Immortal Stars

Chapter 167: 100,000 years lifespan

Lu Shen also said nothing and agreed directly.

Do not slaughter white do not slaughter!

Since this little junior brother said that no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he will be responsible for it alone, and after the success, he will pay him a large sum of stars and ancient mines. If he refuses such a fatal temptation, wouldn't he be too sorry for himself? .

Afterwards, Wang Xu came straight to Earth with Lu Shen.


Lu Shen waved his hand, and a picture of the formation stretched out, which was thousands of meters.

The misty light on the scroll lit up, and suddenly, a looming green light barrier shrouded the earth.

The ancient Xingchen mines flew out piece by piece, and under the control of Shen Shen, they fell quickly, and the green light barrier suddenly became much clearer.

Wang Xu nodded slightly. It seems that even he can do this move normally, but it can be arranged in such a short period of time. There are great requirements for the comprehension of the will of the void and the attainment of the formation. It seems that these ancient mines of stars No white flowers.

At the same time, Wang Xu also found that the old drunken old man became serious, as if he had changed his personality. His eyes were bright and generous, and he was no longer drunk. The Ancient Star Mine is located in the most correct location.

At this moment, Lu Shen is no longer a poor old man like a beggar, and his body is full of the temperament of a formation master, which is extraordinary.

It takes time to set up the formation, and it is reported that Lulu Shen wants to arrange a formation that he has always dreamed of, but he has no materials and has been unable to implement it. This time Wang Xu invited him and became the first to see this formation. people.

But Wang Xu doesn't have too many illusions. The formation that can be recorded so highly by the brothers is definitely not simple. If there are thousands of failures, you can't even think of success.

Wang Xu is not worried, he has enough ancient mines. You can let the recording sink spend freely.


"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Wang Xuyi returned home. Tang Yan immediately rushed up and gave Wang Xu a big hug.

"Xu'er. Look." Lin Hui pointed at the TV excitedly. On the screen, a 100-meter-tall golden statue slowly fell, sitting in the center of the "City of the World".

His golden robe moved with the wind, his resolute face and unyielding eyes were exactly what Wang Xu looked like.

This golden statue has mobilized thousands of engineers to participate in person. It took three months to build, and every detail is accurate to the smallest detail, even Wang Xu's eyelashes can be seen clearly... It can be seen that the whole world believes in Wang Xu. has reached a peak.

Wang Xu showed a kind smile, and being able to make his parents proud and proud of himself was the greatest affirmation for Wang Xu.

"Come on, Mom and Dad. I brought you something back." Wang Xu waved, Wang Zhenguo and Tang Tian who were playing chess, Wang Jun who was playing, and Lin Hui who was watching TV all came over.

"Father, the 'jin meat' you brought back last time is gone. I'm hungry again." It was Wang Jun's son who spoke, with a pink face, fleshy palms, and bright eyes. Looking at Wang Xu pitifully, this is the crying baby.

Wang Wei named her "Wang Yan".

In a blink of an eye, the little baby has grown into a girl who is almost ten years old, but it is still pink and tender like a porcelain doll, and it is extremely cute.

Although she is only ten years old, her strength is already a fourth-order genetic warrior, and ordinary people are not her opponents at all.

This little baby will make trouble with everyone, but when it is in Wang Xu's arms, the cries will gradually become smaller, and then he will sleep comfortably with a smile. Wang Xu loves this little guy very much, and often brings a little baby. Gift back to her.

Over time, the relationship between Wang Yan and Wang Xu became more intimate, and he called Wang Xu the "eldest father".

"It's natural, anyone's gift can be forgotten, but our little Yanyan's can't be." Wang Xu smiled, flipped his hand and took out a plate of fragrant pork.

Jin meat is taken from the refined meat of a star giant beast. It is expensive. For such a small dish, tens of thousands of cosmic crystals are needed. Generally, cosmic warriors can only look at it from a distance, and are not qualified to eat a bite at all.

Wang Xu didn't care, and bought a lot of pork in one go, just to make Wang Yan happy and make her full.

Wang Yan went to the side to concentrate on eating the meat, and Wang Xu turned his hand again, and five white and blue thumb-sized medicinal pills appeared in his hand.

The white and blue border is surrounded by a golden silk ring, which makes this medicine pill look quite extraordinary.

"Xu'er, what is this?" Wang Zhenguo asked curiously.

"It's the 'Void Pill'." Wang Xu said, "The Void Pill can increase the lifespan of a void-level cosmic warrior by a thousand years. Taking the first pill is an extra thousand years, the second pill is five hundred years, and the third pill is two years. For a hundred and fifty years, it dropped sharply year by year until it was completely useless."

"An elixir that can last for life... This elixir is very precious, right?" Tang Tian's eyes were full of light. He once mastered the big family of the Tang family, and Tang Tian attached great importance to the value.

As Tang Tian said, a Void Pill is worth 100,000 Cosmic Crystals, which can be described as "exceeding value"!

