Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 583: All-or-one throw

The victory of the Dao Sect surprised the other sects, and even the monks of the Dao Sect felt unreal.

It's just that when Wang Chen appeared on this battlefield, even if he didn't make a move, but only Qinger and Little Mole made his move, everyone was horrified.

Qinger and Little Mole are too strong.

The only two or three top cultivators with great supernatural powers in the Blood Demon Sect can't do a single trick in the hands of Xiao Ji and Qing'er.

The strength gap is too big.

"Master, let's razor the blood demon gate to the ground, otherwise the area of ​​the blood demon gate will be occupied by other sects, huh, we worked so hard to lay down, but they have to fish in troubled waters."

"Master, other schools are like this. Even if we win, we won't get much benefit in the end!"

Xia Yan and Gu Zhiqi said, instead of being uncomfortable in them, it's not like them, Dao Sect all took a sigh of relief.

The Dao Sect captured a large area of ​​the Blood Demon Sect, because the number of disciples was small, but it was occupied by the rest of the sect. This made the Dao Sect disciples very uncomfortable.

However, there is no other way.

Wang Chen laughed and said nothing when he saw the two of them resentful.

On the contrary, Zhou Yan pondered for a while and said: "These regional resources are quite a lot, but our Dao Sect has reached a limit, and we can't swallow so many places in a short time."

Xia Yan and Gu Zhiqi were slightly unwilling, but also nodded.

There are indeed too few disciples in the Dao Sect. In such a large area, no matter how small the number of cultivators is, it is not enough if there are not hundreds of thousands.

In other words, continue at the current pace of development. Even if it is a few thousand years later, it will not be able to control this area.

After seeing the two nodded, Zhou Yan said: "However, even so, such a large area can't be given up like this. We can't use it, can't we sell it to others?"

As soon as Zhou Yan finished speaking, Xia Yan's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help saying:

"Good idea, this will not only recover some compensation, but also take the initiative. We will decide who those areas are to be sold to. It is impossible for other schools to surpass the Dao Sect."

Dadao Sect is the master and sells the site of the Blood Demon Gate.

This thing went on very quickly, one by one. Spirit fields, mineral veins, etc., were all sold at relatively low prices. In doing so, the rest of the sects also received resources at a small price. They were unwilling to make a comeback from the Blood Demon Sect, and naturally they began to support the victory of the Dao Sect.

even. Some hostile sects, even if they know that the selling area is adjacent, they have to fight and have to accept it.

This is a naked conspiracy.

If you don’t buy the resources that are sold to you, you are not only foolish, but because you are afraid that the enemy sect is nearby, you will lose your face.

It can be said that Dao Sect has gained a lot this time.


Dao Zong's actions did not hide from the Blood Demon Sect, it could even be said. The Blood Demon Gate knew about it a long time ago, but even so, the number of the Blood Demon Gate's resident was more than 10,000, but it was strange that it did not appear.

Instead, he stayed in the martial arts and defended.


There is a holy place in the Blood Demon Gate, which was discovered by chance by the master of the Blood Demon Gate. Then the Blood Demon Gate was established with this, and it was precisely because of this holy land that the Blood Demon Gate gradually grew and became one of the largest sects in the eastern part of Lingzhou.

After the blood demon door retreats steadily, the remaining more than 100,000 disciples of the blood demon door retreated to the sect.

Even the sect master of the Blood Demon Gate ordered that in order to resist the Dadaozong's attack, the Holy Land should be opened, and as long as enough essence and blood were collected, he could enter the Holy Land.

Therefore, the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect were entering the Holy Land of the Blood Demon Sect one by one.

The Holy Land of the Blood Demon Gate is located in a pond deep into the Blood Demon Gate. In this pond is blood-colored water with a certain weird power.

Around this pool of water, the palace built by the Blood Demon Gate is regarded as a holy place.



In the holy land, the monks looked painful and hideous. Their bodies were filled with weird blood. The billowing blood rose and fell, rippling in the pool of blood. Many monks' figures were submerged in it, and they never appeared again.


Suddenly, a strange swallowing force appeared on a monk's body, and a large amount of blood poured in, and then, the coercion on the monk also suddenly appeared and descended on all sides.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The monk laughed, his body turned into a **** light, and instantly flew into the blood pool, standing in the air, a **** force began to rippling on him.

On the ground, all the monks who were waiting to enter the blood pool were shocked by this scene, showing a look of madness, envy and jealousy.

"This is the first one. This holy land is terrible. As long as there is blood, it can help the monks to cultivate and directly condense the blood and supernatural powers."

"Hmph, as long as I have the opportunity, I can also become a strong supernatural power."

"I have collected enough essence and blood, and this time I will definitely pass the test of the blood pool and become a powerful man with great supernatural powers."


