Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 519: Undersea Dragon Palace

PS: Actually, I want to make a comment. Now that there are 1.3 million words, the book has been recommended three times, and all of them are after 1.1 million words. Can you believe it? In addition, the order is less than 50, and the contract is 1.1 million words. The second Olympics, the starting point is definitely not a second one!

If you ask, all the cultivators will speak of Taixuanmen, the biggest power in Tianyuan Continent.

Taixuanmen is almost exclusively a land of a state, with countless spiritual materials and unique disciples. There are thousands of great supernatural power monks, and they are supported by Taisumen and Taihuamen, the world's number one power, which is not an exaggeration at all. .

However, if you talk about the demon race, the demon races in Xuankong Mountain are probably not weaker than the Taixuanmen.

However, the cohesion of the monster race is poor, and they are in trouble with each other, and they are not united at all.

Apart from these, there is still another place in Tianyuan Continent, not counting the newly-appearing Lingzhou, that is the legendary Dragon Palace.

Tianyuan Continent is surrounded by the sea. Although the land area is very large, there is no doubt that the sea is even wider, and there are more spiritual materials in the sea than on the land.

More importantly, there are more monsters in the sea and more terrifying.

Especially the monster beasts living in groups in the sea, the number of thousands and tens of thousands of miles, that is, a hundred thousand million, even if it is piled, it can pile people to death.

Therefore, in the sea, even the fleet is only taking the routes that have been opened, and no one dares to go even if they can hunt monsters.

The depths of the sea are forbidden areas for monks.

However, the monk with great supernatural powers knew some of the secrets.

In the sea, there are also demonic forces. Among the countless monsters, there are thousands of monsters. Most of the monster races, knowing the ascending immortal realm, have never seen a monk.

It can be seen how many powerful monsters are there in the sea.

Among them, there is a kind of monster, the most widely known, and that is the dragon. There are many sea snakes in the sea, which are the descendants of the dragon bloodline. Many of the sea snakes' bloodlines step by step, and they may become real dragons.

But in the ocean, there really are real dragons.

These real dragons have been suppressing the cultivation base and have never ascended to the immortal realm.

The goal of Gao Xuanye's trip is the Dragon Palace.

"The Dragon Palace is not only the territory of the Dragon Clan, but also the holy land of all the Sea Clan in the sea. This time countless cultivators of the Sea Clan will enter a secret realm near the Dragon Palace."

Wang Chen frowned slightly and asked:

"Our goal is to leave the secret realm?"

Gao Xuanye nodded and explained: "There are many secret realms in the Tianyuan Continent, but there are not many that can be called immortal palaces. Almost every state has one, but it depends on the size and preciousness of the secret realm. This dragon palace secret realm is It is second to none in the Tianyuan Continent, just take out something from it, and you can reach the sky in one step."

"how do you know?"

Gao Xuanye chuckled, and said with a somewhat arrogant expression on his face randomly: "My father once went in and got some chances. That's why he became famous later."

"Gao Invincible?"

While Wang Chen was horrified. There was some hesitation in my heart, and he asked doubtfully: "According to your statement, wouldn't anyone be able to get in."

Gao Xuanye had known that Wang Chen would have asked, shook his head and said:

"Things are not that simple. There are masters among the true dragons. Even my father's current strength can't be offended. Ordinary monks go to die. Therefore, even the top monks in the Central Immortal Realm don't dare Go in and knock with that real dragon."

"The key is to avoid water drops?"

Wang Chen said, Gao Xuanye nodded immediately, but did not explain the purpose of this water-repelling bead. Obviously, he would not tell Wang Chen until Wang Chen did not agree and arrived together.

"What good things are there in there? Is it worth the trouble of fellow Gao Daoist?"

Wang Chen asked with a smile. Gao Xuanye didn't say anything when he heard the words. He just threw a jade slip over, and then said: "After reading it, you can decide whether you want to go this time."

Wang Chen took the jade slip, divine sense entered it, and pieces of spiritual materials came to mind.

"Sky Fire Golden Crystal, Taibai Immortal Crystal, Nether Spirit Soul, Xuanming True Water, Extreme Wood Immortal Liquid, Sunflower Daffodil Liquid, Ten Thousand Demon Essence, Fairy Saliva Immortal Grass???????"

Wang Chen's heart is surging after seeing the names and introductions of a group of spiritual materials.

After a long while, Wang Chen took back the jade slip, and then he was silent for a while, before asking: "Friend Gao Dao is sure that there will be so many immortal spirit materials in it?"

"It should be nine out of ten. After all, the magic of this place is not something outsiders can think of. There will only be more fairy-level spiritual materials in it, not less."

"Well, I agree to this, when will we leave?"

A smile appeared on Gao Xuanye's face, and then he said, "Just ten days later, there will be other fellow Daoists who will go with him, so it's good to be a little help."

Wang Chen nodded, and then began to use his chopsticks to eat.

Gao Xuanye greeted a few words, and soon left.

Soon, Wang Chen also finished his meal and returned to the merchant ship’s own room, but at this time Wang Chen was the middle-aged monk who had transmitted his divine knowledge to the fleet:

"After ten days, if I have something to leave, you are free and don't care about me."

Wang Chen said this because he was afraid that after the merchant ship had taken it for more than half a month, it would be bad if he didn't see himself waiting any longer.

"Dragon Palace?" Wang Chen thought of the immortal materials on the jade slips, and he had some thoughts. After practicing to the strength of Wang Chen, it is unrealistic to want to increase his strength quickly.

Now Wang Chen has a way, and that is to ripen the Qingling Shenmu.

However, the Qingling Shenmu is not so easy to grow, if you want to not affect the potential of the Qingling Shenmu, there are not many methods Wang Chen has to use.

There are many of the best ones, such as Jiu Tian Xi Yang, and the second one, such as Sanguang Shenshui.

But these things need not be said, they are impossible, even in the fairy world, these are extremely precious things, in the Tianyuan Continent, they only exist in ancient legends.

But it's not that there are no substitutes, the Qingling Shenmu is still small, for example, Jimu Xianye has very good effects.

What Wang Chen hit was the attention of Jimu Xianye.

"I hope this trip to the Dragon Palace will not let me down!"

Wang Chen slowly calmed down. Wang Chen was not worried about this trip to the Dragon Palace Secret Realm, because Gao Xuanye was much worse than his own strength. Even if Gao Xuanye rushed away, Wang Chen was even less afraid.


On the other side Gao Xuanye has seized the time to contact the other seven monks.

For a while, when others didn't know, the extremely elite disciples of Taixuanmen, Taisumen, Taihuamen, Ten Thousand Demonmen, and Ancient Demon Sect gathered together at the same time.

Ten days later, under the leadership of Gao Xuanye, several people rushed to the endless sea together.

Gao Xuanye was clearly prepared this time. Not long after he left Xingluo Island, he took out a black magic weapon, which quickly expanded and fell into the water, turning into a black marine fish.

"Let's go, there is still a long way to go. If it goes this way, there will be some twists and turns. It is best to ride a black fish puppet."

Gao Xuanye took the lead to enter the puppet of Heiyu, followed by others.

Soon the black fish got into the sea and disappeared quickly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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