Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 497: Wanghaixiancheng

"More than that, the overbearing of Buddha cultivation is unexpected."

Seeing that Wang Chen was interested, the store finally met a "confidant", so he went on to say: "Buddha occupies a state. Although it is a bit dirty inside, it is still very united and domineering outside, just like Taihua Pavilion. The big power chambers of commerce like the Magic Pavilion cannot enter Zhanzhou."

"so smart?"

Wang Chen was a little astonished. Large chambers of commerce like Taihua Pavilion exist even in places as far away as Wuzhou, Bingzhou, and Leizhou. Now that they are in Zhanzhou, they are not there anymore.

"Who said no."

The store was a little sighed: "The power of Buddhas in Zhanzhou is more than that. There are traces of Buddhists in every building in Zhanzhou. You have already seen this!"

Wang Chen nodded, and then the store's voice became even lower, and he said:

"Zhanzhou Buddha cultivation also carried out the reincarnation of the holy son, which can be described as killing all living beings. It is exactly the opposite of the Buddhist meaning. It is precisely because of this that Buddha cultivation is so popular."

"The reincarnation of the saint son? It's not that simple, right? Although there is such a saying in the practice of reincarnation, even the immortal can't do it!"

Wang Chen asked softly. The store nodded, and then did not speak. Divine Consciousness Transmission said: "The so-called reincarnation of the Holy Son is a special seizure."

When Wang Chen's glasses lit up, he seemed to understand.

The shopkeeper went on to explain: "When the Buddhist monk's deadline is approaching, he will find a woman who is about to give birth, and then seize the woman's child. The seizure can be reused dozens of times, and the success rate is quite high. Therefore, Zhanzhou Buddhism is so strong."

Wang Chen was shocked in his heart, repeating the seizure for more than a dozen times, which expanded the life of the monk dozens of times, so that the time for cultivation greatly increased, and naturally there would be a lot more masters.

However, this Buddhist secret method of robbing houses is estimated to have many restrictions. Otherwise, for so many years, Buddha cultivation can basically occupy the entire Tianyuan Continent.

The shopkeeper said nothing more here, just introduced some other things about Zhanzhou to Wang Chen.

For example, the classification of Buddhism. There are traditional Buddhism practices like Xiaoleiyin Temple, and there are also more peculiar Buddhism sects such as Huanxi Zen, Killing Zen Buddhism and Selfless Buddhism.

Wang Chen listened with great gusto, and learned more about Zhanzhou.

In the end, Wang Chen bought some ordinary clothes from Zhanzhou in the store and some jade slips from Zhanzhou information. He said goodbye to the store and left Xiancheng soon.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Little Mole asked, standing on his shoulders. Wang Chen put down a jade slip and said, "Let's go. The next step is to find a place to retreat and practice for a period of time."

"I want to practice again!"

Little Mole is a bit depressed. Retreat practice represents a hard life for Little Mole. Little Mole is unwilling. If there is time, Little Mole is more willing to go and eat.

Wang Chen shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, this retreat will definitely not make you uncomfortable. If you want to eat, you have spirit stones on your body. You can eat whatever you want. Just be careful not to be caught by others."

"Who is so bold, dare to catch me."


Three hours later, Wang Chen took the little mole to a huge fairy city in southern Zhanzhou.

This city, named Wanghai City, is adjacent to the sea to the south.

According to the information given by the store, this fairy city is the largest fairy city where Zhanzhou conducts trade with the outside world, and most foreign monks gather here. So it is quite lively, and it is much better than other places in Zhanzhou.

As soon as he landed, he saw a group of monks lining up to enter the city, and Wang Chen secretly said that there were so many people.

In fact. Many spiritual material transactions in Zhanzhou are traded through this Wanghai Xiancheng. Therefore, Wanghai Xiancheng is particularly prosperous.

After entering Xiancheng, Wang Chenbian went straight ahead according to the store's instructions.

The store owner had also been here to trade with the Chamber of Commerce before. Naturally, he knew that there were many places here. What Wang Chen was going to was the place where Dongfu was going to sell it.

Wanghai City can be said to be an inch of gold, of course it is impossible to sell it, but there is a small Leiyin Temple to rent it out, and monks who need to stay in Wanghai City can rent it out.

The rent here is not cheap.

The place Wang Chen looked for was the rented place in this Dongfu.

There are also several types of atmosphere in the Dongfu of Wanghai City. Each type has several types. What Wang Chen wants is the best environment, but there is no special requirement for the location.

"Don't Taoists choose a better location. This cave mansion is very remote. Apart from a little more aura, there is no advantage at all."

The monk who manages the cave mansion asked quietly, renting monks from the cave mansion here is all for doing business. The geographical location is the most important for business. As for the aura, it is not always good.

The Dongfu chosen by Wang Chen has the worst geographic location, it can be said that it is desolate and uninhabited. Of course, from another perspective, it is quiet and peaceful, which is a good place for practicing in retreat.

Wang Chen smiled and said:

"It's going to be this place."

"One hundred middle-grade spirit stones a year, how long do you want to rent?" the young monk asked. Under normal circumstances, the monks who come here to buy and sell will only rent for one year, and even if it is for half a year, they will definitely rent for half a year. , But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone answer: "Let us rent for two hundred years!"

"Two hundred years, fellow Daoists are sure to be two hundred years."

Wang Chen frowned slightly and nodded. The young monk was a little stunned, and immediately came to understand and said: "Two hundred years, a total of two high-grade spirit stones."

After paying the fee, Wang Chen got the exact information of the cave and left with a formation token.

After a while, Wang Chen entered the cave. The cave was huge, to be precise, it was a group of attics that stretched into one piece. The outside of the attic was a defensive formation.

The defensive formation is not advanced but it is not bad.

"Xiao Yu, you keep the token. Go out whenever you want to go out. There are many restaurants in Wanghaixiancheng. You can try more, but it's better not to cause trouble. I have to retreat with peace of mind."

"Okay, don't worry, boss."

The Mole took the token and turned and left.

This formation is one-way, that is, as long as you go out in a specific route, you won't be attacked at all. Therefore, the little mole rat didn't stay and rushed out directly.

After Little Mole left, Wang Chen found an attic and sat down at will.

First of all, Wang Chen was not in a hurry. He calmed his mind first, and was most afraid of being impetuous in his cultivation. It was not until three days later that Wang Chen calmed down completely.

Taking out the Divine Sword, squared it on both knees, Wang Chen Bafen Divine Soul began to continue to comprehend the profound, Wang Chen's goal is to become a top-level great supernatural power monk this retreat. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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