Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 46


Chapter 46 046 [Su Yun: The pants fell, but not completely! ]

Su Yun stared nervously at the rapidly appearing handwriting, and a heart suddenly lifted.

After experiencing various unexpected events such as talisman deflagration, table and chair collapse, array disk burst, etc., Su Yun is somewhat unsure about how to arrange herself in the next [0-08].

This guy is like the screenwriter in "Death God is Coming", always giving you all kinds of unexpected "surprises".

Although Su Yun's strength should not be threatened with her life, she never dared to take it lightly.


I don't know when the Blood Sabre, which was taken out of the storage bag by Su Yun, suddenly let out a loud cry, and the blade began to vibrate violently.

A light of aura shrouded the entire long sword like a wave of water, constantly changing with the vibration of the blade.

In just a few short breaths, the aura quickly disappeared, replaced by a strong baleful aura like a sea of blood surging out of the knife!

Blood Sabre's imposing manner then skyrocketed, causing gusts of wind in the still room.

Su Yun's gaze quickly moved over, while distractedly paying attention to the movement of [0-08].

The furnishings items placed in various places in the quiet room were blown away, and the first stage "script" written by [0-08] also revealed the whole picture in this brief moment.

"After devouring the Blood Soul of more than 100 Monster Races, the Blood Sabre, which was originally a Top Grade Magical Artifact, has undergone a wonderful change, and it has really been promoted to a low grade Spiritual. Artifact!"

"But there seems to be something wrong with this promotion. The power of the skyrocketing power makes the originally spiritual Blood Sabre completely forget the fear of being dominated by Su Yun, and it begins to backlash its master. ."

"Can it be successful?"


The moment the text was written, Blood Sabre suddenly volleyed into the air Floating up, the tip of the knife pointed at Su Yun!

A blood-colored blade glow slashed towards Su Yun like lightning, and all the intense baleful aura gathered on it.

There was a thick, vomit-like blood-reeking qi in the air.

Su Yun stood still.

Because he didn't know if he would cause a chain reaction if he moved.

The invisible Blade Intent passed quietly, and the blade glow shot out from the Blood Sabre was suddenly disappeared.

However, Su Yun's expression did not relax at all, he knew that this wave of backlash could never be so simple.

Sure enough!

Blood Sabre appears to be aroused with ferocity after a failed blow.

The blade vibrated, Spiritual Qi erupted, and a bloody blade glow several feet long suddenly extended from the blade.


In less than one breath.

Dozens of cold glows rushed out one after another, covering every vital point of Su Yun's body like hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The sharp blade light ripped apart the air, sending out a series of whistles like arrows breaking through the air.

Blood Sabre's body instantly disappeared in place at a speed unseen by naked eyes, and when it reappeared, it was already less than a foot away from Su Yun's chest!


But want to rebel?

Not even close!

Su Yun's eyes narrowed, and he gently pulled the knife out of its sheath.


A dragon roar sounded in the quiet room.

The dazzling flowing light flashed away, and all the blood light that came from the flying suddenly disappeared without a trace as if it had never appeared before.


Blade collision, sparks flying in all directions.

Su Yun didn't move, the long knife in his hand didn't even tremble.

But Blood Sabre's body flew backwards at a speed far exceeding the incoming force, penetrated the ground unhindered, pierced through the jade stone several feet thick, and fell into an unknown depth. place.


The aftershocks of tyrannical power moved towards the surroundings quickly spread, and the jade stone ground with a radius of no more than three feet undulated violently like waves.

Countless pieces of broken jade of different sizes flew up from the ground and moved towards all directions lasing away.

In the quiet room, the smoke and dust were booming, and attacks like strong wind and swift rain hit the Formation shield one after another, causing one after another invisible ripples.

All the furnishings, tables, chairs, and utensils in the quiet room were completely shattered by this indiscriminate attack, and the sight was in a mess.

However, the action of [0-08] has not stopped.

