Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 405: News of dawn

The scene was quickly reversed with the addition of the little bird and the golden mouse.

Needless to say, Xiaoji, even with a playful mentality, no monk is an opponent.

Especially the strength of Xiao Nai's body, inherited from his father's bloodline, is not as strong as usual, even if he hasn't practiced the supernatural powers of the body, he can still resist the supernatural powers.

You can imagine how powerful the little mole rat is.

However, Wang Chen was not surprised by the strength of the little mole rat. The only surprise was the strength of the golden mouse, which was powerful and even unreasonable.

The inferior spirit weapon slammed out.

After the monk and the robber on the ship had a head-to-head encounter, the golden mouse found the right time, flew out with a squeak, grabbed the lower-grade spiritual weapon, hugged it tightly, and gnawed.

Cack! Cack!

Even though the surroundings were chaotic, Wang Chen had noticed the situation, and the little golden mouse instantly gnawed through the lower-grade aura, giving it a beautiful look.

Wang Chen just remembered Little Mole's evaluation of golden mice: the little mouse that eats rocks.

"Very abnormal talent!"

The talent that can swallow ore is not simple. It is not only a strong gnawing ability, but more importantly, where the ore goes after swallowing the ore.

Among the low-level monster beasts are also devouring ore, which is quite difficult to deal with.

For example, the stone-eater, gnaws on the stone, so the body is as strong as the stone, and the ordinary monk in the Qi training period has no choice but to encounter it.

Even the stone-chewing rats in the foundation-building period would be extremely powerful if they swallowed the more precious stones, and even the monks of the Jin Dan period would be jealous.

But after the golden core period. The talent of the Stone Devourer was weakened, and it almost disappeared, becoming an extremely ordinary monster.

In reality, there are too many such monsters, and this is also very common.

However, the golden mouse is not like this. It can even be said to be very abnormal. From the time I first saw it, the golden mouse was only at the foundation stage, and now it has been more than ten years. With Xiao Mo's care, it has reached the Nascent Infant stage. The magic weapons used to be very laborious, but now the lower-grade spiritual weapons are crunchy.

Instead, the talent is getting stronger and stronger.

"Interesting little golden mouse." Wang Chen said secretly in his heart, and then stood there quietly watching the fights from all sides. To Wang Chen, these fights were as ridiculous as children fighting.

Even for others, this is a battle of life and death.

Wang Chen didn't help, either. If it weren't for worrying that the big ship would be taken away by these pirates, Wang Chen didn't even want Xiao Na to intervene. This is a kind of indifference.

But this is the fact, this is the gap between people.

The rich and the poor will be like this. The strong and the weak will be like this, even if there is occasional sympathy and compassion, none of this will change.

People walking on the road will not lower their heads and be careful to see if an ant has been trampled to death.

The fighting situation was very tragic, but it was actually very fast. No one came forward to trouble Wang Chen, and Wang Chen just stood quietly.

With the help of Xiao Ji, the situation of the scene quickly fell to one side, and the situation quickly stabilized.

Bang! Bang!

The light flicked across. The claws lined up directly on the two tribulation-period cultivators, and the two tribulation-period cultivators in the air were like sandbags, being thrown around by the small scorpion.

"Well, Xiao Yu, stop!"

Wang Chen yelled, Xiao Yu's figure remained still and did not understand, and the two bodies of the early days of the triumph also fell on the deck with a bang. Twisting his body hard.

Next to him, all the monks on the boat stared at the brave little Mole just now in amazement.

"so amazing!"

For most monks, the sea boss on the ship is the most powerful monk, the cultivation base of the tribulation period. Unfathomable, able to fight fiercely with two robbery monks.

But the performance of the little mole rat surprised them.

The extremely fast escape technique, the astonishing strength of the demon body, the two cultivating monks as sandbags, but also relaxed and casual, this strength is no longer within the normal range.

Everyone knew how strong the mysterious sword repair was, but everyone had a respectful attitude towards Wang Chen, and they didn't even dare to look directly at him anymore.

Wang Chen didn't care about it, but looked at the two seriously injured cultivators on the deck with great interest.

"Friend Haidao, interrogate them!"

Wang Chen said, Mr. Hai nodded respectfully when he heard the words. Although he didn't know what to ask, since Wang Chen had said it, Mr. Hai Nature wanted to ask.

Interrogation is actually inferior to soul search.

The crew felt that way, and so did Boss Hai, but Wang Chen said that during the interrogation, the nature of Hai Lao was honestly interrogating, so he didn't dare to search for his soul.

The two pirates who lived and died, naturally experienced many methods, worried about being searched, naturally confessed everything.

"We are the pirates of the sea shark king in the south. A few days ago, we met the great supernatural power seniors, and the sea shark king died, so we had to plunder and find another way out."

"Senior Great Supernatural Powers fight? Who are they?"

Boss Hai asked hurriedly, obviously very interested in this, no, it should be said that Wang Chen must be interested in the monk level, so he asked this.

"One is a group of monks, all of whom are extraordinary in strength, and the other is a lay disciple. He was seriously injured behind him with one opponent to seven, but he still killed the leader of the sea shark with one move."

The pirates slowly described the situation during the Tribulation Period, and Wang Chen frowned slightly.

What is this and what, who is fighting between the two sides, the cultivator did not say anything about it, so obviously it is not very clear at all.

It is also true that pirates do unprofitable business in the sea, and naturally not much information is known.

On the contrary, Boss Hai thought for a while, and Wang Chen frowned slightly and explained: "Senior, I know a thing or two about the situation, and it shouldn't be bad."


Wang Chen is a little on the sea for so long, it is rare to see any great monks, even pirates. Hearing the battle of the great supernatural power monks, I couldn't help being a little curious.

"One of the two parties should be the great supernatural power senior of Xiaoleiyin Temple, and the other should be Senior Dawn who betrayed Xiaoleiyin Temple not long ago."

When Wang Chen heard this, his face seemed to be on one side.

"Dawn, I haven't heard of this before, but I heard that there was a monk named Li Huaming in Taihuamen before. I wonder if there is any connection between the two?"

Wang Chen asked, with an undoubted tone in his tone.

Li Hua is obviously the same as Liming.

Taihuamen, Taixuanmen, and Taisumen all have a characteristic, that is, the core disciples must have the same character. Taihuamen is Chinese, Taixuanmen is Xuanzi, and Taisumen is plain characters.

It's just that Wang Chen didn't know how Li Huaming of Taihuamen would become a traitor to Xiaoleiyin Temple and then be hunted down. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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