Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 7


Chapter 7 007 [Your knife is good, it will be mine soon! ]

In the cave with a width of only half a zhang, five silhouettes stand against the wall in turn.

surnamed Wu cultivator stood in the middle with his hands behind his back, and the other four were separated from each other.

Even when it is safe to do so, they remain vigilant.

"Senior Brother Wu, was that the outbreak of the Strange Realm just now? It's really too terrifying." A complexion pale man raised his head and asked, with a faint fear in his voice.

"That's right. And this is at least a Stern Grade. Fortunately, we're far away, so it's not affected."

surnamed Wu cultivator replied in a deep voice, the same in his eyes There was a flash of horror.

"If you delay for a while, once you are trapped in the strange realm, I am afraid it will be ten deaths without life."

Everyone hearing this is full of fear, complexion azure-white .

"How did the strange realm come into being?" The chubby man standing on the other side dared to ask the doubts in his heart.

"The reason is not mentioned in the sect classics. If we know more, we will have a little more chance of escaping if we encounter it in the future."

Seeing that everyone is eager to The eyes of surnamed Wu also rarely sent a kindness.

He looked up at the darkness outside, flashing memories.

"I heard from the ancestors of the family once that no one can tell the reason for the outbreak of the strange realm. But one thing is certain, that is, the formation of each strange realm must involve The Unshakeable Type is weird!"

"So when you encounter this kind of weirdness, it's best to run away as far as possible. If you can't escape, try to hide and don't have any contact with it."

Unshakeable Type weird?

Everyone heard this with different expressions, but it was obvious that they all knew the name by looking at the expressions.

"Ordinary weirdness is not invincible in addition to being stronger and weirder. As long as it reaches the Foundation Establishment Realm or above, there are some methods to deal with them."

"Only those Unshakeable Type weirdness is the existence that even the Golden Core Realm cultivator is unwilling to provoke, each one is extremely terrifying."

Surnamed Wu cultivator's voice suddenly lowered, and his eyes pierced straight at everyone: "Because you never know Will the next moment suddenly trigger their iron law of killing."

"Something is so weird that if you just say your name or see it, you will die, and even magic weapons can't stop it!"


Four neat inhalations sounded in the narrow cave, followed by a look at each other in blank dismay.

Seeing the expressions of the four, surnamed Wu cultivator said with relief: You don't have to worry too much. Although there have been many incidents in the strange domain in recent years, most of them are accompanied by a terrifying momentum. Be cautious, and there is still a chance to escape. "

"Instead of thinking about this, it's better to spend a little more time finding me some soul sacrificial knives, and when I make Spiritual Artifact, this northern wilderness border will not go anywhere!" "

Seeing the four people nodded, the surnamed Wu cultivator opened again and instructed: "Next, I want to cultivation, you all be vigilant, and no one should relax!" "

"Yes! "The four of them respectfully took orders.

Under the surnamed Wu cultivator sit cross-legged, they waved their hands to activate a hidden protective array, and then they started to close their eyes and breathe.

Stone Cave There was a long silence again.

However, the thin man who came in first began to move his muscles and bones, and his hands kept making the movements of feinting flying needles, but he didn't make a sound.

Although others felt a little strange about his actions, in order to avoid disturbing the surnamed Wu cultivator, they did not say anything to stop him.

Only when he was practicing the technique of stimulating Magical Artifact .

After watching for a while, the three of them felt a little bored, and their eyes gradually moved to the four walls of the stone cave, and began to wander outside.

Anyway, there is a Formation to cover here, so there is no need to. I am worried that the fluctuation of spiritual power will spread out, not to mention that there is Senior Brother Wu, and there is no need to worry about someone coming to sneak attack.

At the moment when they relax, the lark who is quietly staying deep in the stone crevice He suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, several people standing on both sides of the stone cave were shocked, and suddenly felt that their limbs and thoughts became stiff. A feeling of numbness and slowness came from the heart It was very difficult to even move a finger.

Before they could react, the thin young man who had been mobilizing his muscles and bones raised his hand and shot out a few cold glows.

The three of them didn't even have time to show any expressions, they were pierced by a long needle, and they couldn't die any longer!

A few blood arrows mixed with red and white burst out along the wound, and when the cave was neutral A faint fishy smell permeated the air.

