Immortal Stars

Chapter 193: set off

Pulling aside the Nine Heavens God Formation, Wang Xu landed on the earth.

"Huh?" Wang Xu swept his spiritual sense at will, and immediately saw Tang Yan and Princess Bingqing.

But what surprised him was that they were still on fire when Wang Xu left a few days ago, but in the blink of an eye, the two were chatting and laughing on the street, and their behavior was intimate. Those who didn't know they thought they were sisters. Passers-by looked sideways.

"Women... It's really hard to understand." Wang Xu smiled helplessly, put away the Earth, and returned home.


Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, a year is gone with the wind.

During this year, Princess Bingqing has been integrated into Wang Xu's family and has become an indispensable part of their lives. Lin Hui even wanted to take Princess Bingqing as her goddaughter, but was discouraged by Wang Xu. .

No matter how approachable and approachable Princess Bingqing is, her noble status is destined to have a class gap with Wang Xu and others. Even if Princess Bingqing agrees, the courtiers in the palace will be in trouble.

During this period of time, Wang Xu has been with his family, and the relationship between Tang Yan and Princess Bingqing has gradually become more intimate. Sometimes the little secrets between the two cannot even be spied on by Wang Xu.

"Brother Wang!"

On this day, Wang Xu was watching a movie with Tang Yan at home, and the two were snuggling sweetly when suddenly, a loud voice came from the sky.

Wang Xu looked up, his eyes passed through the air layer of tens of thousands of meters, crossed the Nine Heavens Array, and saw a graceful and humble figure outside the earth.

"Brother Plastic Dragon!" Wang Xu said in surprise as he flew over. He quickly opened the Nine Heavens God Formation and invited Plastic Dragon in.

"Who is this?" Behind the plastic dragon, there was a burly figure in armor, five meters tall, wrapped in black armor, with a little cold light flowing.

"Let me introduce you, this is the 'Badong River' who went with us to participate in the qualification battle." Su Long introduced, "He joined the mercenary martial arts hall. He is a disciple of the 'internal mercenary', he With 15.63 million contribution points, he will soon be promoted to five-star mercenary."

Wang Xu's eyes lit up. He was also a member of the mercenary martial arts hall, but he was only an external trainee mercenary who didn't even reach two stars, but he knew that if he wanted to become an internal mercenary, he had to reach four stars. . Contribution points need at least two million.

External mercenaries are different from internal mercenaries. The gap between the two is like a moat, but once they become internal mercenaries. The mercenary martial arts hall will be regarded as the core disciple training. Whether it is resources or treasures, they have everything. When they become stronger, they are no less than the polar disciples of the Cosmic Alliance. At the same time, they have great power and can order external mercenaries from several stars.

"Badonghe has seen Brother Wang. I heard that Brother Wang is a disciple of Tongtian Pavilion, I don't know..." There was a little light in the gap of the black and cold helmet. Wang Xu could feel that Badonghe must have committed a genius problem again. When I see a strong man, I want to challenge it. Immediately waved his hand, interrupting his words.

"The visitor is a guest. Since I came to my hometown, I must have the friendship of the landlord." Wang Xu led the two down and took them to play on the earth and experience the beautiful scenery of the earth.

Immediately, the two met with Princess Bingqing. Princess Bingqing led them around. It has to be said that Princess Bingqing has only been here for a year, and she has become an authentic know-it-all, where is fun and where is delicious Yes, what is different, Princess Bingqing can explain it.

Three days later.

"Okay, Princess Bingqing, brother Wang." Plastic Dragon stopped, "This time, we have been ordered by the lord of the country, and we must set off for the Thousand Layers of Universe Kingdom in the near future to participate in the qualification battle."

"This place is far away from the Thousand Layers of Cosmos Country, and it takes a long time to travel. We don't have time to play anymore." Plastic Dragon shook his head.

Wang Xu took a deep breath. This day has come. It has only been a year. Wang Xu still wants to spend more time with his parents, wife, and son, but he has no choice because of the added responsibility.

After a moment of silence, Wang Xu said, "Okay, we will leave tomorrow."


In the evening, Wang Xu deliberately gathered a large family together.

"Dad, Mom, I was ordered by the lord of the country to travel far." Wang Xu said with a smile, he didn't want to announce in a heavy tone, which would make his parents worried.

"How long?" Tang Yan asked involuntarily.

"The short term is decades, the long term... I can't predict it." Wang Xu did not dare to make a promise. This time, he went to the Thousand Layers of Cosmos Kingdom to participate in the qualification battle. The degree of danger is obvious to all. Even Wang Xu may encounter unexpected events. .

Wang Zhenguo and others were all silent, Wang Xu shouldered the heavy responsibility, and Princess Bingqing also explained to Wang Xu that this qualification battle is related to the honor and disgrace of the entire Tailong universe. big.

"Go, take good care of your body." Wang Zhenguo was silent for a while, and finally sighed and said this sentence.

