Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1014: The earth-shattering Langxie blessing opens

The first thousand and fourteen chapters are earth-shattering

The Hongmeng Dao body of the deity is undergoing transformation, Wang Chen is delighted, and the clone is comprehending the nine principles of emptiness, and condenses the emptiness into one as soon as possible.

Cultivation is always so fast, and 20,000 years have passed in a flash, Wang Chen couldn't help sighing on the heavenly artifact, and walked out of his cultivation room.

In the hall, Wang Chen met Fan Wei again, the **** who had communicated most with Wang Chen along the way. Fan Wei saw Wang Chen's slightly depressed look and said:

"It doesn't matter if this breakthrough is not successful. It takes chance to break through to the gods. I also traveled for millions of years, and finally broke through accidentally on a lonely mountain. Until now, I don't know how I did it. You have made a breakthrough, and your cultivation time is still short, you can't say when the great opportunity will come."

"Great opportunity?"

Wang Chen couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said: "What great opportunity? Could it be that an innate artifact fell from the sky, or a deity appeared to accept me as a disciple, or a heavenly blessing suddenly appeared and let me enter it. "

Fan Wei laughed and said:

"Fellow Daoists can really think about how precious the innate artifacts are, even if they are **** kings, not everyone has them. As for gods, let’s forget about them. Almost none of the gods in the realm of gods have appeared before, even if there are gods. It’s a great opportunity to accept you as a disciple."

As Fan Wei spoke, he didn't notice the disdain that appeared at the corner of Wang Chen's mouth, but said that at last Fan Wei smiled and continued:

"But when it comes to Dongtianfudi, there is really a Dongtianfudi in front. It's impossible to say that it will actually appear."

Wang Chen's eyes lit up: "What kind of blessed world?"

"Hehe, the **** city not far in front is called Langxie God City. The name of this **** city is based on a blessed land that I don’t know how many years ago. That blessed land is called Langxie blessed land. Maybe the blessed land is real when you get there. Turn it on."

Wang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it. How could this happen? There is no law in the opening of the blessed land. How could it be because of me."

Fan Wei laughed, not taking his joking words to heart.

There has never been any chance for Dongtianfudi. Who can get it can only be obtained by luck and strength, but apart from the fact that luck is against the sky, the strength of the gods and gods is inherited by the blessed land, most of them are the peaks of the powerful gods. Monk. And there were a lot of fights in it.

No chance is inherently destined.

Fan Wei and Wang Chen chatted softly. There were occasional monks joining in the hall to talk about the experience of the gods and cultivation matters. There was the Beiming Chamber of Commerce, and no robbers would dare to appear. It was safe along the way. . It's just that the corresponding training is much less.

When I was speaking, I only heard the buzzing sound between the sky and the earth in the distance. The sound was earth-shaking, and then the whole sky and earth shook rumblingly.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"Could it be that there are battles between **** kings, what is going on?"

The monks exclaimed, and then one after another flew out of the heavenly artifact. At this time, the monks, including Wang Chen, saw an astonishing scene: the boundless light flashed in the void in the distance, and the laws were condensed to form various visions. Thousands of different beasts croaked and roared, and the skypox fell. The golden lotus was born in the earth, and the radiance was radiant, and then the void turned out to be a phantom, and the phantom turned out to be slowly solidified. Then gradually formed a world.

A single world, surrounded by powerful space barriers, even outside, Wang Chen can see the divine talents everywhere, strange beasts rampant, and palaces appearing faintly deeper, seeming to be some ancient inheritance.


Wang Chen looked dumbfounded. The same is true for other monks. No one of so many monks has seen such a situation before. In such a sudden situation, a new separate world appeared and landed. It's incredible.

The earth-shaking voice continued, but after a while, Wang Chen's thoughts recovered a lot, and the gods and gods around, some people showed ecstasy.

This joy can't even be hidden, because it can't be hidden at all.

