Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 553: Congenital ice air, quite cool



The earth-shaking voice remembered that while the four of Wang Chen retreated quickly, they couldn't help being stunned by the situation behind them, but Wang Chen sighed in his heart:

"it is as expected."

Blocks of boulders fell from the sky, and then stretched for an unknown number of miles. The rocks of unknown heights began to crack, and the earth-shaking voice remembered.

"What's going on? Is the secret realm going to collapse?"

"Impossible, how could the Ancestral Secret Realm collapse like this? It should be that some changes have taken place in the rocks in front, so wait and see!"

The two demon kings discussed, stepping back far away, looking at the situation where the sky is falling apart, and their expressions are a little flustered, but they still stand on the spot, watching the situation in front of them.

Qing'er also looked confused, and asked:

"Brother, what the **** is going on?"

The two demon kings also turned their heads and looked at Wang Chen. Wang Chen smiled slightly. He looked at the two demon kings and said: "We have to ask the two demon kings about this matter."

"Ask us?"

The two demon kings were a little puzzled. Wang Chen looked at the rocks in the distance and the higher and higher rocks. He said indifferently: "Yes, I'm just about to ask the two of you, as the descendants of the Ice Emperor Immortal Tiger, Ancestral Secret Realm What will come in after a person, turn into a mountain and stay here, you don’t know?"

The two demon kings were a little surprised, dumbfounded.

The Elvis King took a sigh of relief, and asked: "Friends of the Taoist mean that this mountain is alive, but it was transformed by a great demon."

Wang Chen nodded, but the Tiger Demon King said in a urn: "Impossible, no one can enter the ancestral secret realm except the blood of the ancestors, and the blood must reach the level of the fairy beast."

The Elvis King also echoed:

"It is true. It is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter. You will also come in this time. No one else has ever entered, and it is impossible to enter."

Wang Chen did not refute anything, nor did he explain another possibility.

That is, if the strength of the person who enters reaches or exceeds the strength of the Ice Emperor Fairy Tiger, then entering this secret realm will not be a big problem.

but. According to what the two demon kings said, the strength of the ice emperor fairy tiger was terrifying to the extreme, and Wang Chen felt that apart from the great ape king, no one in the Tianyuan Continent could match it.

In theory, apart from the Great Ape King, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to enter forcibly.

But after seeing this huge rock, Wang Chen had a guess. And the next situation just proved Wang Chen's conjecture.

The rolling rocks fell, and the entire mountain range gradually rose from horizontal to vertical. Although I don't know how high it is, many of the falling rocks are tens of meters in radius.



Wang Chen couldn't help sighing while looking at the falling boulders in front of him, although he didn't get close. But you can also feel the abundant earth aura on the boulder, and even some of them have reached the top level, almost becoming immortal.

What was even more frightening was that when Wang Chen was personally surprised, a buzzing sound came through the sky.

"Huh, it's you the little guy?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Chen smiled wryly. Although my guess was correct, I couldn't imagine that I was ravaged by this person back then, and I still felt a little unhappy in my heart.

Wang Chen bowed slightly and opened his mouth and said:

"Meeting Senior, I didn't expect to see Senior here again."

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't know how high the rock was in the distance. After that, it shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye I never knew how high it was to become a three-foot-high giant.

This giant is made up of rocks all over his body. Glowing with earth-yellow light, a pair of grass-green glasses have a hint of softness.

"Little guy, why are you here, and you tickled me while I was sleeping, waking me up."

The giant said, sitting on the ground, and the earth trembled a few times. Looking at Wang Chen with a pair of green glasses, the two demon kings almost didn't startle after hearing a few words, and stood by without saying a word. I was afraid that I would accidentally offend this terrifying senior stone man.

Strength is the power that determines everything. When you have the strength, many things that should have been wrong are taken for granted.

Wang Chen looked at the stone man's green glasses without a trace of fear.

From the sword spirit, Wang Chen could feel the goodwill of the stone man, the body composed of green eyes and huge stones, in Wang Chen's eyes, was extremely simple and honest.

"Senior," Wang Chen said:

"This time, I came with the younger generation of the Ice Emperor and Immortal Tiger to enter the inner layer of the secret realm. I didn't think that the senior was blocking the way here. I opened it with force. Senior, what do you think?"

Wang Chen's tone was still respectful at first, but later he was a little bit ridiculous.

This situation caused cold sweats on the two Demon Kings' heads. Although he didn't know the strength of this stone man, he knew it was terrifying when he thought about it with his toes.

Wang Chen said that, isn't it just looking for death!

But then, what the two demon kings saw, but their eyes flashed away.

The stone man raised his arm, put it on his head and scratched his head, his voice became a little smaller, and said, "I don't know, but it feels cool, so I lie down and sleep."