The son has grown up and his strength is stronger, but the greater his strength, the greater the responsibilities he bears. He enjoys life and lives peacefully, but his son needs a wider world to show his majesty. , Wang Zhenguo thought very thoroughly.

"Dad, I'll be back as soon as possible!" Wang Xu nodded firmly and said.


The next day, Wang Xu said goodbye to everyone. Although they had said goodbye many times, they always made people sad, especially Tang Yan, who wanted to walk with Wang Xu, but Wang Xu firmly rejected her.

The battle of qualifications is extremely dangerous, Wang Xu can't even protect himself, how can he protect Tang Yan?

Wang Xu has left most of his treasures, cosmic crystals, ancient soldiers in the void, immortal soldiers, ancient ore, ancient medicine, etc. These are not of great value to Wang Xu, but for the earth that needs development and progress, But it's a huge help.

In the eyes of everyone's reluctance, Wang Xu pushed aside the nine-layered celestial formation, and the Earth slowly drove out.

Outside the earth, a gleaming token hangs in the void, casting down misty rain of light, covering the earth.

This is a blessing order.

At that time, the token that Yingu gave to Wang Xu, as long as it was there, represented the absolute security of the earth.

Wang Xu took a deep look at the blessing order: "Tianling, make a time and space transition."

The void is distorted, and the Earth is submerged into the void.

"Aren't you going to tell them?" Princess Bingqing looked at the earth through the glass, "This time you go to participate in the qualification battle, it will be in danger. If you don't come back...they will be sad."

"No need." Wang Xu's eyes showed a hint of firmness, "I will come back... In any case, I must come back alive."


The journey to the Thousand Layers of Universe Kingdom is very long.

Wang Xu moved forward according to the star map left to him by Xian Qu, but after tens of thousands of years of changes, the stars that originally owned the time-space transition platform were turned to ashes in the border war.

During the period, a small cosmic country they passed through, but because they offended the neighboring big cosmic country, the palace overturned, the royal blood was slaughtered up and down, and it was directly annexed by this big cosmic country.

This is the tragedy of the small universe country. If they want to survive, they either attach to the big universe country, or join together and form an alliance to jointly resist the invasion of the large universe country.

As long as the big cosmic country has no strong excuse, it cannot launch a border war. If the big cosmic country insists on fighting this frontier war and intends to invade, it will not get the support of any of the three major forces in the universe, and the other small cosmic countries because of The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and I will do my best to help.

In the universe, there are as many small universe countries as the stars. As long as there is a **** in the realm, a country can be established. Although the national strength is small, the combined power cannot be underestimated. If the big cosmic kingdom is too arrogant and greedy, it is not impossible that the gutter capsizes.

Therefore, if the big universe country wants to wage war against the small universe country, it must have a reasonable reason.

Thirteen years later.

The door to the training room of the Earth opened, and a figure in a black robe walked out.

A dazzling nebula was reflected in Wang Xu's eyes. Obviously, they were approaching a star field.

"Empty snake universe country, the space-time transition platform on the main star of this universe country, through which it should be able to reach the next universe country." Wang Xu flipped his palm over, and the stars were shining on a brand-new star map. It was purchased by the Tongtian Pavilion branch of the Great Universe Kingdom, and the star path recorded above is clearer.

Wang Xu continued to flip through the star map, although he could already memorize the star road above, but the details in the stars need careful study and observation to discover.

After a while, a burly figure in black armor walked out of the "virtual hunting ground" and came to the main control room.

"Wang Xu, I have a feeling again, let's fight again." Badonghe opened his mouth to invite the battle.

Among the internal mercenaries in the mercenary martial arts hall, Badonghe, although not among the best and extremely powerful, is a genuine genius. It took less than 800 years to reach the initial white hole level, and his real strength exploded. Up, it can even compete with the strongest white hole class.

It should be noted that it takes thousands of years for ordinary cosmic warriors to reach the white hole level, not to mention the ability to leapfrog and fight. Badonghe can do this, obviously it is very remarkable.

It was with this mentality that he repeatedly challenged Wang Xu, wanting to see the rumored disciple of Tongtian Pavilion, and what the gap was compared with him.

Sulong had seen Wang Xu's persuaded Badonghe, but Badonghe had a stubborn personality and didn't turn his head if he didn't hit the south wall. Sulong shook his head helplessly and could only give up.

Wang Xu was also entangled by Badonghe's stubbornness and had no choice but to promise him and fight.

thirty minutes.

This is the time for the two to fight, although not short, but not long.

When Badonghe came out of the war room, he lowered his head, and his expression wrapped in black armor could not be seen, but judging from the fact that he entered the training room without saying a word, the ending could not have been more obvious.

Plastic Dragon shook his head, not listening to the old man's words, suffering in front of him, a living lesson!

Time flew by, and soon another six years passed.

"Everyone!" Wang Xu, who was sitting cross-legged in the main control room, opened his eyes, saw the beautiful nebula not far away, and said with joy.

"Arrived, Thousand Layers of Universe Kingdom!" ()

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