countless spaces that day, even if he gave up the control of a few weird marionettes in his hand now, he would never be able to escape from the other party's trace.

A mountain of heavy pressure suddenly fell on Su Yun's heart. At this moment, he suddenly felt that life was so difficult.

I know too much, and suddenly I'm not happy.

Controlling the Dementor to fly back to the side for vigilance, Su Yun forced himself to let go of his worries about the future and turned his attention to the light screen in front of him again.

No matter what kind of danger you need to face in the future, only by improving your own strength can you be qualified to resist!

As his attention refocused on the simulator, the game unfolded line by line.

【Day 20: You find the team that has gathered again.

In order to get back to the station as soon as possible, everyone accelerated their speed.

As usual that night, calm and tranquil. ]

[Day 21: You had another fierce battle with the Monster Race cultivator, and the Monster Race cultivator was finally forced to retreat due to the outnumbered.

In order to get to the station as soon as possible, everyone started to move at full speed. ]

[Day 22: Monster Race didn't attack again, but kept watching in the vicinity.

The journey is safe and sound, and you are getting closer and closer to the station. ]

[Day 23: The team is less than a hundred miles away from "Bright Sprint Valley".

Perhaps for the purpose of acting as a complete set, at sunset, Fu Shan once again ordered the Monster Race cultivator to launch a mortal attack.

After a short but fierce battle, the Immortal Sect Disciple suffered heavy casualties and the team was reduced to just over sixty men.

The Monster Race cultivator is back in full swing.

However, you found that Fu Shan had been lying on the ground pretending to be seriously wounded, and seemed to be in a "coma".

You took the initiative to control the marionette to carry "Li San" on your back, and told the others that you would bring him back to the station tomorrow. ]

[Day 24: The Monster Race cultivator is gone, you speed up your action and finally reach the "Bright Sprint Valley" before dark.

The Overwatch Hall still caught four other Monster Race cultivators mixed in with the team during the inspection.

Because the cultivator "Chen Geng" in the Supervision Hall released water vigorously, you used a marionette to carry Fu Shan safely into the station.

This time, you don't "report" him on the spot because the other three Golden Core cultivators haven't come to switch.

After entering the station, Fu Shan just "woke up" and expressed his gratitude to you, while you controlled the marionette and dealt with it as usual.

In order to avoid revealing the plan, Fu Shan also behaved like a normal seriously injured person. ]

[25th day: In the evening, three other Golden Core cultivators came to switch defenses, and the Golden Core deacon Ji Tao and the others from the Supervision Hall summoned all the Immortal Sect Disciples in the station to greet them together.

Under the eyes of the public, you control the marionette and carry Fu Shan on your back.

Under Fu Shan's unbelievable gaze, the Demon Sect cultivator "Wu De" devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence complained to the six Golden Core cultivators that he was controlled by Fu Shan and had to cooperate with the Supervision Hall cultivator. "Chen Geng", together to help Fu Shan infiltrate the Human Race station.

Furious, Fu Shan "killed" your marionette on the spot and fought with six Golden Core cultivators.

Fu Shan has shown extremely powerful strength, but facing the siege of six cultivators of the same rank, he is also an impossible opponent.

At a critical moment, Fu Shan brazenly self-destructed the monster core, and the terrifying momentum attracted everyone's attention, but his spirit was quietly possessed by another Immortal Sect Disciple in the station under the cover of Forbidden Item.

And all this was not noticed by anyone. ]

[Day 26: All Immortal Sect Disciples in the station will return to the northern border [Nether Cloud City] with [Profound Dragon].

History is always strikingly similar.

Fu Shan detonated the Forbidden Item, causing the core array of Profound Dragon to die in a series of explosions, and the Nether Cloud City Defensive Great Array was blown away, and the main force of Monster Race launched a surprise attack.

Because the explosion happened too suddenly, you on the "Profound Dragon" couldn't escape in time with the marionette, you died. ]

The two changes are completed, the new book is looking for collection and support for further reading.

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(end of this chapter)

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