Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 488: Xuanhuang evolves, Xianji

"Young Master, this person treats you so well, why are you so good to him? Even pass two sets of great immortal arts to him and return him so many treasures. It's a waste."

Next to the female cultivator, a middle-aged woman suddenly appeared. This person did not show a trace of mana, but suddenly appeared again. This speed was really fast to the extreme.

The quiet girl frowned slightly when she heard it, and said, "Aunt Xue, don't care about my affairs. My father asked you to protect me, not to make you talk a lot."

"Yes, young master."

Aunt Xue's face instantly turned respectful when she heard the words. Only after hesitating for a while, she continued: "Young Master, the emperor has been waiting for you for a long time. When are you going to the upper realm?"


The quiet girl hesitated a little, and said, "Don’t worry about this. Anyway, although I have restored some memories from the previous life, it is still vague. I can’t recover in a short time. Well, when any of the older brothers have cultivated, let’s go up again. Not later, anyway, every time I see it for so many years, there is no shortage of this moment."

After finishing speaking, the girl played the piano again in the lower left, looking at the middle-aged man who was practicing in the distance.

Aunt Xue sighed involuntarily: "The Lord has used so many treasures for you, how can you bear to treat your father like this?"

Just when I said this, a glimmer of jealousy flashed in Aunt Xue’s heart. Aunt Xue was also raised by the Lord himself. It can be said that the Lord is his father, but in comparison, the Lord treats Aunt Xue well. But compared to the quiet girl, the difference is not even a bit.

However, this jealousy disappeared in an instant. Aunt Xue respected the Lord very much. The young girl was the Lord's biological daughter, and that was Aunt Xue's younger sister. Naturally, there will be no bad ideas.

"Is it worth it for a man?"

Aunt Xue looked at the man who was practicing Great Immortal Art in the distance and said.

No one answered, only the faint sound of the piano calmed the mind and enabled Dugu Ren to practice better.

Of course, if Wang Chen were here, he would recognize that this lone lonely one turned out to be???.

Quadrangle Magic City.

Many monks with great supernatural powers left, but Wang Chen's mood did not relax.

Because more severe tests will arise from this, and this is how Wang Chen hates trouble in many cases. Killed a monk with supernatural powers. There will be another monk with great supernatural powers coming.

With a sigh of relief, Wang Chen stood in the air, waiting for the mutation of Mole to end.

Around, countless monks were watching, observing the abnormal changes in the air while focusing more on Wang Chen's body. Although Luzhou was popular in magic cultivation and killed a lot, the great monks fell, but it has not happened for a long time. NS.

The strong will be respected wherever they go.

While Wang Chen lowered his heart. Also ready.

Before one of the great supernatural power cultivators left, he once said that there is a master behind the old Yin Demon, and he is very powerful. That person's strength is similar to that of Wang Chen. If he can say this, it means the old Yin Demon's master. It's really amazing, and it can even be said to be a real big figure in Tianyuan Continent.

The great supernatural power cultivator is already the top level existence in Tianyuan Continent, but there are also three levels in it.

Wang Chen is now at the top of the second floor. And the master of the old Yin Demon was probably the first-tier great supernatural power monk. The great supernatural monks at this level are truly great figures in the Tianyuan Continent.

Wang Chen didn't want to face this kind of great supernatural monk so early, but Little Mole couldn't leave now. Then Wang Chen had to face it desperately.

It was also Wang Chen's wish to fight a real big shot last time.

However, Wang Chen hopes that this wish will arrive a little later, because Wang Chen's strength is still in the stage of rapid growth, and there is no need to fight to find a breakthrough opportunity.

"Come on, let me see how strong a monk is!"

Wang Chen's fighting spirit burst out, and he was not timid. The top-level monk who stayed in Luzhou would obviously not have very strong strength. Otherwise, if it can compare with Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, then Wang Chen won't have to fight.

That's why Wang Chen has the confidence to play a good game.

Time passed by, and soon half a day passed by.

The vision above the mole rat's body changed again.

The originally entangled Xuanhuang Qi slowly separated after being blended together, but this time the separation was different from before. Two air currents, one clear and one muddy, showed a mysterious mystery.

Cleaner, go up.

Those who are muddled, come down.

This up and down, countless mysteries evolve, chaos, five elements evolve, and a piece of emptiness emerged from behind the little mole.

Break the world!

Wang Chen suddenly felt that Wang Chen had felt this situation once, that is, he had seen similar information in the twelve Universe Beads.

However, the situation that time was even more magnificent and mysterious, Wang Chen only felt sinking into it, and then it was over, without getting Thai sentiment from it.

Wang Chen was touched by the abnormal changes in these little mole rats.

Xuanhuang evolves into the world, chaos appears, the five elements are intertwined, and various visions appear. Although this mysteriousness has been investigated a lot compared with the Qiankunzhu, it is lower in level, and Wang Chen has also gained some insights.

These insights are very useful for the perfection of the beads.

Even unknowingly, countless runes in the realm beads condensed and entered the depths of the realm beads. These runes represent the mystery and increase the potential of the realm beads.

And after this mysterious change was small, Wang Chen also seemed to understand, and he had some thoughts about the future changes of Jiezhu. As for how to choose, it still needs to be tested.

The vision appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. Except for Wang Chen who was a little closer, no one else noticed much change.

After the vision, the mysterious and yellow aura on the little Momo slowly faded, and then it was incorporated into the little Momo's body.

"It's good, Xiao Nai should have gotten a lot of benefits this time. The great supernatural power cultivator did not come. If this is the case, it won't cause unexpected disputes."

If there is no fight to leave here, Wang Chen is of course very happy.

There will be countless opportunities to meet the top monks with great supernatural powers in the future, and Wang Chen will not be in a hurry.

"Xiao Yu's mutation is expected to be over soon, and you can leave quickly when that time comes. It's not good to stay in this place of right and wrong!" Wang Chen secretly said in his heart.

Among the four immortal cities, so many Mo Dao cultivators stared at Wang Chen felt the slightest pressure.

But at this point, a cry of wailing suddenly appeared from a distance, and then the dead spirits flew over with misty bodies.


With a scream, some monks hiding around had no time to escape and were swallowed by these dead spirits.

More monks changed their faces and backed desperately.

Wang Chen's divine sword flew up with a squeak, hovering in the air, looking at the depressing huge momentum with a serious expression.

In the fairy city, countless monks secretly observed.

"That old thing really came. Brother guessed right. Now is the time to inform the lunatic. Hey, there will be a good show at that time." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start. (M) Vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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