Surnamed Wu cultivator who was adjusting his breath suddenly woke up, a long knife swung, and a bloody blade light quickly let go and slashed horizontally!

A sharp whistling sounded in the cave, and the blood-colored blade light swept in front of "Sun Yuan" at a lightning speed.

Su Yun's heart froze, and he quickly controlled the marionette Shi Expand the movement method and dodge the past.

The blade glow slashes across the stone wall, leaving a deep incision about one zhang on it!

Even the Concealed Spirit Array method arranged at the entrance of the cave was smashed with a knife.

Intense balefu l aura remained at the incision, exuding an astonishing viciousness.

The surnamed Wu man narrowed his eyes, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

However, before he could attack again, a blade light that was even more dazzling than before had completely illuminated the walls of the dark cave.


blade glow slashed on the protective Formation, making a huge bang, and then, a crisp sound came from the array plate that surnamed Wu cultivator hid in his arms cracking sound.


The protective Formation that he secretly placed in front of him was destroyed in one fell swoop!

But it was Su Yun who controlled the marionette to erupt spiritual power, and used the hand instead of the knife to deliver a thunderous blow!

Seeing this astonishing scene, surnamed Wu cultivator immediately pupils shrank, with a shocking look on his face: "You are not Sun Yuan, who are you?"

It's a pity Su Yun He didn't mean to pay any attention to him at all, instead he looked at the blood-colored long knife in his hand with the help of Secret Puppet's eyes, showing a satisfied smile.

"Your knife is good, but it's mine soon."

Before the surnamed Wu cultivator could attack again, Su Yun had already used the marionette hidden deep in the stone crevice. Manipulated his spiritual body string.

surnamed Wu cultivator figure stopped , and his thoughts suddenly became stagnant.

At this moment, he only felt as if his whole body was tightly bound by invisible threads of one after another, and all his movements seemed extremely sluggish.

Several breaths have passed since he simply raised his hand. Before the talisman in his hand could even be stimulated, his thoughts were almost completely stagnant.

With an astonished expression in his eyes, he begged for mercy: "Let go...I...but..."

Before he finished speaking, he could no longer speak.

With the spiritual body string in full control, he was completely transformed into Su Yun's marionette!

"I'm afraid the movement just now alarmed a lot of people, so I can't stay here any longer."

Su Yun controlled the two marionettes to quickly complete the action of touching the corpse, and then brought the corpse with him. Quickly leave with a few storage bags.

Three dead bodies lay on the icy rock, and the surroundings fell into silence again.


The red moon is gradually shifting, and the night will soon pass.

The two figures quietly crouched behind the rocks dozens of meters away for vigilance, while a Formation that concealed the fluctuations of spiritual power and blocked sight was laid out around them.

Su Yun sit cross-legged in the deep grass, taking stock of the spills of war.

There are a total of five low-level storage bags, more than 400 Spirit Stones, 1.11 Second Rank monster cores, and more than 20 talismans of various colors.

Then there are dozens of common Fasting Pill, Revolving Essence Pill, Qi Gathering Pill and Shenggu Dan.

And several low-level arrays that hide spiritual power fluctuations and isolate prying eyes.

If nothing else, at least Su Yun will no longer have to worry about the consumption of regular medicine pills not keeping up.

"As expected, people can't get rich without windfall!" Su Yun secretly nodded, feeling a little excited.

If these Demon Sect Disciples hadn't come up with a sneak attack, Su Yun wouldn't have done so decisively.

After all, he's not a perverted murderer either.

In addition to the experience in the original body's memory, this is the first time he has killed himself.

However, when Su Yun's eyes fell on the baleful aura's amazing [Blood Sabre], he felt that he was too kind!

Thanks to [Prelude in the past, book friends 20200813000752375, goodbye is already the person in the song, only swordsmanship, Court Eunuch can have any bad thoughts, and the magic force strongly requests to add drama] several book friends have greatly recommended tickets Support, thank the book friend [Jiqing] for the monthly ticket support, thank you all!

Update description: Only one chapter can be updated temporarily in these two days, and two updates a day will resume on February 21. The updates owed for these two days will be paid back as soon as possible before the end of February, that is, later There are two days to update chapter 3, many thanks for your understanding.

(end of this chapter)

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