Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 34


Chapter 34 034 [Why can he sit there? ]

Sure enough!

Seeing the familiar name at the end, Su Yun's heart sank.

This old clapper got in so early?

Am I doing too much today to cause suspicion?

Su Yun quickly pondered the reason why Fu Shan sneaked into the camp earlier, while recalling whether his actions today left a tail.

Soon, Su Yun ruled out this option.

Because all of his actions today were done with the help of the Shadow Puppet at a distance of three hundred zhang.

In anyone's eyes, he is just an ordinary Qi Refinement 7th Layer cultivator who was scared to hide by the fierce battle in the distance.

Even if Fu Shan scans with Divine Consciousness, because the shielding of [0-08] is always in effect, he will not suspect him.

And until he officially sneaked into this temporary camp, he never really showed his true appearance.

Then Fu Shan's early action this time should be because he found that a large number of Monster Race cultivators died inexplicably, so he came to investigate the situation?

After all, Su Yun was really tough today.

Puncture at the right moment in the Monster Race cultivator and Immortal Sect Disciple life and death battle at the right moment every time.

Under the influence of the powerful slowdown effect brought by the initial marionette transformation, there are at least seventy or eighty Monster Races who were "normally" killed in the hands of Immortal Sect Disciple today.

If it weren't for the worry that it would be easy to attract Fu Shan's attention if it continued like this, I'm afraid he would continue to harm Monster Race until it was completely dark.

Su Yun gave up the idea of performing a look-ahead game immediately, and a bit of vigilance surged in her heart.

Four Demon Soldiers, one Monster General!

That is to say, the formidable lineup that is equivalent to four Foundation Establishment cultivators and one Golden Core cultivator.

If they suddenly started killing people at this time, I am afraid that the 200 or so people in this temporary camp would not be able to make any waves.

Su Yun was able to run away in time with the flashing ability brought by Shadow Phantom.

As if feeling Su Yun's gaze, Fu Shan's gaze suddenly swept here.

Su Yun's heart tensed, and a faint expression that fit the current personality appeared on his face just right, and at the same time, he nodded gently.

Looks like a Profound Cloud Sect cultivator spotted the same sect so feel free to say hi.

Fu Shan returned with a kind smile, then looked away.

It seems that it has several points of strength, but it is just an ordinary Qi Refinement 7th Layer cultivator, not worth paying attention to.

At the moment, most of his attention is focused on the three Foundation Establishment cultivators in the center of the camp ahead.

If there is an expert hidden among the more than 200 Human Race cultivators, then the biggest suspect is one of those three people.

However, in order to avoid sabotaging his infiltration plan, Fu Shan did not directly attack the three of them, nor did he extend Divine Consciousness around the three of them.

After all, the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator has been able to release Divine Consciousness. Once Divine Consciousness collides with these people, I am afraid that there is a Monster General in the camp.

The cultivation systems of Monster Race and Human Race are two very different roads, and the performance of the Divine Consciousness of Golden Core cultivator and Monster General is also completely different.

So once this happens, Fu Shan is absolutely impossible to pretend to be a Golden Core cultivator who happened to pass by. When the time comes, he can only shoot and kill these three Foundation Establishments immediately.

But in this way, it is difficult to say how many twists and turns will be born in the next plan.

Anyway, I have already sneaked into the camp, and there is time to observe slowly, so there is no need to worry at all.

Fu Shan calmly observed all the Qi Refinement Realm cultivators he encountered along the way with Divine Consciousness, and followed the person who led the way to the far left of the camp.

A conspicuous layer of sawdust was sprinkled on the ground beside it, and a huge circle of several hundred zhang was drawn along the surrounding mountains and forests.

This should be the boundary of the current temporary camp.

It's pretty rudimentary.

"You are resting here today. When the sun rises tomorrow, everyone will set off together. Don't delay."

"Remember not to leave this line. If you go out and encounter something weird, you will be blessed."

Fu Shan and the others silently agreed, and then watched the arrogant Demon Sect cultivator walk away.

Wait until the Demon Sect Disciple walks a long way.

Demon Soldier Hutu, who is now "Wang Tiezhu", suddenly spoke up, his face flushed red, showing an angry look.


The adult almost blurted out.

Halfway through his words, he swallowed under Fu Shan's razor-sharp eyes.

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, "Wang Tiezhu" said angrily: "Big Brother Li, how dare this fellow put us in such a place, isn't this targeting us?"

Fu Shan turned his head to scan the scene beside his eyes, and couldn't help frowning.

Here is very close to a shallow stream, and less than five feet away is a large muddy field with a foul smell.

The muddy water is mingled with mush and strips of suspiciously shaped shapes, probably souvenirs of wild beasts migrating to drink here, frightened away by the commotion of the fighting.

A gust of mountain wind blew through, and the disgusting stench hit the nostrils, and the five people almost stopped breathing at the same time.

Before Fu Shan could speak, a few other Disciples who were watching the fun with their noses plugged in the distance laughed out loud.

"This fellow of Profound Cloud Sect, you're afraid it's not the first day you came out to practice, right?" one of them said in a low, muffled voice.

"The Disciple of Sacred Heart Sect just now, Sacred Heart Sect, you know?"

"Sacred Heart Sect, the head of the demonic path, is exactly the same as your Profound Cloud Sect. Dead enemy, aren't people targeting you?!" The voice fell, and there was a big laughter around, obviously there were not many people watching the fun.

"Wang Tiezhu"'s face became more and more ugly, and even the Demon Soldier, who was disguised as a Profound Cloud Sect cultivator, also showed a look of resentment, as if it was about to happen.

Seeing their reaction, a simple and honest-looking cultivator next to him couldn't help but reminded him: "I persuade a few colleagues to be patient for now, your sect is alone here, and you are alone. It's really inappropriate for them to set the air."

"There are three Foundation Establishments in this temporary camp, and the Sacred Heart Sect alone occupies two, and it is merciful not to arrange you directly into the dung heap. It's gone."

The five people heard this suddenly.

They finally figured out why they were targeted, and Fu Shan regretted choosing this identity for the first time.

At that time, I only thought about the Profound Cloud Sect as one of the Three Great Sects of the Eastern Continent Righteous Path, and even had a faint momentum of being righteous.

If it replaces the identity of the Profound Cloud Sect cultivator, there will definitely be many conveniences in doing things. Who would have expected this encounter today? !

"Wang Tiezhu" looked unhappy, but because Fu Shan had no orders, he couldn't attack.

He stared at the all around, and suddenly reached out and pointed in the direction of Su Yun in the distance: "What about him?"

"Isn't he also Profound? Cloud Sect, why is he over there?"

Everyone heard this and looked sideways, just when they saw Su Yun staring at him with some cold and severe eyes, they immediately shrank back together. Looking back.

"You are talking about the Senior Brother Su?"

Thank you【951031】,【Mususu mususu】,【Court Eunuch can have any bad thoughts】,【Book Friends 20211122121701692], [Dragon set strongly requests to add drama] Recommendation tickets of several bigwigs.

This afternoon, I received a notification from the PC-side web page push next week. Although there is no recommendation on the APP side, I am still very excited. After all, this is the first time I have made a recommendation.

I would like to thank all the friends who have collected and read this book, especially the big guys who have been reading and updating every day. They will maintain a stable update and continue to maintain the quality of the content.

(end of this chapter)

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