Immortal Stars

Chapter 523: Holy Realm!

The Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation is the nightmare of countless billions of gods.

There is no difficulty in the first step and the second step, and all the difficulties break out in the third step.

The gray-white fog is "chaos", and to make it erupt, it must have a strong "thrust".

Where does the thrust come from?

The strength of the cultivator itself!

However, the paradox is that the cultivators themselves are powerful, but they can't push away the chaos, and they can't make the chaos erupt.

It is clear that the outbreak of chaos requires a strong thrust. Why is it that the cultivator is so powerful that he can't push it away?

That's right, this contradiction is the reason why the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation has become the nightmare of countless gods!

"Chaos" will become solid and sturdy because of the strength of people in the realm of the gods. The stronger the gods, the more terrifying the chaos.

The more monstrous, the less able to survive the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation.

This rumor is not false.

Wang Xu's strength is already enchanting enough, the law is perfect, and the secret scripture is successful, he has completely surpassed the Sanyuan Saint Venerable Realm.

In this way, how terrible will his chaos be?

"Success or failure is here." At this moment, Wang Xu felt a little nervous in his heart, but more calm.

His Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation is too difficult, almost to the point of "impossible to cross".

If he fails to cause Chaos to erupt, he will have to face 88,000 days of slumber and irreversible heavy damage.

Wang Xu once understood that after the first attempt to save the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation failed. The second time passed successfully and became Saint Venerable Realm.

This is good news.

But it was also accompanied by bad news-the Holy Venerable Realm, until death. They all stay in the realm of one yuan, and they can't advance an inch for life.

This is irreversible damage!

If you fail once, even if you succeed later, you can only be trapped in the realm of one yuan for life.

"If you don't succeed, you will succeed." Wang Xu was ready to go all out.

Somewhere, he sensed that this was the most suitable time for him to save the Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation, and he wanted to wait for this kind of time to come. I don't know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, so Wang Xu must seize this opportunity and make a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

Wang Xu took a deep breath. There was a firm look in his eyes.

"Chaos, erupt!"


In an instant, the power that was so terrifying that the Holy Venerable was suffocating erupted from the body of the gray-white mist.

"Ahhh! Break it open for me!" Wang Xu's spiritual sense was roaring.

The gray-white mist suddenly swelled, and the surging and terrifying force pushed it frantically outward.

in a blink. The gray-white fog has grown to cover a radius of millions of miles.

The gray-white mist is still expanding outwards. Extremely fast.

"It's started, Wanhua Cosmos Tribulation, looking at this situation, his universe will expand to at least a hundred light years!" You Ji stepped back while expanding the range of the isolation formation.

Normally speaking, the God of the Era has broken through to the ordinary realm of lordship, the realm of one yuan, and the diameter of the inner universe is ten light-years.

The duality realm. One hundred light-years in diameter.

The three-dimensional realm has a diameter of one thousand light-years.

Quaternary realm. 10,000 light-years in diameter.

The five-element realm has a diameter of 100,000 light-years!

Wang Xu's enchanting aptitude, once he breaks through, his realm strength will instantly reach the duality realm!

Boom boom boom!

The gray-white fog mass was expanding wildly, all the voids touched completely collapsed, and the time-space storm could not be stopped, and collapsed instantly.

"Broken! Broken! Broken!" Wang Xu went crazy.

A terrifying force erupted in the gray-white fog, and the terrible thrust caused the gray-white fog to expand in a short period of time, and the diameter has reached a light-year.

It should be noted that in the Gu Luo universe, the diameter of the Milky Way, where the earth is located, has already reached a huge one hundred thousand light-years.

And the Milky Way is just an inconspicuous corner of the Guro universe.

The smallest of any Shenzhou in the chaos is much bigger than the Guluo universe. This is the reason why some strong people can't walk through the chaos after exhausting their whole lives!

Too big, the chaos is too big to imagine!

Unless you have the ability to travel through the void and instantly shuttle, you will want to travel through chaos just by speed, even the Ancestral Realm does not have such patience.

One light-year, two light-years, three light-years... In the blink of an eye, the gray-white mist has been expanded to ten light-years by Wang Xu.

"Haven't seen the cosmic barrier yet?" You Ji frowned.

The cosmic barrier is the outer membrane of the universe.

Just like a balloon, the thicker the material, the bigger the balloon that blows out.

Although Wang Xu's talent is enchanting, the inner universe is likely to expand to a hundred light-years in diameter, but at this time, he should be able to see the cosmic barriers.