The disciples of the Blood Demon Sect looked forward to it, and looked at the disciples who were the same as themselves before, and soon became a great monk, and the envy in their hearts couldn't give up.

Naturally, the death rate of 90% was ignored.

Of course, no one noticed that an intentional or unintentional **** breath radiated from the blood pool and was then inhaled by the disciples outside.

Therefore, the monks outside would naturally ignore the 90% mortality rate.

The changes in the blood pool are continuing. Most of the cultivators have died, with no bones left. In exchange, some of the cultivators have greatly increased their strength and become powerful people with great supernatural powers.

However, after becoming a great supernatural power, these people received a voice from the mysterious sect master of the blood demon gate, and then left quickly.

In another place of the Blood Demon Gate, the great supernatural monks stood motionless, expressionless, with red light flashing above their bodies, which looked very strange.

Whenever a new monk with great supernatural powers came in, the blood light on his body suddenly increased, and then he stood with these puppets, motionless.

On top of these puppets, a blood-clothed monk was standing triumphantly.

"Nine thousand puppets with supernatural powers, hehe, it took so much energy for me, who can resist these nine thousand puppets, even the sword repairer I encountered last time, I am afraid they can't resist it."

The blood-clothed man is very confident, or it was stimulated by Feng Wuji last time.

With a sharp and unparalleled sword intent, Feng Wuji had frightened the blood-clothed man who had always been extremely proud. There was even some shadow in the heart without pride.

However, even so, the blood-clothed man did not dare to go to the Central Immortal Domain.

In the Central Immortal Territory, he had offended Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, so naturally he didn't dare to seek death anymore.

Therefore, the Blood Demon Gate was established in Lingzhou.

The main soul of the blood-clothed man is a giant in the immortal world. Its strength is difficult to predict, and there are many experiences. Therefore, the blood-clothed people will find a way to establish the blood demon gate and steal the monks in the name of the holy land. The essence of blood, and then refining blood puppets.

It can be said that all monks who enter the so-called holy land have only two endings.

One is death, the essence and blood are completely swallowed, and the other is that life is better than death, being refined into a blood puppet, unconscious, unconscious, and only knowing about fighting.

Of course, the blood-clothed people are also very painful.

Because in the memory of the blood-clothed man, he did not inherit much of the truly powerful magic powers of the Blood Demon Dao, but instead inherited a lot of the second-rate and third-rate magical abilities.

Those who want to have an impression in the memory, the transformation of the blood river, the blood puppet of life, the art of destiny and blood, etc., all have no cultivation method and make the blood-clothed people depressed.

As a last resort, the blood-clothed man had to adopt this method.

After all the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect were hunted and killed by this, or the essence and blood were drawn, or they were practiced as puppets, the reputation of the blood-clothed man was completely stinking.

In the future, it will be impossible to be like this.

No monk will continue to be fooled.

Another great supernatural power monk flew over with a scream, and was refined into a puppet. Since then, there are not many monks in the entire Blood Demon Gate.

"Well, there is no need for the remaining disciples to wait any longer, let's refine them into blood!"

A smile appeared at the corner of the blood-clothed man's mouth, and then the blood pool in the holy ground suddenly boiled, and then countless blood rushed out, submerging the monks waiting outside.

Then, the billowing blood continued to expand, and a river of blood nearly a hundred miles long also appeared in the blood demon gate.

And in this river of blood, blood-colored puppets are appearing on it, looming, ready to take action, ravaging Lingzhou and killing.

The blood-clothed man was among them, and his blood-red eyes were also frantic:

"As long as I can win this time, there will be enough blood and puppets. If this continues, it will not take long for the river of blood to grow bigger and bigger, and then I will be able to survive the catastrophe and ascend to the immortal realm."

"There are too many perverts in this continent. With my current strength, I really shouldn't stay any longer, otherwise it will be difficult to handle. First, ascend to the immortal realm to cultivate is the way."

The supernatural powers of the blood-clothed men really didn't have much advantage at a low level.

The appearance of the billowing sea of ​​blood scared countless monks. The river of blood, which had spread for nearly a hundred miles and surrounded the entire Blood Demon Gate, made countless monks' faces pale as if they were in a dream.

"Master, let me try it first?"

Xia Yan said, a real sun fire flew out and entered into the river of blood. Originally, real sun fire was very restrained from the supernatural powers of blood, but at this moment, it seemed like a weak boat in the sea and disappeared in an instant. not see.

Water can put out the fire, but if the fire is too big, water will have no effect.

Xia Yan looked a little ugly. Looking at Wang Chen, Wang Chen frowned slightly when he saw this. He shook his head and said, "There is no place for you to take action in the rest of the battle. Go down!" (To be continued. You like this work, and you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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