Immortal Simulation – Embody Cthulu At The Beginning Chapter 9


Chapter 9 009 [The third simulation, unexpected expansion]


Good pain!

Su Yun pinched fiercely on his leg, and the intense pain reminded him that what he saw in front of him was not an illusion.


The 0 level sealed item in the world of Mystery Renowned!

Although it doesn't have the ability to directly attack, it can make people unconsciously act according to its description by writing some "coincidences" that are constantly generated.

And its terrifying negative effect also made Su Yun not dare to neglect it at all.

Because this quill will keep trying to kill its owner!

As long as you use it to write "story", you will encounter its merciless backstab after use!

Ince Zangwill is a living example.

There's nothing more frustrating than the sudden fall of your pants in the middle of a fierce battle, and the fear of waking up after falling asleep to the odd arrangements of an unfathomable mystery.

And the world is different, and the threat level of "coincidence" is different.

Many insignificant "coincidences" in the mysterious world will become extremely terrifying in the culture world of moving mountains and suppressing seas.

There are too many high-end powers here that can easily control the life and death of others. A small "coincidence" is enough to make a low-level cultivator die!

In the original mystery book, [0-08] once arranged Mr. Fool, who had just embarked on the extraordinary road, to be perfectly clear.

Klein even changed his color when he smelled "coincidence", and directly suffered from PTSD syndrome!

It can be said that in the whole "Lord of Mysteries", there is a near half story, which is the story of Mr. Fool's struggle with the holder of [0-08].

However, although she is very afraid of the negative effects of this sealed item, Su Yun still will not give up choosing this innate talent.

Because this thing, used well, will be enough to change the tide of battle and turn life and death!

It's just that this red-quality gram innate talent must be used with another purple innate talent.

["Ince Zangwill" special trousers (purple)].

Su Yun looked at the content on the light screen and felt a little uneasy.

These two innate talents appear at the same time, which means there are several points of "coincidence". Isn't this simulator really intentional?

After taking a deep breath, Su Yun pressed the confirmation button on [Not close to women], ["Ince Zangwill" special trousers], ["0-08Pen of Alisford"] .

Although ["Madam Sharon's Lingerie"] also seems to be very powerful and very in line with the taste of the majority of lsp, but Su Yun still resisted the urge to choose it.

Let's not talk about whether this item can be embodied, the current situation alone does not allow him to choose such a foreign object that will corrode his will.

The cruel northern desert battlefield, the world of culture with crisis everywhere!

Everything that is not good for strength improvement can be put aside for the time being.

["Innate talent selection is complete, the survival simulation begins..."]

[Day 1: You killed a group of Monster Race cultivators that act recklessly again, but there are haunts nearby The Monster Race is not only not decreasing, but more and more.

At night, you encountered a common and strange creature. Considering the experience of the past few days, you did not try to control it.

You missed an opportunity to improve your marionette's manipulation abilities. ]

[Day 2: Immortal Sect Disciple scattered among the mountains began to form a group, but you did not find the "spiritual body string" belonging to Monster Race in their ranks.

You have chosen to stay put and have not joined the team for the time being. ]

[The third day: The extraordinary ability of the mysterious world is always accompanied by madness and loss of control, as well as the accumulated mental stress.

Although with the help of 'calming', keeping the "Marionette Manipulation" on for a long time will still make your mental state a lot worse.

Today you decided to take a break. You put away most of the marionettes and stayed in a hidden hiding place to rest. Your state is much better. ]

[Day 4: Monster Race cultivator gathered more and more, and gradually formed a terrifying scale.

Even with your powerful strength, you can't deal with such a large number of enemies.

As a last resort, you choose to join the battallion team of Immortal Sect Disciple.

On your way, you come across some Immortal Sect Disciples and you try to join them.

In order to avoid attracting attention, you did not release the marionette, and you chose to travel lightly.

However, the strange thing is that everyone is still away from you spontaneously, and dare not approach you at all.

You stop and think about it for a long time, and finally find the reason.

After some hard work, you've managed to join the largest cultivator team.

Everyone marched in a group, and you moved towards the nearest temporary station "Bright Sprint Valley". ]

[Day 5: The team encountered a frontal attack by the Monster Race cultivator, and the attack was repelled after each side left dozens of dead bodies.

However, you are cautious and found that several people in the team have been quietly replaced by Monster Race.

The bright "spiritual body string" won't fool you at all.

You know that one of these Monster Races is the Monster General who is equivalent to the Golden Core cultivator.

This day, you are a little restless, and you dare not relax even at night. ]

[Sixth day: You control a marionette and try to get close to the few Monster Race cultivators, but they immediately killed your marionette, and you lost an "Insect of Spirit" ".

But it seems that Monster General can't detect the existence of "spiritual body string", you are not exposed.

Through this temptation, you have determined one thing.

Monster General Fu Shan, who led the infiltration, still replaced the identity of "Li San" of the Profound Cloud Sect Outer Sect Disciple.

In order to avoid arousing his vigilance, you did not observe him through the marionette. ]

[Seventh day: Monster General Fu Shan is very cautious, and does not speak at all except for necessary battles on weekdays, and does not contact any other Monster Race cultivator.

You're getting less attacks, and your team is moving faster. ]

[Day 8: You are getting less and less attacks, Monster Race is only watching from a distance most of the time, it seems to be putting pressure on you.

You know that their plan has been accomplished, and now their only purpose is to get Monster General Fu Shan to the Human Race station as soon as possible, and successfully infiltrate.

In order to avoid the fate of the floating battleship being blown up, and for the safety of your own life, you decided to destroy this matter. ]

[Day 9: You tried to use 0-08 to write a story to break the deadlock, but you were so nervous that you overlooked a very important thing.

Monster General's Divine Consciousness observation range is enough to cover several dozen li around!

Your actions were observed by Monster General Fu Shan.

While you discovered your omission without writing anything, there is no doubt that you have caught his attention.

After all, who can write on the battlefield!

And the style difference between the quill pen and this world is really big.

All in all, you're under suspicion. ]

[Day 10: Monster General Fu Shan, who silently observed you all night with Divine Consciousness, begins to talk to you under the pretext of excuses.

You forced yourself to calm down and deal with him, but your heartbeat and some of your body's instincts still betrayed you.

Fu Shan noticed your anomaly!

Fearing that his identity would be exposed, Monster General Fu Shan did not attack you directly, but he found an opportunity to attack you!

Fortunately, your inner life essence has been elevated to the Demi-God level, and you also have an incomplete Legendary Creature Form.

You didn't suffer any trauma from this attack, but Monster General Fu Shan suffered quite a bit of backlash.

He was greatly shocked after he accidentally discovered your "ontology".

Although you were panicking in your heart, you who are good at seizing opportunities still showed a meaningful smile to Fu Shan...]

Thanks to 【Book Friend 20220111184558697】big brother 2,000 coins as a reward, thanks to [Court Eunuch, what kind of bad thoughts can you have] for the 100-coin reward, and thanks to all the book friends who voted for their support!

The first update is out today, and the second chapter update will be out before 8pm.

(end of this chapter)

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