Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1000: Legacy of the Dark King

Thousandth Chapter: Inheritance of the Dark God King

The Dark God King passed on, and the news quickly became popular. In a short time, news about the Dark God King spread throughout the Six-Eyed God City.

The status of the God King in the God Realm is the same as the status of the emperor in the Three Realms. Every God King is a giant, and ordinary gods cannot see it at all. The God Realm is infinite, but the God King is counted. Every God King There will be a region, this is the realm of the **** king, which shows how majestic the **** king is.

But the God Realm doesn't know how many years it has appeared, and there have been countless **** kings appearing and falling.

The most famous among the recently fallen **** kings is the Ten Absolute Kings. The Shijue Divine King was an ancient divine king. I don't know how many years he lived. His strength was terrifying, but he couldn't break through to the gods. Eventually he died, causing a sensation in the entire God Realm.

The Shijue Divine King is very tyrannical, and there are dozens of Divine Kings and dozens of monks of the same rank willing to accept the trend. The power of the Shijue Divine King can be imagined.

The Dark God King also exists similarly, but there are not many news about the Dark God King, and there is even a tendency to be submerged in history gradually.

The only thing that came out was that the Dark God King seemed to have fallen accidentally, and then the entire Dark God King race was slaughtered and did not survive. No one knew what the specific message was, but the power of the Dark God King made the gods and gods of the six-eyed **** city stunned.

The Dark God King mainly cultivates the dark avenue of the Yin attribute, and has no magical powers for long-range attacks. He specializes in the physical body, and the physical strength is hard to shake the second-rate innate artifacts. It is extremely terrifying and has created a reputation in his life. There are dozens of **** kings beheaded. A tough mess. Although the Dark Avenue specializes in the physical body, it is also known as one of the most powerful avenues.

There are also superior and inferior laws of the Great Way. Of course, there is no clear distinction between superior and inferior. Only when the strength reaches a certain level can we know after comparison.

The Dao Law is divided into four levels: heaven, earth, mysterious and yellow, with heaven being the highest and yellow being the lowest.

The number of mysteries contained in the law and the superiority of the law almost represent the full potential of the gods. There is a lot of mystery contained in the law. A high level means unlimited potential, and even determines whether this person can become a **** king and goddess.

If you want to become a **** king, it is said that you must have the laws of the great stratum above the prefecture level. Of course, in fact, most prefecture laws are also the laws of the **** king. Only in this way can you judge.

What level of Wang Chen's emptiness is impossible to judge, but based on the hint of Huanglian Tianshen, his Bili Qianren is the lower one among the laws of the earth level. The emptiness should be the same.

Of course, this is just speculation. It is not known exactly how.

Having said that, the dark avenue rule of the Dark God King is one of the few heavenly rules.

The laws of the heavens are only partly owned by the gods, and it is rumored to be a necessary condition for promotion to the gods. I don't know if it is true or not.

The Dark God King is so powerful, and the Avenue of Laws is so advanced, you can imagine how attractive it is.

However, no gods and gods dared to do anything, and even entered the Yinshi Mountain Range, because the Yinshi Mountain Range is the territory of the Six-Eyed God King, although the guards guarding the Yinshi Mountain Range are not very strong or strong. , The cultivators at the peak of the gods could get in, but no one dared to do so.

Wang Chen, these gods, and the monks in the six-eyed **** city are still waiting for news from the land of the **** king's inheritance.


There are six monks sitting in the peak palace in the most central part of the Six-Med God City. The one with the lowest cultivation base is just a god, but the strange thing is that there are six eyes on the head of the god, all of which are six eyes. It was closed, it looked weird, and the rest of the monks were not surprised by it.

The other five monks are all **** kings, **** kings near the six-eyed **** city.

call out!

A brilliant light flashed, a very bright retreat light fell, and a **** king also fell, and the **** kings around him all rose slightly.

"Friends of Jiuhua Dao!"

The six-eyed deity said in a deep voice, the new king nodded with a smile, and then sat under the six-eyed deity. The kings of a kind also opened their eyes and prepared for the next negotiation.

