Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 586: Refining the Man in Blood

In the phantom of the realm bead, the blood-clothed man has a ferocious look, constantly displaying magical powers.

The body turned into a sea of ​​blood, turned into a blood-colored crystal diamond, and the sky was dark in the phantom, but it was still unable to come out.

"Let me go, you can't trap me, you don't know who I am. If you dare to trap me, you will be dead. You are still young, and you will surely rise to the immortal world in the future. By then, my body will not be what you can think of. Powerful."

The man in blood roared, struggling to shout.

Little Mole sneered disdainfully and said, "What's the big deal about your homeland, it's just a demon emperor. After I enter the demon world, I must beat him severely when I have the opportunity."


There was an incredible look in the blood-clothed man's expression, and he laughed loudly: "It's up to you, it's up to you to accompany you. You know that the Devil Emperor implements a very good cultivation base. He can pinch you to death with just one finger. ."

The blood-clothed man came to this madness and said with a frantic smile.

Wang Chen didn't refute anything. He shook his head and said, "The Blood Emperor is very powerful. With my current cultivation base, he can pinch me to death without a finger."

"Haha, you know, just let me go. You can't kill me. I am the blood emperor, and I am immortal. Even in the immortal world, there are not many people who can kill me."

The blood-clothed man yelled, not caring about his plight at all.

It is true that the body of the blood-clothed man is a drop of blood. Like the drop of blood that Wang Chen obtained the aura of good fortune, it is a part of the blood emperor. Even if ordinary immortals can be trapped, they cannot be erased.

Therefore, the blood-clothed people dare to be so arrogant, even if they are trapped by Wang Chen, they are not afraid.

When the man in blood was smiling. Wang Chen's indifferent expression came out: "But so what, the blood emperor has also cultivated into the devil emperor step by step."

"Now I can't match him, it's natural."

"But after a thousand years, ten thousand years later, even in the immortal world. I am afraid that it is tens of thousands of years to practice time. I have time to catch up with him and then surpass him."

"I don't know how long the blood emperor has existed. Although he hasn't died, but nothing has changed for so long, it must have reached a bottleneck. This bottleneck cannot be broken in a short time."

"Then I have plenty of time to chase him."

As Wang Chen said, looking at the blood-clothed man with a smile, the blood-clothed man was speechless, apparently shocked by Wang Chen's arrogant words.

"Moreover, it is only a matter of time to surpass the blood emperor. What I want is the level that surpasses the blood emperor, and that level is not something the blood emperor can covet."


The blood-clothed man's eyes were a little dull, and after a while, he laughed madly, and his voice was hysterical: "It depends on you. It depends on you, what realm the immortal emperor and the devil emperor are. You don't know at all. Dare to speak Bing, I don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"Haha, I would like to see if you can break through to the real fairy, real fairy, do you know? True fairy, true fairy, you can't break through, you will be trapped for a lifetime, even if I am trapped by you. I will watch you trapped in the real immortal, and see how you surpass the blood emperor, without knowing what you can do."

The blood-clothed man looked at Wang Chen disdainfully, mockingly.

However, Wang Chen didn't care at the same time. Little Mole was a little bit disdainful, and said: "You are a real dog, aren't you a real fairy? Don't you just need Xianji?"

"The boss is much better than me. I understand Xianji, and the boss can definitely do it too."

Little Mole had a somewhat disdainful look at the blood-clothed man, and said, the blood-clothed man was a little astonished, then watched the little Mole say nothing and fell silent.

When Wang Chen saw this, he spoke:

"If you want to see me making a fool of yourself in the future, I am afraid that there will be no chance, because you will not live that long, and soon you will be refined by me, and I will also get the memory of you, I miss you In my memory, there should be something I need again!"

Hearing this, the blood-clothed man's expression changed, and then he sneered again, and said unabashedly:

"Yes, I am the blood emperor who divides the soul. In my memory, there are several secret places of the blood emperor in the immortal realm. Among them, there are many resources and magical powers for cultivation, but even then, what can you do to me, If you get to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, you may still be able to refine me, now, you simply can't."

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with him, hurry up and refine him, and let him grind. Self-righteous guy."

Little Mole said, Wang Chen also nodded, the surrounding world pearl phantom slowly faded, and then the figure of the blood-clothed man disappeared.

"Qing'er, Xiao Ji, help me protect the law, I refined this blood-clothed man first."

Wang Chen said, just sitting down cross-legs, all souls were concentrated in the realm beads, and he started to refine the blood-clothed people with all his strength, no longer paying attention to the outside situation.

The Little Mole didn't care about it naturally, the blood-clothed man was said to the truth, the Gorefiends had no enemies in their station, basically there was no danger.

The monks of the Dao Sect also began to collect the remaining resources of the Gorefiends.

Only Qing'er stood still, with a dazed expression, looking at Wang Chen's figure, a little at a loss.

"My brother is really a genius, but my talent is too bad, even with the help of grandpa, I am afraid that my blood will stop at the intermediate level fairy beast."

The intermediate fairy beast has a high probability of breaking through to the realm of true fairy, but it is not certain.

Counting it all, it's amazing, but Qinger and Little Mole are together, seeing Wang Chen's progress, the intermediate fairy beast, in fact, is not enough to look at.

At least, the grade of Little Mole is probably the level of the best fairy beast, and Wang Chen's comprehension is even more terrifying, and the speed of progress is much faster than Qing'er, the intermediate fairy beast.

The conversation between the blood-clothed man and Wang Chen hit Qing'er's heart word by word.

"If this continues, I will definitely not be able to keep up with my brother's footsteps. It won't be long before my cultivation level will be pulled down and I will never be able to keep up."

Qing'er's heart is very complicated. On the one hand, he is delighted with Wang Chen's progress, and on the other hand, he is worried that he will not be able to keep up with this progress and be left behind by Wang Chen.

If it leaves, the days together will be short.

"Advanced Intermediate Fairy Beast, Grandpa has realized that he has prepared his blood for me, but when I go up, Grandpa can't do anything for the time being, and I can only rely on me for the rest."

Qing'er remembered his grandfather's instructions: Qing'er, your cultivation level is here, and I won't be able to help you in the future. If you want to make progress, there are only two ways.

One is to practice hard, to understand the profound, but it takes a lot of time, and it may not be successful.

The second way is to tap your talents. The reason why grandpa is nice to you is not only because you are very popular, but also because of a secret in you.

If you want Bian Qiang, before I ascend to the demon world, come to me and I will tell you the way Bian Qiang is.

Qinger thought for a while, watching Wang Chen refining the blood-clothed man, she had already made a decision in her heart. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

PS: Continue to ask for support!

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