Wang Chen gave a white glance and walked to the side of Shiren and said, "Senior, there is innate ice in it. Are you not afraid of being frozen? That's very dangerous?"

Wang Chen felt the aura of innate ice air, and the stone man would be in danger if he was not careful here.

Wang Chen’s kind reminder was just exchanged for the stupid words of the stone man: "The air of innate ice, um, yes, it is in it, and it’s pretty cool, otherwise I won’t be here."

Wang Chen was stunned, but his heart was filled with a wry smile.

People are more popular than people, and the air of innate ice is quite cool. How can there be people in the world who can say such things, but from the mouth of the stone man, it seems that he has not lied.

When Wang Chen saw the stone man, he was in the land of inheritance.

One of the levels tested was arrogance and the determination to never give up. In that level, Wang Chen was beaten to death by this stone man, nine times, dead and alive.

Wang Chen didn't know how high Shiren's strength was.

However, the stone man is not afraid of this innate ice energy, it is very terrifying. At the beginning, the Great Ape King helped himself to collect the innate five-star Yin and Yang energy, but he used the mysterious black stick.

But that was the seven innate auras, far from comparable to the innate ice.

However, the stone man said that the innate ice air is very cool, but Wang Chen has nothing to say.

"Senior," Wang Chen took a few steps forward, looking at a half-circular stone wall in the distance, revealing a trace of light, and said to the stone man:

"This secret realm was left by the ice emperor and fairy tiger to the younger generation. You hide in it like this, so that the younger generations of the two races can't collect the spiritual materials in it, it's not good!"

"Then what to do?"

The stone man urn sounded, and the two demon kings showed joy on their faces, and wanted to say that the seniors don't need to do anything, as long as you don't stay here in the future, it's fine, but they didn't dare to say it, for fear of making the stone man angry.

"No need to do anything,"

Wang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Even if seniors stay here in the future, don't block the way to the inner layer. However, the soil-attribute stones on the ground are regarded as the cost of seniors staying here."

"Well, well, as long as I stay for a long time, these stones will grow out of me and be annoying. Take them away if you want them!"

"Okay, thank you senior."

Wang Chen arched his hand and turned around at random to face the two demon kings: "Let's go in, let's go in and take a look, but the two of you had better not forget the previous promise."

The two demon looked at each other and said, "I won't be anymore."

However, after two steps, Wang Chen turned his head and said to Shi Ren: "Senior, I have something here, maybe you can use it."

Shi Ren did not speak, but looked at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen didn't explain. When he moved his hands, a piece of earth spar appeared in his hands. As soon as this earth spar appeared, it attracted the attention of the stone man.

call out!

The earth spar suddenly disappeared from Wang Chen's hand, and was held by the stone man, and then looked like a treasure in his collection, not knowing where it was placed.

"I want this thing, what do you want to say, as long as I can do it, it's absolutely unambiguous."

Shi Ren said, there was a calm tone in his tone, and the two demon kings couldn't help being astonished. They also saw what Wang Chen had just given.

It's just an ordinary earth spar. As for such a serious commitment?

Of course, the two would not know that this earth spar was the earth spar that Wang Chen accidentally found when he was in the incomplete continent before, and there was a breath of life in it.

This earth spar has not known how many years it has existed, and it already has a trace of weak intelligence.

Wang Chen didn't know Shiren's heels and feet, but it could be guessed that it should be similar to the enlightenment of a stubborn stone. Therefore, such an earth spar would definitely be attractive.

However, Wang Chen underestimated the earth spar.

The origin of the stone man is mysterious. I don’t know how many years it has existed. In such a long period of time, I have never seen the same clan, or soil minerals. After a certain year, he was trained by the monk to become a treasure, not at all. May leave time to generate wisdom for them.

This earth spar is the only one of its kind that the stone man has seen.

It is conceivable how important to Shiren the earth spar sent by Wang Chen.

However, for Wang Chen, this earth spar has no big effect. The world bead swallows spiritual materials and there are countless choices. Although this earth spar has a lot of soil properties, it can be compared with more than a dozen immortal artifacts, which is far worse. NS.

Wang Chen is naturally willing to use a piece of earth spar to make a good stone man.

When Shi Ren said he agreed to a request from Wang Chen, Wang Chen thought for a moment, but refused: "I have nothing to do, please. Anyway, for me, this thing is not of much use to me. I don’t need to remember so much. I just treat it as a friend."

Shi Ren thought for a while and nodded, following Wang Chen.

"Why are you following us?"

Wang Chen asked suspiciously, and Shi Ren replied: "Since I am a friend, I will go with you to see the situation."

Wang Chen froze for a moment without saying anything. Then, under the panic of the two demon kings, the group walked towards the inner layer of the secret realm. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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