Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 88


Chapter 88 087 [The secrets have changed, and the undercurrents are like a tide! ]

In the quiet room.

Su Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and two dazzling dive lights burst out like sharp knives!

Like two lightning bolts passing through the void, ripples suddenly appeared on the Formation light curtain in front.

The protection placed in the quiet room was almost penetrated directly!

With Su Yun's sobriety.

The 【Moon Wheel】, which was hanging quietly outside his eyebrows just now, quietly drew away the rays of light and fell from the air.

Su Yun reached out to catch the Forbidden Item, glanced at the flickering writing on the ground, and fell into contemplation.

Through the "story" content left by [0-08], he finally understood what had just happened.

Heart Demon Tribulation!

After eliminating the traces left by the original body, he actually triggered his Heart Demon Tribulation in advance? !

Although Su Yun also had clear comprehension in the memory space before, he only thought it was a necessary process to get rid of the legacy of his predecessor.

I didn't think about Heart Demon Tribulation itself.

This time, if [0-08] used the power of backlash to subtly break through his predicament, I am afraid that he may not be able to survive this disaster so smoothly.

In case the Transcending Tribulation fails, it will be difficult to complete the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment in the future.

Judging from the rules of [0-08] writing the master to death, this is not only a backlash, but it is also an active help.

As written at the end of the "story", if Su Yun wasn't exactly in the state of the Heart Demon Tribulation outbreak.

【Moon Wheel】What this Forbidden Item devours is not just all kinds of emotions that are too strong after being enlarged, but will be some or some kinds of emotions in Su Yun.

Even if it can be recovered after a long time, I don't know when it happened.

In Seven Emotions and Six Desires, no matter what kind of emotion is lost, the impact on a cultivator will probably be disastrous.

in the process.

It is easy to cause emotional obstacles in cultivation due to lack of emotions, or encounter some dangers that could have been avoided.

Such as losing "hi".

There will be no more joy, no more satisfaction from getting anything.

What's the difference between living like this and walking corpse?

If you lose "Fear".

No matter what kind of danger you see, you are no longer afraid, of course, your heart is as stable as Old Dog.

But in this culture world of danger lurks on every side, people often die under various dangers that they are not able to resist because they don't have AC numbers in their hearts.

One can imagine the danger.

No wonder Fu Shan owns this Forbidden Item but dare not use it at first.

Perhaps because this Forbidden Item consumes a lot of emotional power from Su Yun.

He could actually perceive the effect of the 【Moon Wheel】, so he didn't have to work hard to experiment and explore.

This Forbidden Item has three abilities.

One is to stabilize the soul energy.

The second is to use a thread of aura on others to perfectly disguise the shape and fluctuation of the soul that is consistent with it.

The third is to temporarily disappear in the Divine Consciousness scan of the high-rank cultivator.

These abilities are equally suitable for sneaking behind enemy lines. No wonder Fu Shan has the courage to take the initiative to come to the Human Race station to perform such a task.

Of course.

The use of each ability requires the consumption of the emotional power engulfed by the Moon Wheel.

Once consumed, the Forbidden Item must be used again at a huge price of losing one or several emotions for a long time.

But for Su Yun, he doesn't need to worry about this issue for the time being.

Because the emotional power accumulated in the Moon Wheel is like a vast ocean, at least the impossible is exhausted in a short period of time.

Then why did [0-08] take the initiative to help me? !

came back to his senses, and Su Yun couldn't help but get caught up in new speculation.

This is not the first time [0-08] has taken the initiative to help him.

Moreover, the extremely dangerous sealed items in the mysterious original work until now did not show the threat of Sequence One in front of him.

On the contrary, it is more like forming a friendly relationship with Su Yun.

Sometimes, Su Yun even thought he saw Arrods in Klein's "Licking Mirror".

This is absolutely impossible because of Su Yun itself.

After all, he is not bound to a high-level item composed of chaotic source material like "Origin Castle".

But he seems to have another thigh that is many times thicker...

The emulator...and Azathoth's blessing...

After everything is impossible, then Only this is possible.

Looking at the simulator that has been silent for a long time, the countdown on it is particularly conspicuous.

"The life simulation will start in two hours, and the simulation operation is currently unavailable."

Just when Su Yun killed Fu Shan moment.

Some kind of change that he could not have foreseen had quietly occurred.


The wild demon country.

The Sao Feng tribe Fiefdom.

Rising up from the ground, on the top of the snow-capped peak that reaches into the sky, a magnificent palace covering several dozen li stands solemnly.

In the great hall deep in the palace.

The vast sea-like demonic power turned into substantial ripples visible to naked eyes, surging continuously with the deep breathing of a tall silhouette sitting in the void.

All the Monster Races inside and outside the entire palace have all restrained their voices and dare not make a slight movement.

For fear that a person who accidentally disturbs the Palace Lord's actions will lead to unbearable Thunder's Fury.

This vast palace is like a sleeping giant beast, resting peacefully in the wind and snow falling from the sky.

A moment.

The sound of the wind whistling suddenly sounded at the entrance of the great hall for no reason.

An old man wearing a black blood-patterned robe suddenly appeared at the entrance of the great hall, but his stooped body seemed to support the whole great hall.

For a while.

The magnificent great hall looks extremely small under his stature.

The invisible silhouette in the hall suddenly opened her blood-red eyes, and there seemed to be a thunderbolt flashing across the void.

Just the rays of light in his eyes illuminated the entire magnificent great hall as bright as day!

“High Priest?!”

“Why are you here?”

There is a hint of puzzlement in his voice, it seems that the High Priest Priest's presence here is a very rare occurrence.

A hoarse voice sounded like it came from under Nine Nether, full of dead silence, but it shook the whole great hall violently.

"The secrets are changing, the Eastern Continent may be repeated, start the next plan, don't wait any longer!" : "Chi Ye will obey the order."

After getting a satisfactory answer, the black robed old man disappeared at the entrance of the great hall again with the whistling cold wind, and the vast palace was restored again. The peace of the past.

However, the crimson eyes in the hall continued to flicker on and off, and the place where they passed quietly wiped out one place after another of incomparably precious furnishings.

The incomparably depressing air shrouded the entire mountain peak, and all the Monster Races inside and outside the palace were kept quiet out of fear, and they didn't dare to make any moves at the same place.

After a long time.

The Palace Lord calmed Thunder's Fury, took out an altar of several feet, and began to stir.

In a few moments.

South of Eastern Continent, Sacred Heart Sect.

In a Cave Mansion that had been covered in dust for hundreds of years, a similar altar suddenly vibrated gently, and a line of red and blood-like handwriting appeared silently.

As the handwriting disappeared quickly, an old gaze was quietly withdrawn from above.

He focused on the unbreakable realm in his body, and countless emotions emerged in his eyes, but in the end they were all replaced by a desire for life.

"Since the Three Great Holy Lands can't be counted on, don't blame the old man for accepting Monster Race's conditions."


An inaudible whisper spread quietly, and there was no sound in the cave.

(end of this chapter)

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