"Brother Fan, is this...?" Wang Chen faintly guessed, but he couldn't, so he asked Fan Wei through the voice of Divine Sense, and the surprise in Fan Wei's eyes gradually calmed down after hearing the words, and then replied:

"Langxie's blessed land, it should be Langxie's blessed land!"

"Langxie blessed land!"

Although Wang Chen had guessed it, he still couldn't believe it. Now that he heard this answer, he couldn't help but mutter: "It's really Langxie Fudi, how could it be so coincidental, saying that Langxie Fudi really came to Langxie Fudi? , Is it really a chance?"

Wang Chen couldn't help being a little surprised, surprised, and shocked. Langxie’s blessed land, the thirty-six caves of the gods, and the 72 blessed land have this amazing inheritance and opportunity. One encounter is an unexplainable fate, and countless gods and kings have been achieved. Wang Chen is unexpected. I was still talking a few hours ago, but this time I met.



The earth-shaking sound did not dissipate, but continued, and this earth-shaking sound also attracted countless monks. In the distance, there are countless gods and gods gathered in the distance. They are all eyeing this Langxie blessed land, even So some fighting broke out.

And the illusory world in the void gradually became real, and even several huge entrance stone gates appeared at the edge of this world, with four characters written, Langxie Fudi.

Langxie Fortune Land is about to open!


At this moment, several celestial gods of the Beiming Chamber of Commerce stood up and said to everyone: "This Langxie Blessed Land is about to be opened. It is estimated that it will be a moment of effort. This is a rare opportunity. You should not miss it. Thirty-six caves in the sky, every place is outside the realm of the gods. I don’t know who will occupy it. Do not even think about it under the king of the gods. On the contrary, it is the seventy-two blessed land, although it is also outside the realm of gods. There is no attribution, but the gods and inheritance in it is a unique opportunity. Now that you have encountered it, don't miss it."

As soon as the mythological sound fell that day, another deity of the North Ming Chamber of Commerce continued to say:

"My Chamber of Commerce is set up by the Beiming Heavenly God. It will certainly not be difficult for everyone. If you want to enter Langxie Blessed Land, please go in, and if you are afraid of encountering danger after coming out, come to the Beiming Chamber of Commerce, my Beiming Chamber of Commerce will definitely protect you. Everyone needs to be considerate, but if some of the magical materials you get are useless, you might as well sell them to the Beiming Chamber of Commerce."


The Beiming Chamber of Commerce was prepared at the very beginning. Langxie’s blessed land is so dynamic and quiet that it is impossible to be a single one. At this time, contact the monks who are with the Chamber of Commerce to be profitable and harmless, even if it is Wang Chen and others. They can also acquire whatever supernatural talents they get.

In addition, the gods of Langxie blessed land also recruited the gods of his entourage, and they paid a lot of money, but not many people were recruited. Even Fan Wei decided to try his luck.

Thinking of Langxie Fudi's chance that hasn't happened once in many years, if you don't fight for it, anyone will regret it for a lifetime, even if you know that this time is very dangerous, no one will give up.

Fight to the death!

Everyone including Wang Chen is Wang Chen also secretly prepared a wing-like heavenly artifact, and the little black dragon is also ready to go in the inner world.

The world in the void became more and more solid, except that except for a few gates, the other grounds were gradually separated, and the situation inside was no longer visible. On the contrary, dozens of gates suddenly appeared, standing horizontally. In the void.

Soon, these more than a dozen gates really appeared solidly, and then in an instant, a flash of light flew to the stone gate, and at the same time, a flash of light followed closely behind.

The escape light touched the stone gate and quickly disappeared. The monks outside knew it. This stone gate was the passage to Langxie's blessed land. There were more escape lights behind, and then the escape lights were moving towards. This stone gate flew away, just a few dozen breaths of effort, and the gods and gods on the scene disappeared.

Soon after, a dozen stone gates disappeared, so that the monks were surprised here, not knowing what happened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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