Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 466: The last 1 level (seeking collection, seeking push

The last level of Chapter 466 (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

   The seventh pass had a thrilling pass, which made Wang Chen and the little mouse secretly happy.

   This way down, only the last two levels are left.

   In Fu Ming's heart, he was even more looking forward to it and more excited: "Father, wait for me, I will soon get the pill and cure you."

   entered the eighth level. According to the guess, there should be eight puppets, but who knew that there were twelve puppets that appeared in front of Wang Chen.

   "Brother, can you pass this level?"

   Wang Chen looked at these puppets engraved with various runes, and asked, it was obvious that these puppets are not simple, especially the more puppets that make up the formation, the more their strength increases exponentially.

   Therefore, Wang Chen is very worried about whether he can pass the eighth level.

   "Try it, it should be about the same."

   Fu Ming still didn't have confidence in himself, but after speaking, he began to check the test spirits left by the puppet Taoist and immersed in his own puppet world.

  Wang Chen deserves helplessness, and the little mouse is also lacking in interest. Obviously, they don't know how to communicate with such a unique genius.

   However, it is because of not communicating very much and being completely immersed in one's own world that will become a unique genius. Like Feng Wuji at the beginning, there are not many friends at all, immersing himself in the world of kendo all day long.

   Speaking of Feng Wuji, Wang Chen felt very strange.

  Because he has never heard of him since he came to Tianyuan Continent, Wang Chen has asked the big forces in Leizhou and Yunzhou, but he has never seen Feng Wuji.

   Wang Chen also faintly guessed about this.

   On the eighth floor, there are twelve puppets, which is naturally a terrible test. Even the puppet masters of the other major forces in Wuzhou have racked their brains to crack them, but there is no way for the time being.

  Fu Ming finished sorting out the spiritual materials and saw the scratches on the stone platform again, but his pupils tightened, his figure shook, and he began to observe carefully.

   There are not a few scratches, which are like graffiti to outsiders, without any value.

   Only in Fu Ming's eyes, the scratches originally obtained from the first time began to gradually enrich, and were combined with the scratches on the second layer, the third layer, and so on.

   Soon, a new combination of puppets was formed and appeared in Fu Ming's mind.

   "Curious puppet, this puppet is not used for battle, according to the style and arrangement of this rune, then this function is..."

   Fu Ming and secretly surprised himself, and can't help but have a conjecture in his heart, because the runes above have seen a very small part in the previous process of making puppets, and their role is....

   "If this is the case, it won't help the next two levels."

   Fu Ming was a little disappointed. Although the role of this puppet is against the sky, it does not have a great effect on him, especially if he wants to pass the following two levels, this puppet is even more useless.

   "In this case, defeat them in your own way!"

   Fu Ming made up his mind, and then used all the remaining materials from the first seven levels, plus the materials from the eighth level, and began to refine the puppets.

   The puppet refining was the most complicated this time, and it took Fu Ming a full month.

   But Wang Chen and Little Momo are not in a hurry, because neither of them knows how to refine puppets, nor can they help much, let alone worry that they won't be able to make it through.

   It's better to pass this level. It doesn't matter if you can't get through.

   Only Fu Ming was completely crazy in his heart. For a certain goal, he worked hard to make puppets. After three months of production, Fu Ming's puppets have been made.

   A total of ten puppets stood in front of Fu Ming and stood still. The puppets were carved with dense runes, and even Fu Ming did not have time to hide the runes. It was too time-consuming.

   "This level should be passed, but what should I do for the next level?"

   Fu Ming felt a little melancholy, and immediately began to break through the barriers.

Facts have proved that Fu Ming is indeed a genius. Although the eighth level is not a level of difficulty compared to the first seven levels, Fu Ming relies on the advantages of two more puppets to form a formation, and gradually cannibalize them in a clever way. The twelve puppets killed by the puppet Taoist were not left.

   "Boss, your junior is so good, I'm afraid we can really pass the last level if we are not sure."

   Wang Chen nodded, and then entered the ninth level with Fu Ming. According to Fu Ming's information, the ninth level is the last level.

   Nine is the most extreme, and the ninth level is the last level and it is normal.


   On the other side, the monks in Xuanyan Pavilion and Xuanwu Pavilion stared at a gray-haired monk with a little ugly expression.

"Friend Kui, you say that you are the guest of my Emperor Xuanzong, and you have been blessed by my Emperor Xuanzong from the foundation period. You have all kinds of pill and spiritual materials. The puppet technique is known as the number one in the Tianyuan Continent. How can you not even pass the eighth level? Woolen cloth?"

   "Huh, I am too Xuanzong who can't raise waste. If this matter is ruined in your hands, it will attract the blame from the big people above, then you will know the consequences."


   The three monks with supernatural powers tried their best to scold them. At first, the grizzled monks were a little guilty. After waiting for a while, their complexion became worse and worse, and they couldn't help cursing:

   "Enough, shut up, the old man's puppet skills are not your turn to say, if you can't get that thing, the old man will be punished, but you are not much better."

   The expressions of the three great monks changed, but they didn't say anything.

   The Xuanyan Pavilion and the monks of Xuanwu Pavilion in the distance stood aside fearfully, not daring to speak, lest the gods fight, mortals suffer and suffer.

   After more than twenty days, the gray-haired monk finally defeated the puppet with the puppet he and the group entered the final level.

   Other than that, the other forces in Wuzhou had a bitter face before the eighth level. Because no one can pass this level unexpectedly, and can't defeat the puppets left behind by the puppets.

"It's too difficult. The test of this puppet Taoist is too difficult. The eighth level is almost impossible to pass. I have learned the art of puppets for two thousand years. Fewer than five people have beaten me, and a few others are not much different from me. It is impossible for anyone to pass this level."

   "Difficult, difficult, difficult, unless there are a large number of ancient puppet classics for reference, or they are peerless geniuses who have not been born in a million years, otherwise this level will not pass."

   "The puppet Taoist left such a difficult test, who can pass it?"

   "Even if the puppet demon king is superbly skilled and talented, I am afraid that he can't get through because of his age!"

The guesses of other monks in Wuzhou are not wrong. Although Fu Ming is extremely talented in the art of puppetry, he is too young and has insufficient experience. In a thousand years, he can't master so much knowledge about puppets, at most. Comparable with their puppet strength.

   However, Fu Mingsheng is smart.

  Leaving the spiritual materials in advance, following the accumulation of the first seven levels, accumulating thick and thin, finally passed the eighth level smoothly, and these people have no choice but to complain here.

   The white-haired monk from the Taixuanmen has studied the art of puppets since he was a child, and he has the countless ancient puppet classics collected by the Taixuanmen, and he has the strength to pass the eighth level.

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