The six-eyed **** first said: "Everyone knows this time. The Dark God King's inheritance suddenly appeared in the Yinshi Mountain Range. Although this time is not a big deal, it is also an opportunity. My Six-eyed God City naturally wants Take the big head, 70%."

"No, six eyes, you get 70% of all income. Isn't it too unkind? What about other gods?"

Even though a divine king with a slightly gloomy expression said, his tone was a little unkind, but the six-eyed **** did not change his expression, and said in a deep voice:

"Yin Killing God, if you are not convinced, you can compete with me."

The six-eyed deity's exit is to suppress the deity king with the body of the deity. If this is placed outside, it will be a shocking eye, but the other deity kings here are not surprised at all, and even kill them. The **** king also had a gloomy face, and said nothing more.

There is an incomparable gap between the **** king and the gods, this is unquestionable, but there are exceptions in all cases.

For example, the **** king is more powerful than the gods, and the most important point is the space avenue. The **** king understands the space avenue, and the law is added to the space to achieve it, and the power is more than doubled.

However, the six-eyed gods are a few rare exceptions. In the days of the gods, they realized the great way of space. This is related to the blood of the six-eyed gods themselves. Several **** kings also have speculations, but they don’t know what they are. The six-eyed deity once fought a cultivator who had just advanced to the **** king, and it was true that he didn't let the wind fall.

After so many years, the six-eyed **** king has reached its limit, and it is only a matter of time before it truly becomes the **** king. Naturally, it is not timid to kill the **** king.

After the six-eyed **** said this, the **** king of Jiuhua also said: "I will take 10%, and you can distribute the rest by yourself!"

Six-eyed gods account for 70%. Although a little overbearing, it’s nothing. After all, this dark **** king is in the area of ​​the six-eyed gods. The strength of the six-eyed gods is comparable to that of the gods. He has this qualification, but the Jiuhua **** king said, But it was related to his own strength. Among the **** kings present, the Jiuhua King was the strongest.

No one dared to question what the Jiuhua God King said. The rest of the God Kings also nodded, and the remaining benefits were evenly divided.

Soon, the six-eyed **** city came out about the disclosure of the Dark God King's inheritance, but the price was not cheap.

God-man enters the Dark God King's inheritance, and needs to pay 500,000 middle-grade God crystals, and when the gods enter the Dark God King's inheritance, they have to pay three million middle-grade God crystals. These two numbers are an extremely large number for most gods and gods, and even most gods and gods are not together.

This **** crystal is the income obtained by the six-eyed **** city, which is finally distributed to several **** kings.

There are also reasons for this. There are many people coveting the inheritance of the Dark God King. If you don’t let it go, unless the God King keeps watching, something will definitely happen. It’s best to let the Dark God King’s inheritance go. In addition, the most important point is that the inheritance of the Dark God King is of little significance to the God King.

First of all, the Dark God King is the Dark Avenue of Yin attribute. There is no attribute matching among these God Kings. There is no need to enter into it. Second, although the Dark God King is powerful, this inheritance is not necessarily suitable. Other gods. It is very, very difficult to increase the cultivation of the **** king. Unless it is an innate artifact or an amazing treasure, ordinary things cannot make the **** king covet it.

The most precious space avenue of the Dark God King could not be left to other God Kings. It would disappear with the Dark God King's fall. Naturally, there was no need for the God King to fight.

Therefore, although the Dark God King is famous and powerful, the inheritance of the Dark God King is really not very attractive to the God King. Only the gods with the Yin attribute, especially the gods who practice the Dark Avenue, are the most attractive. Covet the inheritance left by this dark king.

Not long after the news of the Dark God King's inheritance was released, the inheritance was really released.

The Yin Stone ore vein was surrounded by a large formation set up by the God King of Jiuhua, and then a channel was released for the gods and gods to enter into it. Each of the gods and gods all paid the crystals and entered the Yin stone ore vein. (To be continued...)

ps: Oh oh oh, a thousand chapters, after writing for so long, finally reached a thousand chapters, do you have a monthly pass to congratulate book friends?

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