"Could it be that... his inner universe will exceed one hundred light years?" You Ji was taken aback by his own thoughts.

More than a hundred light-years... This is far beyond the scope of Silent's cognition.

Although he has a broad vision, he has never seen anyone who can expand the inner universe to more than one hundred light years after passing through the tribulation of the universe.

Boom boom boom!

The gray-white mist is still expanding frantically, and the silence is obviously unable to keep up with this exaggerated speed.

"what is this?!"

"Wanhua Chaos Qi, someone is saving the Wanhua universe! Let's leave quickly!"

Along the way, occasionally one or two cultivators saw them, but when they saw such a scene, they were so frightened that they ran away.

Cultivators who have treasures that travel through time and space can quickly evacuate, while those who do not have treasures that travel through time and space can only ask for more blessings.

ten light years.

Twenty light years.

Thirty light years.

Forty light years.


A hundred light years!

The gray-white mist was still expanding, and Wang Xu still felt that the structure of the universe had not yet been truly formed.

"How big is it?" Wang Xu was exhausted.

Just as the so-called repeated, repeated decline, and three exhausted, Wang Xu's crazy thrust has expanded the gray-white fog to a terrifying range of a hundred light-years, but it still does not form a real universe.

The continuous "pushing" made Wang Xu exhausted.

"Wang Xu, continue to expand, I have seen the cosmic barriers, if I estimate correctly, your universe will be about 300 light-years away!" The quiet voice entered Wang Xu's heart.

Three hundred light years.

Even Silent himself couldn't believe it when he said that.

It should be noted that reaching 1,000 light-years is enough to be comparable to the three-element saint, and three hundred light-years is about the level of the dual-element elite of the saintly realm.

The initial duality, the duality elite, seem to be ordinary differences, but in terms of saving the Wanhua cosmos robbery, the difficulty is completely different!

"Three hundred light years... If it succeeds, how strong is Wang Xu? I'm afraid it will surpass me in an instant." Youji murmured in his heart.

"Fight! Give everything, I must succeed!"

Wang must have a strong belief.

He can't fail. Once he fails, it means that he will forever lose the qualification to advance on the road to the strong.

"Using the most powerful force, burst out! There is also the shocking secret treasure, you must also help me!" Wang Xu was roaring and roaring.

Although the Shocking Secret Treasure has dissipated with the collapse of his celestial body, it has only changed its form and exists in the gray-white fog together with Wang Xu.


The expansion speed, which had been stagnant at first, has been strengthened again at this moment, and the speed is faster than before!

One hundred and fifty light years.

Two hundred light years.

Two hundred and fifty light years.

Two hundred and eighty light years.

Three hundred light years!

"Explode!" The gray-white fog suddenly reached 330 light-years.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Like the loud noise that Pangu opened up the world, it sounded in the gray-white fog, and the gray-white fog suddenly burst open and spread out for three hundred and thirty light years.

From this moment, all things recovered, and the breath of destruction became life.

dong dong! dong dong...

It is connected to the core of the entire universe, like a heart, located in the center of the universe, beating slowly.

In the heart of the universe, a figure is being born.

The resolute and handsome face reappeared, Wang Xu opened his eyes, and there was a deep light flowing in his eyes.

He walked out of the heart of the universe, put on a black robe, and felt the birth of his heart.

"Holy Venerable Realm... I finally became Saint Venerable Realm."

Wang Xu felt it with his heart, "Take it!"

Immediately, the inner universe with a diameter of about 330 light-years shrunk disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only Wang Xu's black-robed hunting figure in the world.


Suddenly, a strange force came from the sky and covered the earth, and the breath of life on Wang Xu was covered up.

"You Feng Ye's breath is too obvious." You Ji laughed.

He can feel the change of Wang Xu. If Wang Xu in the Heavenly God Realm is a baby in front of him, the current Wang Xu is an adult who can compete with him, and his strength is even stronger than him!

"Cultivator, it's really against the sky." Youji secretly said in his heart.

Although the creatures bred by chaos, although there is no catastrophe and thunder, do not need to worry about their lives being threatened at all times, but when it comes to real strength, they are not as good as those who have survived the catastrophe and thunder, and experienced countless hardships to rise.

"Let's go, you shouldn't stay here for long."

Just after the breakthrough, the Feng Ye aura on Wang Xu's body was too conspicuous, and he had to go to destroy the Divine Dynasty first and change the aura on his body. (To be continued..)()

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