Immortal Stars

Chapter 512: metal block

After the first ancestor left, Wang Xu and others absorbed the rich vitality and kept saving.

Wang Xu is the lowest realm among the thirteen genius disciples, only Wan Ji Jue Dian, although he can attract billion Ji Lei Tribulation at any time and become a billion Ji Tianshen, but he is still suppressing, frantically digging out his potential until he is drained. until the last remaining value.

"This kind of natural treasure, most of Fengye's holy places can only be possessed by the holy places of the shrine group. I didn't expect that the first ancestor of the annihilation would have such luck!" You Ji took a deep breath, and the rich vitality had turned into a misty white mist. , all poured into his body along the silent nose and mouth, "Original energy... Sufficient vitality, if I can stay here for a hundred years, my realm will immediately reach the realm of the gods!"

Youji uses the white corpse to restore his body, but the realm is not achieved overnight. Now he is only equivalent to a weak cultivator in the mixed universe. If he wants to reach the **** realm, he still needs his own assiduous cultivation.

It can be said that it is hard training, don't forget the original face of quietness. He is the chaos that devours fire, transforms all things into his body, and absorbs vitality hundreds of thousands of times faster than ordinary people. Others reach the top of the gods. It takes millions of years for novels, and it takes only a hundred years for silence. .

Wang Xu dipped his knees in the Dragon Killing Pond, allowing the dragon water to seep into his body, supplying him with a steady stream of vigorous vitality.

He didn't use these vitality to improve his realm, but to rush himself frantically, making his divine body stronger.

Wang Xu is comfortable and quiet here, but the other side is not so boring. Several spirits gather to play together, and the child-like mind is constantly noisy. Move the dragon water from the Dragon Pond to the sky and turn it into a torrential rain. Several talented disciples couldn't help but laugh.

"Big Brother Bai Xu! There seems to be something extraordinary at the bottom of this pool! Come and see!" The sound transmission fell into Bai Xu's ears. Bai Xu opened his eyes and looked directly at the bottom of the pool.

At the bottom of the Dragon Pond, the girl in red was opening her eyes curiously, looking at a copper-green metal block below.

I saw the girl in red stretched out her little hand, trying to touch the piece of metal, but was cut off by an invisible force and couldn't get close.

"There is something strange at the bottom of the pool!" Bai Xu shouted. Immediately, he came to the side of the girl in red.

Others were reminded by Bai Xu's voice, and they all looked at the bottom of the pool, and Wang Xu also noticed the situation at the bottom of the pool.

Thirteen genius disciples. And many artifact spirits came quickly, surrounded the metal block, and carefully looked at it.

"Half buried in the rock, you can't see how big it is."

The edges of the metal blocks are buried in the rock. The naked eye cannot tell its true size.

Wang Xu looked at the others. He was planning to find the answer from these peak disciples, but even the most knowledgeable Lei Yong frowned and kept looking at the metal block. Obviously, even he did not know the origin of the metal block.

"Try to break the law with force." Jiufeng Xueyu is indeed a fighting madman, and the first thought was to use the power of the Jedi to forcibly test the metal block.

The fire of nine lives and nine deaths burns up, this is the fire of immortality, unless it is also suppressed with force. Otherwise nothing can make it go out.

The nine lives and nine dead fires surrounded the nine phoenix blood jade, as if to form a flame armor.

The crowd backed away. This is the fire of the great emperor, and its strength is second only to the chaotic fire.

"Nanwu floating finger!"

Jiufeng Xueyu let out a coquettish sound, and a beam of flame containing terrifying power shot out from her fingertips.

"This blow can't be resisted!" Wang Xu shuddered in his heart and said secretly.


However, such a domineering blow was enough to injure the duality of the Holy Venerable Realm, but it was blocked by the invisible force. The blazing flame beam and the void formed a circle of ripples, and it was always difficult to get close to the metal block.

"It can't be broken." Kegu Youmu said.

"Humph!" Jin Wuyunzhan snorted coldly and stepped forward, "I'm coming!"

I saw Jin Wu Yun Zhan raised his palm, and the vitality of the sky gathered towards his palm, merging with his Golden Crow Fire to form a fist-sized scorching fireball.

"I want to see if you have the ability." Jiufeng Xueyu knew that she could not break through with her strength, so she simply put away the offensive and looked at Jinwuyunzhan with cold eyes.

The hot fireball became more and more hot, and the light became more and more dazzling. Gradually, it became a golden ball, making noises in the zizi.

"Blood Flame Jade Toad Fire!"

The golden black cloud slammed out with a big palm, wrapping the golden ball and hitting the metal block.

bang bang bang ~~


The moment the golden ball touched the invisible force, the dragon water around was turbulent. In order to prevent too much movement, everyone joined forces to suppress the dragon water.

Jin Wuyun was not convinced, his face flushed, and he exerted all his strength.

If it wasn't for all the peak geniuses present, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to suppress Jin Wuyun Zhan's attack that was enough to seriously damage the duality of the Holy Venerable.


Jin Wuyun Zhan withdrew his palm and gave up.

"Humph! That's all!" Jiufeng Xueyu did not forget to sneer, Jin Wuyunzhan's face was already red, and at this moment, he felt that his face was damaged, but he had nothing to say, so he could only snorted coldly without showing weakness. , it is a tribute to Jiufeng Blood Jade.

