Immortal Stars

Chapter 199: 0 Heavy Shinkoku


A dull blade of light disappeared in a flash, faster than the blink of an eye, and it was fleeting. It was unclear whether it was the blade or the erratic light. It only appeared for a moment and then disappeared quietly.


No trace to be found.

Soon, a dark and deep black gap appeared in the void... The void was cut, and a crack appeared.

"The first layer of the Endless Knife's 'Brightness and Destruction' has finally achieved a small achievement." Wang Xu, who stood on the barren land, looked at the gap in the void, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Endless Sword is the inheritance of the Endless Holy Venerable.

No matter whether the Heavenly Mystery Law or the Perfect Secret Law can't be compared with it, Wang Xu even doubts that this is not a secret law, but a higher-level attack method.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Even if Wang Xu is very good at comprehension of martial arts and secrets, and there is information transmitted to him by the Infinite Sage, Wang Xu spent more than ten years before he managed to get started and cultivated into the Endless Sword. The first layer of "blinking".

The sword light wielded by Wang Xu before was extremely dazzling, dazzling and eye-catching.

This is "Ming".

In the past ten years, Wang Xu has used a lot of insights and evolution, and finally made the sword light gradually dim, becoming less powerful, obscure, cold, and disappearing... Although the momentum is not as good as before, its real power is stronger than before. more terrifying.

This is "destruction".

The original annihilation was the black spot that Wang Xu had dropped on the ground, covering an area, and all life would be attacked.

Now, the combination of Ming and Destruction, the two complement each other, the power of the Endless Sword has risen dramatically, and Wang Xu's blow to pierce the void is the best proof.

"The time has come." Suddenly, a mechanical voice came, and Wang Xu shook his head helplessly. left the training room.


"Shulong, why are you so sad?" In the restaurant, Princess Bingqing said with blinking eyes.

"Princess..." Plastic Dragon hesitated. Distressed face.

"What happened?" Wang Xu had never seen a plastic dragon with such an anxious and sad face, and his heart froze. asked.

Badonghe also looked at Plastic Dragon, the three of them stared at him, Plastic Dragon struggled for a moment, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth.

"Brother Wang, Badonghe, this qualification battle... we'd better give up." Sulong said in a heavy tone.

"Why?" The first person to ask was Princess Bingqing. Wang Xu and Badonghe also frowned.

Plastic Dragon is not a timid person, and the degree of danger of the qualification battle has been heard for a long time. How could Plastic Dragon say such a thing? Could it be that something major happened?

"Actually, I didn't want to say it. In order not to make it difficult for you, but this news is about our lives, I have to say it." The dragon's face was condensed, "I got the information, the war world of this qualification battle... is Thousands of Divine Kingdoms."

"Thousand Layers of Divine Kingdom?"

"What is this place?"

Wang Xu and Princess Bingqing were puzzled. Badonghe's face changed greatly: "Thousand Layers of Divine Kingdom?"

"Badonghe, did you know?" Princess Bingqing said.

"Your news is too closed, the thousand-level divine kingdom, but the 'celestial world' of the founder of the thousand-level universe kingdom!" Badonghe's face paled slightly, "The Tianshen realm has a 'celestial world' within the body. The more powerful it is, the more vast it is. The Thousand Layers of Cosmos Kingdom was originally a powerful force among the super cosmos countries. You can imagine how strong its founders will be..."

"If the founder of the Thousand Layers of Nations hadn't fallen, maybe everything would have gone well... But, he has fallen for countless years, the world of the gods has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and now it may have become a 'forbidden place'! We Go in, the results can be imagined..."

"Oh my God, the forbidden land...this..." Princess Bingqing said in shock, even if she was cynical, she still knew the power of the forbidden land. At that time, Wang Xu and the three entered, even if there is no strong person to obliterate them, it may be Perished in the rifts of the Forbidden Land, the storms of time, and all the mysterious and dangerous places.

Wang Xu also showed a solemn expression.

The danger level of the forbidden land is too great. Originally, he had a 100% certainty that even if he was no match for the genius monsters of various countries, he could escape safely.

But in the forbidden land, Wang Xu lost this confidence.

The hidden cracks in the void, the mortal space-time storm, and the special life born after countless years are all terrifying and dangerous. If one is not careful, anyone may fall into it.

"It doesn't matter." Wang Xu said calmly, "Since the geniuses of all countries dare to enter, why don't we dare, not to mention that we have the 'sacred treasure' in our hands, at least there is no problem in preserving our lives."

The treasure of the gods, located above the immortal weapon, is the most powerful treasure that has been soaked in the laws of the universe and tempered in the long river of time.

Every treasure of the gods is extremely rare, extremely precious, and has unparalleled formidable power. Even the gods will covet and risk their lives for the treasures of the gods!

This time, Wang Xu and others were ordered to participate in the qualification battle. Naturally, the country lord would not be stingy and bestow three defensive treasures. After all, they were just going through the motions and could save their lives.

