Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 48


Chapter 48 048 [Forbidden Item! Crisis without warning! ]

Not to mention Storage Bracelet.

Although this is only a low-level Storage Bracelet, its interior space is full of 100 square meters, and its space stability is many times stronger than that of a storage bag.

The spirit tea is the spiritual object [Feiyun Tea] of Yellow Grade middle grade.

Although the small box in Su Yun's hand only contains dozens of trifling pieces, it can easily be exchanged for three or four thousand low grade Spirit Stones in the cultivation market.

It can be seen that its value is high.

It contains a lot of pure Spiritual Qi, which can directly shorten the time for cultivator to accumulate spiritual power in Qi Refinement Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm.

As for the effect, it varies from person to person.

After all, the total amount of Spiritual Qi contained in the spirit tea itself is fixed.

The more pure the spiritual power of oneself, the broader the dantian meridian, the less obvious the effect of spirit tea.

Ordinary Qi Refinement late-stage cultivators may increase spiritual power by one-tenth with just one drink.

For a cultivator like Su Yun, whose meridian and dantian have been expanded to exaggerated levels, it may not be enough for him to break through to Qi Refinement 8-Layer if all these dozens of spirit tea leaves are consumed.

But in any case, at least it can save him some time to save spiritual power, which is a great help to Su Yun.

These two distinct things were obtained from Liu Yuande, and together they are worth at least tens of thousands of low-grade Spirit Stones, which an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator simply cannot afford.

It can be seen that this guy either has a family behind him.

Either it has been looted on the Northern Wilderness battlefield many times.

Su Yun prefers the latter.

After all, it's not like the first time they've done this kind of thing, looking at their extremely proficient routines when looting.

Su Yun put away the spirit tea and Storage Bracelet and turned to the delicate talisman that radiated a faint sense of menace.

This moment.

Even Su Yun couldn't help revealing a grave expression.

This talisman was found from Xu Henian, the Corpse Refining Sect Foundation Establishment cultivator who had no sense of existence.

The name is very domineering, and the formidable power is also very powerful.

【Forbidden dive talisman】!

This is a fifth-order offensive talisman specifically for the soul.

The cultivation base must reach the Golden Core Realm or above, and the Talisman Master must reach the intermediate level to make it!

It has the effect of banning the power of Divine Consciousness for a short period of time, and even temporarily immobilizing the cultivator.

After injecting enough spiritual power.

Enough to hold most of the Foundation Establishment cultivators in place, at least for a few breaths of time! (Note: This book sets one breath as 3 seconds)

Even in the face of the Golden Core cultivator, it can briefly shock its soul, making it unable to use the slightest Power of Divine Sense.

The specific effect depends on the strength of the spirit. The stronger the spirit, the shorter the shocking time.

But in either case.

Even if it's just a very brief moment of shock, I'm afraid it's enough to decide life and death!

Unless you are strong or have a special Magical Artifact that protects your soul.

Otherwise, even if Su Yun is hit by this talisman, there is a risk of overturning.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any Foundation Establishment cultivator, even the most humane Foundation Establishment!"

Su Yun secretly alerted herself.

And decided to fight with any Foundation Establishment cultivator in the future, one-shot kill will never delay until the 2nd move.

If it wasn't for Xu Henian's time to take action today.

I am afraid that in the face of this trump card method, the one to emerge victorious is not yet known.

Strictly put the [prohibited divide talisman] close to her body, Su Yun reached out and picked up the unremarkable booklet.

It is very light to start, and the material is unknown.

The size is similar to that of common thread-bound ancient books.

Opening the slightly dated cover reveals a yellowed page.

The pages reveal innumerable criss-crossed cryptic lines that seem to constitute some kind of rune, but no text is written on them.

It's like a relic unearthed from the ruins that have been buried for countless years, with a strong smell of staleness and decay.

Forbidden Item?

Su Yun frowned gradually, a bit of surprise in her eyes.

The reason why he valued this booklet.

It's because he felt a similar aura from the Unshakeable Type that made bloody footprints in the mine!

He stretched out his hand and turned the pages of the book page by page.

But when Su Yun turned the last page, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Because he was right in the middle of the page...

Saw his name!

Su Yun subconsciously released the book, ready to switch places with the marionette immediately.

His movements are fast enough, but accidents happen faster than him!

A sudden darkness enveloped Su Yun's entire body!

He lost all sense of the outside world in an instant!

Eyes can't see!

I can't hear it!

The nose can't smell!

The tongue cannot taste!

You can't touch it!

Five sense deprivation!

In this weird state where all senses are lost.

Su Yun found that the rotation of his thoughts began to slow down, and it seemed that even his consciousness was gradually stagnant!

In a trance.

He seemed to "see" that he was locked in an eternally dead Dark Space, sitting cross-legged.

He left the book with his palms, his eyes just showed a hint of shock, surrounded by broken jade stones all over the floor.

But it all seems to be frozen in amber, motionless.

Immediately after.

A wind suddenly came from nowhere, starting from the very edge of Dark Space and blowing gently.

In front of this seemingly gentle wind.

The broken jade stone on the ground rapidly decayed and decayed.

As in a flash that has experienced countless loads of wind and rain erosion and sun exposure, revealing a dead gray white.

And then turned into countless thin powders in the wind, and fell to the ground like sand.

At the moment when this gust of wind appeared, Su Yun suddenly felt an incomparable and unprecedented sense of crisis!

Severe pain spreads all over the body like lightning.

All the flesh and cells on the body seem to rot, die, and wither at the moment when this gust of wind blows.

This feeling is not real, but a warning from his mind!

This moment.

The mythical form hidden on the other side of Su Yun's spirit automatically emerges.

Countless tentacles made of worms opened up actively, covering Su Yun's body several feet around, protruding out of the void like a living thing.

The shackles from Dark Space were opened to a small corner, and the consciousness that had begun to fall into a state of silence suddenly resumed operation.

The thoughts spread rapidly along the "spiritual body string".

In a flash, Su Yun sensed the marionette that he had thrown in the corner!

At the moment when the strange wind was about to touch the tentacles, Su Yun completed the "position exchange" with Shadow Phantom!

He managed to escape from the state of deprivation of all five senses just now!

But the Secret Puppet temporarily lost his senses.

Su Yun quickly turned around to look.

The position where he sat cross-legged just now was completely shrouded in an inexorable darkness.

The glow emanating from the fluorite above his head couldn't penetrate at all.

The two seem to be in different spaces and cannot have any contact at all.


Almost overturned!

Su Yun stared at the darkness ahead with lingering fear, her heart almost jumped out of her throat, and her whole heart was lifted.

As long as this darkness shows signs of spreading.

He will immediately swap places with the marionette in the camp outside!

And without the slightest hesitation, release a spare Shadow Puppet, just flash away!

The first update is over, and the second update is at 8pm.

Thanks to [Book Friends 20201129212316156] for the 10 point reward, and thanks to all the book friends who voted for it~

Efforts to code words~


(end of this chapter)

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