"Why don't we do it together?" Feng Yanlang suggested.

"it is good!"

Jinwuyunzhan and Jiufeng Xueyu did not object either.

Immediately, thirteen people shot together.

The offensive of the sky fell, and the power shook the world. Fortunately, all the geniuses controlled the power with great precision. Otherwise, if the thirteen people shot together, the dragon pool would collapse in an instant.


"It can't be broken."

"That invisible power seems to have no upper limit. When it is strong, it is stronger. We are not its opponents at all."

Thirteen people joined forces to attack, even people in the Sanyuan Holy Venerable Realm had to fall on the spot, but this invisible force was easy to do.

Obviously, the invisible power has not yet reached its limit.

For a time, everyone was completely lost.


"Oh? Has it been found?"

Ancestor Zhuxie, who was sitting quietly in the palace, opened his eyes and smiled, "I can't even open that place. There may be a treasure hidden in it, but since it has no fate with me, if you guys can get it. My gift to you."

With a chuckle, the Ancestor Zhuxie closed his eyes again.

At the same time, the talented disciples are still trying various methods to break through the invisible force.

In the end it was all in vain.

"This metal block is so evil, we can't even get close to it with all our efforts, what is the origin?" Jiao Chui asked impatiently.

"Perhaps the first ancestor of Zhuxie knew the secret." Tianluo Qianzheng said.

"The old man should have known about such a big commotion in Zhuxie Longchi. But he didn't show up. Obviously, Senior Zhuxie wants us to figure out the secret of this metal block ourselves." Bai Xu analyzed. "I dare to conclude that this metal block must be implicated in the treasure, it is a big opportunity, we can't let it go!"

"What if you don't let it go? No one can get close to this metal block. We won't get this opportunity." Jiufeng Xueyu left a sentence coldly. Stop wasting time here, go back to the pool, and continue to practice with the help of Longchi.

For a time, everyone sighed slightly.

They can perceive the extraordinaryness of this metal block, but now they can't even touch the metal block. Even if there is a treasure that makes the emperor coveted, they can only watch it.

"Wang Xu, is there anything you can do?" Bai Xu looked at Wang Xu.

Wang Xu shook his head.

This metal block is so weird. They have tried all kinds of methods to no avail. Can only be sighed.

"Lei Yong, how about you?" Bai Xu asked Lei Yong again.

"No clue." Lei Yong said.

Thirteen people, no one can take this metal block.

People left one by one and returned to their original cultivation place to continue their meditation.

In the end, even Bai Xu had to face the reality, shook his head and sighed, and returned to the pool to continue his practice.

"Youji, let's go." Youji has been observing carefully, never said a word from beginning to end, looking solemn and serious. Seeing this, Wang Xu called and turned around to go back to the place where he practiced.

"Wang Xu, wait." Suddenly, You Ji spoke to Wang Xu through a voice transmission in his heart.

"What?" Wang Xu paused, turned around, and looked at the silence in doubt.

Silent came to the metal block.

"Don't get too close, the invisible force will take the initiative to attack." Wang Xu urged.

Youji paused and slowly extended his right hand.

There was a little red and white flame on his fingertips.

The next moment, an unexpected scene happened——

The silent fire touched the invisible power, and the invisible power seemed to be full of fear of the silent fire, and spread out like ripples, allowing the silent right hand to pass through without hindrance and land on the metal block!


"how did you do it!"

"Chaos Fire Spirit... It is indeed a treasure that even the Great Emperor covets!"

The moment Youji approached the metal block, everyone's eyes were already focused. At this time, seeing Youji had successfully touched the metal block, one by one suddenly rushed over, with an unbelievable look on his face.


Even Wang Xu couldn't believe that You Ji had such a skill.

"You... You are called You Ji, right? Can you use your flames to disperse all that invisible power!" Bai Xu was very excited.

Immediately, his eyes focused on the quiet body.

The quiet look shook his head solemnly.

"Why?" Jiao Chui was unwilling.

"It's me who fears this power, not you. Even if I can disperse it, you won't be able to pass through its obstacles and reach the metal block." You Ji glanced at Jiao Zhui and said lightly.

The invisible power is not fixed, but a water-like existence that shrinks freely. Although I don't know how fast its attack is, it can be seen from its power that this is by no means ordinary, if it is true" provoked" it, who knows what it will do?

"You can wrap our bodies in flames." Lei Yong said.

The flame wraps the body and disperses the invisible force, so as to approach the metal block, it is indeed a very perfect method.

"Oh?" You Ji suddenly turned her head, her eyes were bloodthirsty, and her scarlet tongue licked her lips like a Are you sure? "

"He is Chaos Devouring Fire, and we are wrapped in its flame, which means that our lives are held in its hands." Tian Luo Qianzheng frowned.

Devouring fire cannot devour living beings for two reasons.

One is not strong enough.

Second, there is no reason for living beings to be swallowed up.

But if there is a living being willing to be entangled by its flames, it is tantamount to handing over his life to his hands and letting the loneliness claim it.

"Wang Xu."

"Brother Wang."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to Wang Xu.

Wang Xu is the master of quietness and blends with quietness. As long as Wang Xu agrees, they will have no worries about their lives.

In other words, everyone pinned their hopes on Wang Xu. (To be continued..)()

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