The Void Pill's ability to continue life sounds very strange, but the real effect is only less than two thousand years.

For the Void Grade with tens of thousands of years of life, two thousand years is neither long nor short. It can only extend the life of the Void Grade and let it live for a while, but those who really buy and use Void Pills are often The cosmic warrior of the extreme void level is on the verge of breaking through the black hole level.

But if it can't break through for tens of thousands of years, what about two thousand years?

And the Void Pill is too expensive, and the average Void-level cosmic martial artist can't afford it at all. Even if it is a Void-level who has ventured in the universe for tens of thousands of years, there are very few people who can buy Void Pill ruthlessly.

Therefore, the Void Pill should have become a hot elixir among Void-level warriors, but it has become dispensable because of its value.

But for Wang Xu, Void Pill is very useful.

For Void-level warriors, Void Pill can prolong life for thousands of years, but it can be placed on a basic-level body, but it can extend the life of tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years!

Having said that, who would want to waste 100,000 universe crystals on a basic level?

And with the promotion of the realm, the medicinal power will be weakened. If the basic level is promoted to the star level, the life of tens of thousands of years will be directly shortened to thousands of years, and it will be promoted to the void level. It is shortened to hundreds of years, and the effect is minimal.

Spend 100,000 universe crystals just to cultivate a Void-level warrior?

Notice. Wang Xu only needed less than 10,000 Cosmic Crystals to buy Void-level slaves. Who would be stupid enough to throw the cosmic crystal into the water and not even hear the sound.

"You will only know if it is precious or not." Wang Xu smiled and distributed the Void Pill to everyone.

After Tang Yan got it, she took it without saying a word. She believed in Wang Xu, unconditionally and without reason.

Afterwards, everyone took the Void Pill. Can feel for a long time, did not notice any difference.

"The only function of Void Pill is to increase lifespan." Wang Xu said, "From now on. Each of you has a lifespan of nearly 100,000 years."

"Scared?" Wang Zhenguo, Tang Tian and the others were dumbfounded.

One hundred thousand years?

Is this elixir?

One hundred thousand years, in the eyes of cosmos warriors, is like a year on earth, but for Wang Zhenguo and others, it has only been five thousand years since the beginning of human civilization. One hundred thousand years is almost no different from immortality.

But everyone didn't bother about this matter. For them, the length of life is not important, and it is the most important to be able to be with the closest and dearest people.


blink of an eye. A year has passed, and Lu Shen is still arranging the formation outside the earth.

Wang Xu came all the way, and saw the seventy-layer formation, which surrounded the earth, and this formation, even if the three clans came, could block it from the outside, and it was difficult to shake it.

"Senior Brother Lu, you've been sleepless for a year, so you should take a break." Wang Xujian Lushen's eyes were full of bloodshots, and the general white hole level would still be shinning even if he didn't sleep for a year, it can be seen that Lushen How much effort was spent on this formation, it was these heart-wrenching questions that made him so haggard.

"No, soon... I have failed three times. This time I have a hunch that I will definitely be able to complete it." Senior Brother Lu didn't even raise his head, and concentrated on the formation. He really likes the formation and sincerely loves it. I just want to finish a piece of work that I am satisfied with.

Brother Wang Xujianlu was so stubborn, he could only sigh and turn back to Earth.


Another year, but this year is not ordinary, just because one thing caused a sensation in the world-

Wang Xu's son was born!

When he was a father for the first time, Wang Xu was filled with emotion. Looking at the baby in his arms, Wang Xu felt that he had more responsibility, and his heart became stronger by 10%.

The arrival of this little life made the whole world boil. Wang Zhenguo and his wife laughed so hard that they refused to let go when they hugged their grandson.

Tang Yan looked at the family so happy by the bed, showing a knowing smile, Wang Xu gently embraced her in his arms, and said gently, "Thank you for your hard work."

Soon, the name of Wang Xu's son was decided.

Wang Tu.

This name was chosen by Wang Zhenguo and Tang Tian has the ambition of "Wang Tu's dominance" and the meaning of "Wang Tu's peace". Seeing that the old people recognized this name, Wang Xu nodded and smiled. down.

As soon as Wang Tu was born, he received the attention of the whole world and the blessing of all mankind.

To this end, Wang Xu hosted a banquet with the largest number of participants in human history.

Wang Xu invited all human beings, and naturally wanted to invite Lu Shen, but Lu Shen was still immersed in his own formation, ignoring Wang Xu.

However, just at Wang Tu's full moon banquet, the sky darkened suddenly, blocking the sun and obscuring the starlight, and the whole world fell into darkness.

Wang Xu was startled, thinking it was another cosmic group invasion, but in just a blink of an eye, the sky returned to light again.


When they saw the perfect formation in the sky, layer upon layer, which was composed of ninety-nine layers of formations, superimposed, and combined in various ways, all human beings were amazed by this splendid light. exhale. ()

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