Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 358: Qinger Crossing Tribulation (Part 1)

In addition to attacking the magical powers, the five-color magical light and the five-element magnetism magical light, Wang Chen had several other magical powers that needed to be prepared.

Defensive supernatural powers, unbreakable, and escaped supernatural powers are all indispensable to Wang Chen, but in these two aspects, Wang Chen's strength is not very high.

Although Xuan'ao is not bad, but the combination is not good.

Unlike attacking magical powers, Wang Chen was originally on the path of ancient sword repair, attacking Wushuang. Swordsmanship attacking magical powers is naturally not weak, and even Wang Chen wants to merge the sword of the five elements and the sword of wind, thunder and ice to become stronger.

Of course, this has not been successful.

Unlike the five-color divine light and the five-element magneto divine light, the former is the supreme magical power, even in the immortal world, it is famous and powerful, so Wang Chen naturally doesn't need to worry about anything.

As for the latter, it is also an offensive great supernatural power handed down from the Five Elements Sect, which is even more terrifying.

Therefore, relatively speaking, Wang Chen's defensive supernatural powers and escape magic supernatural powers are a tragedy.

The real dragon has talked about this for more than half a year, and has fully explained all the cultivation matters and some tricks from the fit period to the Mahayana period.

When Wang Chen listened, he felt that he had gained a lot.

However, after Zhenlong finished speaking, he left Xiaoqing and Wang Chen.

"Qing'er, prepare to cross the catastrophe!"

The words of the real dragon made Xiaoqing stunned, and then Xiaoqing smiled: "Well, grandpa, I should also go through the catastrophe. It has been delayed for so long."

call out!

After speaking, Xiaoqing flew to Wang Chen's arm and asked Wang Chen by the arm: "Brother, Xiaoqing will be better than you right away. Are you angry?"

"How come? Can Qing'er protect me soon after he's great?"

Wang Chen squeezed Xiao Qingdao's nose and said with a smile. : "However, Qing'er needs to be prepared first. Heavenly Tribulation is not so easy to spend."


Xiao Qing nodded, Wang Chen really has no experience in this aspect of crossing the catastrophe, but Xiao Qing has the blood of a fairy beast, and the problem is not too big compared to that.

The vast majority of fairy beasts are able to ascend to the fairy world steadily.

but. Even so, Zhenlong took Xiaoqing away, instructed and prepared well, Wang Chen also waited with the thought of crossing the catastrophe in his heart.

The Dragon Palace Secret Realm and his party can be said to be very complete.

Only waiting for Xiaoqing to complete the robbery, he will be able to go to Lingzhou, the southernmost part of the Tianyuan Continent.


One month later, on an island in the sea. Ten figures stood quietly in the air, eight of them were real dragons, and the other was Wang Chen waiting for Xiaoqing.

"Okay, get ready to cross the catastrophe!"

The real dragon said, and then the rest of the people retreated and waited around the island. Although this island is a special place for the dragon tribe, you must be careful.

In fact, it is not difficult to break through from the fit period to the tribulation period. Of course, this is not difficult compared to the previous bottleneck.

When it reaches the peak of the fit period. There will be a kind of coercion and a feeling in the heart involuntarily: if it breaks through. There will be a catastrophe landing.

The Tribulation of Heaven is the postgraduate entrance examination of the monks by Heaven and Earth.

If he couldn't get through, he died.

Xiao Qing's body turned into a real dragon hovering in the air, and then began to close her eyes tightly, and then Xiao Qing's body became more and more aura, and a dangerous aura gradually descended.

As this breath became stronger and stronger, all nearby creatures felt a pressure drop in their hearts, and a sense of uneasiness arose.

"The Tribulation is coming."

Wang Chen whispered to himself, looking at Xiaoqing's figure in the air, shook his head, and then dispelled the anxiety in his heart, and began to observe carefully.

"Don’t worry about Xiaoqing’s strength, and there is a fairy beast bloodline, the problem is not big, even if there is any accident, there is that mysterious real dragon, there is nothing wrong, but I am about to overcome the catastrophe, I need to observe, for Prepare for it later."

Crossing the robbery is not common.

Seeing others cross the catastrophe can increase a lot of experience and prepare yourself for the future.


A roar suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, and then a flash of fire suddenly appeared, and then in an instant it surrounded Xiaoqing.

The fire was slightly white, exuding fiery energy. Even if it is far away, there is a large amount of seawater in the sea below that instantly evaporates.

However, despite this, the flames around a hundred meters have not weakened.

"Shrink your body and carry through this wave of tribulations, don't evade, don't use treasures, don't use magical powers," the real dragon next to him said in a deep voice, with unclear calmness in his eyes.

The Tribulation is for every monk during the Tribulation Period. The larger the body, the larger the Tribulation. On the contrary, the body is smaller and the defense is higher.

The other four newly promoted true dragons also looked at them with different expressions. Obviously, it won't be long before they will get to this point.

The burning flame is not too powerful, even if it will burn to death and uncomfortable, but even so, it should not be underestimated, because the tribulation will gradually increase with the increase of time.

Xiaoqing was calcined in the fire, and on his body, the scales and flesh and blood were slowly burned off and fell to the ground, but the newly grown body became stronger and more majestic.

Wang Chen couldn't help but nodded beside him:

"As expected to be a real dragon, Heavenly Tribulation is so weak, I am afraid that when I go through Heavenly Tribulation in the future, it will definitely not be so easy."

Fairy beasts and monks with special physiques themselves are blessed by the heavens and the earth. It is easy to cultivate, and the calamity of the heavens is also much weaker, which is much easier to get through than other monks.

If it is an ordinary monster who survives the calamity, or the heinous monk crosses the calamity, the power of the first calamity must be at least 20% greater.

Under such circumstances, the First Heavenly Smiting Fire passed through safely and steadily.

But this is only the beginning, and the terrifying thing about the Heavenly Tribulation is that although the Heavenly Fire Tribulation has passed, it has not dissipated, but remains as it is, still burning.

Then, click!

Thunder light flickered, and the Tribulation of Heavenly Thunder appeared.

The flashing thunder light rushed endlessly, and then suddenly joined the sky fire, the thunder and fire crossed, and the power of the sky tribulation suddenly more than doubled.


Xiaoqing’s voice of Dragon Yin remembered that the power of this tribulation was already but Xiaoqing still had no defense at all, so she carried it down abruptly.

The more suffering you experience, the more you will gain.

Heavenly Tribulation itself is a kind of postgraduate entrance examination, and this truth really said it to Xiaoqing. Therefore, Xiaoqing insists on this as long as he can persist.



The thunder and the fire, above the position where Xiao Qing was, the sky thunder and the sky fire were intertwined, and Xiao Qing was drowned in it, only a miserable dragon chant sounded.

Wang Chen felt distressed in his heart.

However, Wang Chen didn't worry at all. The real dragon gave Xiaoqing enough treasures. As long as he used a safe method, there would be no problem in getting through this catastrophe. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: I'm very depressed. I lost my wallet. Although I got it back, the money is gone. Hey, I am adjusting my mood and updating it!

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