Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 72


Chapter 72 072 [Unexpected Harvest]


"This... this How many Monster Races did you kill to collect so many things?!"

"Isn't it the one Monster Race camp that was taken directly?"

one after another shocked Inexplicable eyes stared at the pile of items in front of them, and some people couldn't help but take a few steps forward, wanting to see more clearly.

The people in the hall at the moment are people who have just returned from the battlefield, and they know how difficult it is to gather so many things in front of them.

This is not something you can do by picking leaks or by fishing in troubled waters!

That is to say.

The Profound Cloud Sect Disciple in front of me, who doesn't seem to have anything special, is actually a ruthless character whose strength far exceeds the performance of the cultivation base!

fatty's throat rolled a bit, and he couldn't help showing a happy look on his face.

came back to his senses.

He immediately shouted for others to come and help count the items.

At the same time, let the cultivator in charge of the duty temporarily invite others around him to the side, and by the way, set up a Formation to cover up the movement here, so as to prevent people from having irrational thoughts.

After all, I'm used to seeing many cultivators fighting over a few or dozens of Spirit Stones.

A batch of items worth at least tens of thousands of Spirit Stone suddenly appeared in front of me. It is hard to guarantee that someone will suddenly have a fever.

"Fellow Daoist!"

"Please sit down for a while, we promise to finish this for you as quickly as possible."

After graciously invited Su Yun to sit aside and wait, and then served a pot of spirit tea.

fatty immediately greeted more than ten cultivators for quick inventory work.

A pot of tea has not been drank yet.

A young man with a somewhat immature face came over with a list respectfully and gave it to Fatty with both hands: "Steward Wang, things have been counted."

"en Let's get back first."

fatty scanned the list of contents, and immediately laughed like a Maitreya Buddha.

He turned his head and handed the list to Su Yun: "Fellow Daoist, please take a look."

Su Yun took the list and glanced at it, and found that the number was basically the same. Then nodded handed the list back.

Item Hall is an industry established by the cultivation alliance, and its credibility is unquestionable.

Although the price of reclaiming various items is half lower than that of ordinary cultivation city, there will never be any intentional price reduction or deduction of items.

So Su Yun isn't worried about anything bad on the list.

But there was one thing on the list that surprised him.

These seemingly ordinary things are worth more than 80,000 low grade Spirit Stones!

Seeing Su Yun's puzzled eyes, fatty immediately explained with a smile: "The value of ore, spirit material, medicine pill, Magical Artifact, etc. is not high in this batch of items in the hands of Fellow Daoist. , after all, they are just ordinary things."

"But the ominous beast fur, ominous beast flesh and some spiritual medicines unique to the area where the Monster Race is located, which account for 70% of the total, are really expensive and scarce. ominous beasts!”

“Except for the dangerous Sea Territory, the number of ominous beasts in my Human Race territory is limited, and almost all of them have been hunted long ago, but they were occupied by Monster Race tens of thousands of years ago. The vast expanse of wild forests in our country can always produce massive ominous beasts!”

“And some spiritual medicines that are difficult to grow and cultivate within the territory of our tribe.”

Listen After this explanation, Su Yun suddenly showed an expression of understanding.

This is probably one of the reasons why the war has continued.

After all, there is such a big interest in it, whether Human Race or Monster Race are absolutely willing to let go.

"Hey, look at my memory!"

"If you don't pay attention, you will get too far away, and you almost forgot about the business."

fatty slapped it hard With a forehead, he quickly took out a few delicate black storage bags from his arms and threw them upside down.

In a few moments.

He handed one of the storage bags to Su Yun, smiling all over his face: "The items brought by Fellow Daoist and the dozens of low-end storage bags are worth a total of 84,000. Seven hundred and ninety low grade Spirit Stones."

"There are 800 middle grades and 5,000 low grades in this storage bag. I've smoothed out the fractions, so I should have a good relationship with Fellow Daoist. Let's go!"

