Nine monks with great supernatural powers were chasing after him, even if Xiao Kui was driving the supernatural powers of Dundi, his speed was greatly reduced by the restriction of the trapped dragon cable.

I could only watch the eight top monks with great supernatural powers kill them.

"Damn it!"

Little Mole cursed secretly, seeing a black light magical power kill it, and could not dodge, hitting his body, and then felt a burst of corrosive power appearing on his body, and the painful little Mole wailed.

But the monk who was emitting magical powers was shocked, and shouted out of his voice:

"Be careful, everyone, this demon rat has supernatural powers for body refining, and it can't even do my corroded tentacles. Everyone step up their attack."

The others knew how strong this person's corrosive supernatural powers were. Except for one of them who was able to resist the body-refining supernatural powers, the others were afraid to resist.

This demon rat can resist corroding supernatural powers, and it's really good in body refining.

However, even so, the nine monks with great supernatural powers were not weak, especially one of the strong monks soared up, and the black scale armor appeared and rushed up.


The man's fist collided with the little Mole, and the little Mole flew out, and the black monk also looked stunned.

"Monster, it's amazing, but this is interesting."

The black-clothed monk showed a frantic look on his face, and the black scale armor on his body was even more abrupt, and the black devilish energy lingered like a monster from the devil world.

"Kill, kill!"

The black-clothed monk shouted if there was nothing in his mouth, in the end, the language even changed, and even the aura on his body became even more weird.

call out!

The black-clothed monk was stupid in an instant, and the speed was fast. Fighting with the little mole, no, it should be said that the little mole was beaten around like a sandbag.

The monk next to him also changed his face slightly and scattered around. Surround the two of them.

"No, this guy has transformed again, almost becoming a demon. It looks like a monster, it's terrible."

"Huh, as long as the strength is strong. What's terrible."


The seven monks talked and laughed, with dread in their expressions.

This black-clothed monk covered in scales practiced magic arts that were said to come from the ancestors of the devil world. These magic arts were quite strange, and ordinary monks did not dare to practice.

In the past, when Wang Chen was in the Qi training period, he had obtained a residual copy of the Golden Scale Demon Art. It is in the same line with this magic skill, and they are the ancestors of the blood merged into the demon world.

According to legend, the beginning of the Devildom was just that some demon races appeared to fight with the immortal races of the immortal world. These people rely on blood inheritance and are powerful.

Later, the Lower Realm also had cultivation techniques in this area.

This kind of physical cultivation practice is this kind of physical cultivation technique. Obviously, the strength is extremely strong, and the body of the supernatural power is extremely powerful. The fighting consciousness is weird and the resilience is terrible. It is simply a fighter machine. The mice fight together.

The little mole rat was beaten into sandbags in the air, and blood fell from his body. Drop by drop, while the little mole rat was full of anger, almost violent.

"Brother, let me out and I will help you."

The golden mouse can see everything clearly in Xiao Yu's natal space. Naturally, I was very anxious and wanted to come out to help Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu cracked the corners of his mouth. He smiled and said, "Xiao Jin, don't move inside, and see how I deal with them. You bully me like this, huh!"

At the same time, when the black figure rushed over again, the little mole was standing in the air, unable to escape, but his eyes widened.

A huge mouse shadow appeared behind Xiao Yu, about a hundred meters high, arrogant, lawless, and roaring up to the sky.

Even if there was no sound, as soon as this phantom appeared, the terrifying aura surrounded the surroundings, deterring the crowd. Numerous top monks in the Tianyuan Continent suddenly stood still in cold sweat.

But at this moment, the black-clothed monk facing Xiao Yu wanted to retreat, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Supernatural powers, swallow the sky!

"Do not?"

The black-clothed monk's sanity recovered a little at a critical moment, but there was no way, and it was quickly swallowed by the little mole rat and disappeared.

Xiao Yu turned around, stared at the other seven monks, and said with an unkind expression: "Huh, you guys have been chasing me for so long, do you really think I can't kill you?"


Bizarre fluctuations appeared again, a huge mouse shadow appeared behind Xiao Kuo, and the seven monks scattered in an instant. The so-called martial art treasures had long been thrown away.

However, the others were able to run. The monk who had just performed the magical power of the trapping technique was noticed by Xiao Kui. When the sky-swallowing magical power faced this person, he swallowed it. There was no doubt that this person was swallowed by Xiao Kui in one bite.

"Brother, that's amazing."

The golden mouse sighed in the natal space, Xiao Yu screamed triumphantly, and immediately put away the rope that was trapped on him.

Without the monk's control and the magical powers were not there, this rope would naturally not be able to trap the little mole.

"Even though I have solved these people, I am not invincible. At least I can't beat them. The boss said well, but my strength is still too bad."

Xiao Nai didn't feel happy, but was a little bit disappointed.

Being pressed and beaten by a top great supernatural power monk, there is almost no power to fight back. The monks who want to have the supernatural powers of the trap and the monks who refining the supernatural powers will not attack the little bird at all, and even treat the little bird as meat on the iron plate.

If it weren't for the powerful swallowing supernatural powers of Xiao Yu, he would definitely be consumed alive.

After this painful lesson, Little Mole made up his mind secretly, to find time in the future to understand the mystery, and can't rely on his own destiny.

When Little Mole was thinking about it, the great supernatural monk of Taixuanmen had already approached.

Seeing the huge rat shadow and spiritual energy fluctuations from a distance, several Taixuanmen cultivators flew up, rushed over, and couldn't wait to catch the demon rat who had stolen the treasure house in front.

"Those idiots from Taixuan Sect have passed by. This is looking for death."

"You don't need to run I'll take a look first, maybe it will be profitable for the fisherman."

The remaining six demon cultivators were not fools. They made a decision in an instant. Although they were scared in their hearts, they still watched from a distance. If there is a chance, the oriole will be behind.

Xiao Ji had just swallowed two monks with great supernatural powers, and then another group came. He couldn't help but became furious and cursed: "Here we come to die again."

As he said, he rushed up, fighting with the monks of the Supreme Profound Clan.

Xiao Yu can be attacked by a low-grade cultivator, his body strength and power are extremely terrifying, this is inherited from the characteristics of the blood of his parents, therefore, to meet the higher, one hit three is to beat three people Embarrassed, two of them were almost beaten to death by the little mole.

After all, these three people are still a little bit behind the top monks with great supernatural powers. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: Thanks to the book friends for the monthly ticket. I had to add it today. Sorry for the delay due to personal affairs. I will add it tomorrow. There is a chapter at 11pm!

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