Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 1195: Star Gate

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters of the door of stars

Without finding the door of the stars, Wang Chen was also very depressed.

Although this cave is not small, it is not too big, so it took a few days for Wang Chen and the three to search the cave, but after searching, Wang Chen still did not find the location of the gate of the stars.

When his expression calmed down, Wang Chen thought about it again. After a long while, Wang Chen said:

"Xiao Yu, this place is where the power of stars gather. Qing'er and I can’t escape from the art. Go and take a look. Especially in the water of stars and the stone of stars underground, the gate of stars is bound to be here. In two places, other places in this cave are no longer possible."

The little Mole nodded when he heard the words, and instantly jumped into the river of stars and disappeared.

Qinger smiled when she saw this, and said puzzledly: "I really don't know what's going on with Xiao Yu's law of escape. It's so powerful, everything can escape, even among the stars, and the speed is faster than that of cultivating the Avenue of Stars. It's incredible that the monk should be faster."

"Well, the Law of Dundi is really mysterious. If Little Mole has some talents, he would have surpassed me long ago by virtue of his talent. It is a pity that Little Mole does not practice well. I hope that this time I find the Gate of Stars, Xiao Mole can practice well. !"

Wang Chen said noncommittal.

An hour later, the little mole slammed out of the ground, and said with excitement: "Boss, I found it. Just under this ground, there is indeed a gate of stars."

"Go, let's go together!"

Wang Chen took Qing'er and escaped into the ground, only in the ground formed by the stone of the stars. Wang Chen's speed of escape is really not flattering. After half an hour. Wang Chen came to a cave in the ground. The cave is filled with dense starlight.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a door-shaped phantom composed of a faint starlight in the most central position of the cave. This phantom fills the nearby ten meters, forming a mysterious star area.

"It's here, go, let's go in and have a look!"

Wang Chen took Qing'er and Little Mole into the door of the stars. The scope of the Star Gate is not large, but after entering this place, Wang Chen is aware of the difference between this place and the outside world. Entering the range covered by this gate of stars, Wang Chen's feeling seemed to be enlarged suddenly.

The Dao Law, which originally felt very weak, became very huge in an instant.

This feels different from measuring the sky and breaking the ruler. The feeling of measuring the sky and breaking the ruler is to make all the avenues clearly visible, but this is not the case in the door of the stars. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but both have a great effect on the cultivation of the monks and the understanding of the law.

"Boss, it's really easier to practice here!" Little Mole said with excitement when he sensed this, and even started to sit down and practice cross-legged.

Seeing this, Wang Chen smiled and asked Qing'er to sit down and practice, and then he sat down to practice.

There is a time limit within the Star Gate, so it is natural to hurry up.

Cultivating in the gate of stars is indeed no trivial matter. All kinds of avenues turned out to be extremely huge, and the difficulty of comprehension was much smaller than usual. The speed of comprehension is naturally also increasing rapidly. Both Little Mole and Qing'er comprehend the profound in the door of the stars, while Wang Chen is constantly deducing the evolution of the world pearl.

The Avenue of Hongmeng, the Avenue of Good Fortune, the Avenue of Power, the Avenue of Stars............ All kinds of avenues that Wang Chen had comprehended continued to emerge, and Wang Chen deduced little by little.

The evolution of the world beads has already deduced a major backbone, and the remaining areas need a little deduction, but this requires a lot of energy.

With the help of this gate of stars, Wang Chen's deduction was surprisingly many times faster, but the measuring ruler had no such effect. Measuring the sky and breaking the ruler only helps to comprehend the existing laws, and has no effect on the unknown that has not yet appeared. The Star Gate does not.

A kind of mystery emerged, and Wang Chen's deduction of Jie Zhu was also increasing.

The process of the last evolution of the Jiezhu also gradually became fuller. Hongmeng Avenue is the main one, and the path of good fortune contains it. The Avenue of Power controls everything. The Avenue of Stars is an important supplement. The avenue appeared.

Different avenues are integrated into the laws of heaven according to their attributes, and the cultivation of the creatures in the world of Jiezhu is gradually formed, and then they are completely integrated with the world of Jiezhu.

Jiezhu's deduction became clearer and clearer, some small problems were gradually improved, most of the problems were gradually solved, and the deduction process became clear and visible.

Only slowly, when Wang Chen was deducing, the speed of deduction was suddenly reduced.

When Wang Chen opened his eyes, he found that the doors of the stars around him were becoming dim, and then disappeared quietly after dozens of breaths.

"Two hundred years, there are only two hundred years of effort. Although it is comparable to millions of years of penance, this time is too short."

Wang Chen smiled bitterly to himself, while the little Mole next to him kept muttering: "Really, if the time is longer, it will break through, and it will break through just a little bit, just a little bit. Ah, I feel that the Great Way of Universe is about to merge together!"

Little Mole was a little bit angry, but Qing'er was slightly lost. After all, there were not many opportunities. It was unimaginable that he could improve so much in the past two hundred years.

"Okay, Xiao Ji, Qing'er, let's go. This Starfalling Stream is not only the gate of stars. There are still two places that fellow Star Emperor Daoists gave us. Let's hurry and go!"

Wang Chen said this, and Little Mole smiled when he heard the words, and said eagerly: "Let's go, hurry up, I will be able to break through in a while, and I will surpass the boss."

Wang Chen laughed and took Qinger and Little Mole to move on.

With the first experience, the gate of the second star was quickly found, and there were not too many waves at all. It's just that within the gate of the stars, only seventy years of effort, the gate of the stars has disappeared, and the effect is much weaker than that of the gate of the first stars.

"Boss, let's go to the third star gate, it's a little bit faster, otherwise it will be miserable if the third star gate doesn't exist soon!"

Little Mole said this with a flustered expression.

The formation of the Star Gate was due to the death of the Star Beast, but after the death of the Star Beast, the Star Gate would not exist for a long time, and would disappear after a period of time.

It is also true that there are so few gates of stars in the stream of falling stars. The Star Emperor God King has spent so much effort, almost using most of the power of the magic weapon of his life, covering the entire stream of falling stars. Only finally discovered the specific location of the three stars gates. It is very likely that there are only these three stars in the falling star stream now.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ji, we can get this door of stars. It is already a great opportunity. Many peerless gods can't find the situation here at all, let alone spend time searching. If it is not for the help of the star emperor **** It is impossible to have such a quick comprehension. Don't put all hope on the door of stars, Xiao Nai, comprehend yourself is the right way."

Wang Chen said so. The little Mole was slightly unhappy when he heard the words, but nodded.

That's what Wang Chen Little Mole could listen to it a little bit. If it was someone else, it is estimated that Mole would swallow the other person in one bite.

"Let's go, go to the position of the third star gate, but the third position is far away, I guess you have to be a little more careful along the way."

When Wang Chen said so, he took Little Mole and Qing'er to move on.

It’s just that this time is obviously different from the previous two. This time the position is relatively off, and the journey is farther. It can be said that it is at the edge of the other side of the falling star stream. When this position was first obtained, the Star Emperor God King was He stopped talking, but didn't say anything afterwards.

Wang Chen also felt that there was something wrong with the last point, but since the Star Emperor God King did not say anything, it means that there may be no danger, and even if it is dangerous, Wang Chen can handle it by asking himself, otherwise the Star Emperor God King will definitely advance. A reminder.

After more than three years, Wang Chen spared a lot of the same path before finally appearing at the last door of the stars. (To be continued...)

ps: Chapter One, please support!

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