"It's true that we have the treasure of the gods, but our own strength is limited. I'm afraid we can't even exert one-tenth of the power of the treasure of the gods."

The dragon was worried.

The more powerful the treasure, the more powerful it is to control.

If a mortal is given an immortal weapon, he can only wield it as an ordinary knife and axe, and he cannot exert the true strength of the immortal weapon at all.

In the same way, the real strength of the dragon and the Badong River is at the invincible white hole level.

Wang Xu is better than them.

His strength is in the initial mixed universe, and he can exert one-thousandth of the divine treasure power.

Don't underestimate the tenfold difference, this is a treasure of the gods, even if it is one more point, its power is not the same.

But this is still not the full power of the divine treasure, and it is still difficult to save their lives.

"We have the treasures of the gods, not to mention the geniuses of various countries, especially the top ten countries, I am afraid that all of them have treasures in the bottom of the box, in order to compete for the only place." Badonghe said.

All four were silent for a while.

The danger of this qualification battle has exceeded everyone's expectations.

"This is the end, we have no choice. Don't forget, what we are carrying now is not only our own lives, but also the honor and disgrace of the entire Tailong universe." After a while, Wang Xu broke the silence.

The plastic dragon and Badonghe looked at each other, both with hesitation in their eyes.


Wang Xu slapped the table and stood up.

"That's how it was decided. After entering the war world, I will do my best to cover you and help you leave."

Wang Xu's eyes were firm, and they were infected with the dragon and the Badong River.

"Okay, we are not timid and afraid of things, so what if we die, so many senior geniuses died in it, and it can be regarded as someone buried with us!"

"Yes, go one step further, die standing, take a step back, and live on your knees. I, Badonghe, would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

With the arrogance of being brave and not afraid of death, the two no longer hesitated, and resolutely decided to continue the qualification battle.

On the contrary, Princess Bingqing bit her lip and looked at Wang Xu worriedly, her fingers turning white and blue.



A sea of ​​flames for hundreds of miles rolled, burning the entire sky red.

"Expand!" Wang Xu stretched his arms, and beads of sweat the size of beans dripped from his forehead, and the sea of ​​flames above the sky suddenly spread and filled, from a hundred miles in diameter, it suddenly expanded to three hundred miles.

"Too much consumption."

Wang Xu's face paled slightly, and he immediately closed his arms, and the sea of ​​flames returned to a hundred miles.

This sea of ​​flames is actually the four endless endless fires.

Over the years, Wang Xu's cultivation of Endless Fire has not stopped. According to the information in his mind, Wang Xu is heading towards the first layer of Endless Fire, the "Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Miles of Fire".

But it has to be said that it is more difficult for Endless Fire to improve than Endless Knife.

After decades of practice, Wang Xu has only spread the endless fire that was less than ten miles at the beginning to the level of a hundred miles now.

This is usually maintained, and the energy consumption can keep up.

When the weakness expands again, Wang Xu can't bear it, and the energy in the body evaporates like an ocean, and it can't be maintained at all.

"Endless Sword!"

Wang Xu thought about it, and a cyan sword shadow appeared under his feet.

The first layer of the Endless Sword is the "Void Sword", and there is only one way to cultivate it - move, keep moving.

Of course, ordinary movement has no effect on the progress of the Infinity Sword. Only Wang Xu's extreme speed and frantic rushing and rushing can make the Infinity Sword stronger.

Wang Xu turned his hand and took out a long stone pillar, which was a hundred meters high.

He bent his fingers, and a little endless fire popped out, landing on the stone pillar, and the stone pillar began to burn.

"Start!" Wang Xu's figure rushed out and moved frantically in this barren world.


Wang Xu's figure was like a faint blue light, piercing the air, swept across the sky, and the speed exploded to the limit.

The stone pillars are being eaten away bit by bit by the endless fire, and slowly become smaller.

When the stone pillar was completely burned out, Wang Xu's figure stopped, his whole body seemed to be wet with rain, his face was pale, and he was breathing heavily.

Being in a state of speed explosion all the is extremely terrifying to Wang Xu's energy consumption.

If it wasn't for the vortex of flames to provide Wang Xu with energy, Wang Xu would not have been able to burn the stone pillar.

"Continue to practice the Endless Sword." After a short rest, Wang Xu began to practice.

Week after week, Wang Xu never let up for a moment.


this day.


The melodious sound of the bell broke the din, and it wafted and rang out, filling the entire thousand-layered main star.

At this moment, all the creatures on the thousand-level main star stared at the direction of the thousand-level main city.

The Chi Xiaoxiang who was cultivating, the Tuogu Capital who was sitting cross-legged into the Ding, the Mahe Luoyue who was sparring with the mixed universe... The geniuses of all countries all stopped at the same time.

"The battle of qualifications has begun." ()

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