He glanced at Su Yun, who was somewhat surprised, and added: "I will be responsible for the affairs of this temple for the next 20 years. If Fellow Daoist comes back to this residence in the future, he will also Please take good care of my business."

Su Yun naturally would not refuse such a benefit.

He stretched out his hand to take the storage bag, and after confirming that the quantity was correct, he made a statement about the matter.

As for whether you will come to Beihuang in the future, and whether you will pass through this station when you come to Beihuang, there is no guarantee.

Fatty naturally knew this, so he didn't say anything to death, but rather showed an attitude.

After all, Su Yun brought him a big business today, and even if it is an industry under the name of the cultivation alliance, he will surely be able to profit a lot from it.

Otherwise, who would come to guard the Item Hall in the northern deserted battlefield?

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Wang, I want to ask you something."

"Is there any place in Nether Cloud City that sells spiritual objects like [Feiyun Tea] ?"

Su Yun was originally worried about how to quickly accumulate spiritual power, but after making a small fortune, her mind suddenly became alive.

If you can reproduce the scene of rushing to Qi Refinement 8-Layer with Feiyun tea that day, I am afraid that you can save at least a few years of accumulation of spiritual power.

"Feiyun tea?"

A faint light flashed in fatty's eyes, and he glanced at Su Yun again.

"If I'm not mistaken, Fellow Daoist wants to use the pure Spiritual Qi contained in the spiritual object to shorten the progression time?"

Su Yun nominated, tacitly accepting this. thing.

"This method is feasible, at least until the cultivation progress reaches Qi Refinement Peak and there is nothing wrong."

"A spiritual object similar to [Feiyun Tea] There are quite a few, but generally the Pill Hall Spirit Pavilion will not easily sell such rare items to ordinary cultivators, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to buy them directly.”

fatty pondered for a moment, and reached out from the storage Take out a wooden token engraved with the words "Nether Cloud King's" from the bag and hand it to Su Yun.

"Let's do it!"

"If Fellow Daoist returns to Nether Cloud City, you can take this sign to the "Wang Family Pill Pavilion" in the East City to declare this."

"That's it!" p>

"My brother is in charge of the business there at this time. For my sake, he must give Fellow Daoist some money."

Su Yun took the wooden token and gave it away. a salute, said resolutely: "Thanks to Fellow Daoist Wang for his kind help, Su would like to thank him here."

At the same time.

Su Yun set his eyes on him again, and a line of information about the fat cultivator in front of him immediately appeared.

[Wang Changyi: Director of the cultivation alliance in Beihuang Bright Sprint Valley Item Hall (the seventh-generation direct line member of the Nether Cloud City Wang Family)]

Confirming that what the other party said is true, Su Yun looked towards fatty and said goodbye: "Fellow Daoist is busy with business, so I won't bother you for now, we'll meet again some day."

"we'll meet again some day!"

Su Yun turned around and stepped out of the Formation area, striding out of the hall.

Next, he has to rent the temporary Cave Mansion first, and by the way, complete the transformation of the new marionette ahead of schedule.

Otherwise, if you can't see the situation outside the city at the critical moment, it will be too much delay.

After he left for about ten breaths, the other silhouettes left the Item Hall without a sound, and followed Su Yun several dozen feet behind, moved towards the square on the right.

“Senior Brother Xu.”

“This guy doesn’t look to be trifled with, are we really going to trouble him?”

One The thin black clothed cultivator glanced at Su Yun from a distance and asked the same sect next to him in a low voice.

Thanks to【Thousands of times of rubbing shoulders only for this life】,【Lazy patient】,【Lazy people】,【Cod steel cut】,【Probably saw tofu cubes】,【Book friends】 20200410163508950], [14117523] Monthly ticket support from several bigwigs.

Thanks to [Book Friend 20211030160826528] for the 100-point reward.

(end of this chapter)

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