How could He, who is keen to write all kinds of surprises, stop there?

At least until the strength of Backlash is completely eliminated, he will not return to quiet.

He flashed abruptly and quickly passed through the Formation clothed by Su Yun, writing directly on a wall.

"Obviously, Blood Sabre's capabilities are still limited, and its backlash was ruthlessly suppressed without even making a splash."

"However, fierce collisions are always accompanied by various Accidentally, a sharp piece of jade was suddenly bounced back by the force of Formation, and it hit Su Yun like a sharp sword through the smoke and dust, and happened to be stuck in his waist."


Su Yun quickly lowered her head.

I saw a sharp jade stone that somehow eluded the perception and Blade Intent warning, successfully cut the robe, and firmly embedded it on his lower waist!

[0-08] The stroke of the pen paused slightly, and then continued to write.

"Unfortunately, Su Yun is a prudent person."

"The three pairs of tentacles on the waistband of his trousers happened to be lifted up by him today. Under the protection of tentacles."

"The tenacious tentacles with no difficulty blocked all damage, except for the torn robe, Su Yun was unscathed."

Seeing this, Su Yun couldn't help showing a smile.

It's good to be a little more robust.

And don't even look at who made these trousers.

Su Yun even suspected that this was a creation made by Xiao Ke with his tentacles and the flesh and blood of some kind of high-level spiritual world lifeform.

He has tried it with Blood Sabre.

In the case of fully stimulating the Blade Intent and spiritual power, a slash on the pants can only leave an indistinct white mark at most.

If it is cut on the tentacles, even the white seal will not have it.

With this level of defense, I am afraid that even a few Golden Core cultivators would not be able to penetrate these pants, which is impeccable.

The Fool's product is really good!

It's a pity that there is no tuxedo or western-style shirt, otherwise Su Yun would really like to wear a suit and make a cameo appearance as the fool's vest in the immortal dao world.

The smoke and dust in the quiet room gradually subsided, but the action of 【0-08】is still going on!

Su Yun set her sights on the wall ahead, alert for other attacks that might follow.

The writing speed of the quill suddenly accelerated countless times, and a strong wind gusted again in the quiet room!

In just a blink of an eye, [0-08] has finished editing the new story.

"Su Yun is glad that he was well prepared in advance, but what he didn't notice is that the tentacles on his waist don't seem to like the jade stone dust that permeates the quiet room."

"An accident happened."

"Perhaps it was a little itchy. The three pairs of tentacles left Su Yun's body at the same time and moved briefly."

"Su Yun Yun's pants fell down."

Su Yun, who was concentratingly observing the handwriting, was suddenly startled, and poked his hands down like lightning.

However, the cold crotch didn't happen.

Because after the three pairs of tentacles left the waist, [Ince Zangwill's trousers] automatically retracted to the middle, tightly fitting Su Yun's skin, and it was impossible to fall to the ground.

In this awkward atmosphere of nothing happening, the classical quill hanging in midair moved again.

But this time He seemed to be a little lacking in interest, and the writing action became lazily.

A paragraph of writing that appears to be somewhat flustered and exasperated slowly appears, exuding a full of depression.

"It's a pity that Su Yun's pants were created by some being, and the strong belief gathered on them gives it the property that it will never fall."

"It's really amazing. A sad and happy scene, full of drama."

"Maybe this is the meaning of its birth."

The quill pen paused a bit, rewriting it on the wall the last sentence.

He then quickly flew back in front of Su Yun, got into the position where he had been staying, and became completely silent.

"Damn Zangwill!"

"Alisford hates this brand of trousers!"

The first update is over, and the second chapter is on time at 8pm .

Thanks to the book friend [Miaosheng daoist] for the 100 reward, and thanks to [Bow and Light], [Eternal Night Shallow Wind], [Biwu], and [Dragon Taoist Strongly Requests to Add Drama] for the support of the recommended tickets.

(end of this chapter)

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