Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 839: 9 days interest

That round bead is a rare space fairy, but in this space, there is no life, a bit similar to a storage fairy.

If there is anything to say, it is that this ball space fairy tool has a particularly large space range, and Wang Chen can enter it.

It's just that this round bead is a bit small compared to the old guy's space fairy.

However, unlike other cultivators, Wang Chen didn’t care much about Space Immortals. Although this thing is rare, according to the old guy, as long as it is a powerful emperor, it takes time and can be refined, but the scope is large. There is nothing more.

What Wang Chen cared about was the things in the bead. The purple-yellow soil was somewhat similar to sand. It looked very dazzling, and the aura of soil properties on it was even more shocking.

In particular, the aura left above was even more surprising to Wang Chen.

"Sure enough, the best among the Nine-Rank immortal materials, the world's best fortune, contains pre-existing breath. This nine-day breath is really extraordinary. It seems that I have to prepare before going out."

Wang Chen didn't go out after this, but stayed here first because of the nine-day breathing soil he had just obtained.

These Nine Heavens Breathing Soils were left by the mysterious predecessors. They are also the best in the Nine Heavens Breathing Soils, and they are the only immortal materials in the immortal world.

Wang Chen started to use the nine-day breathing soil that was difficult to calculate in the space immortal artifact. At the beginning, Wang Chen used part of the breathing soil on the clear spirit sacred wood.

The Qingling Shenmu received countless eight-stage breath soil, and basically no longer grows, after obtaining the nine-day breath soil. It is to grow again. The effect of Qingling Shenmu has also been strengthened again.

But these are not the focus of Wang Chen's attention.

Most of the nine days breathe soil. Wang Chen used it to cultivate the congenital five-element lotus.

The congenital five-element lotus seed, although it is not really congenital, it is also grown from the seeds of the congenital five-element lotus. This thing is just suitable for refining the clone. Wang Chen was planning this early in the morning, but unfortunately it has never been done, because The congenital five-element lotus is too difficult to cultivate.

Ordinary things simply cannot make the congenital five-element lotus grow. However, this nine-day breathing soil is one of the treasures that can nurture the congenital five-element lotus seeds.

Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, just the size of a palm, is an incredible treasure, and its value is incalculable, but Wang Chen's Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is a mountain that stretches for hundreds of miles.

Wang Chen also knew that the higher the cultivation level, the more wealth and the smaller the actual effect.

For example, the Ninth-Rank Immortal Material cannot be measured by Immortal Stone at all. In fact, there is no Ninth Grade Immortal Stone at all. The highest-level immortal stone in the immortal world is also only the eighth rank.

Ninth-Rank Immortal Stones appeared a few times a long time ago.

The value of Ninth-Rank immortal materials can only be exchanged in the hands of the emperor, so that the emperor and the strong will be slightly more, and Wang Chen used a lot of nine-day breathing soil to cultivate the congenital five-element lotus, which is also in the eyes of the emperor. It's a bit extravagant.

It's just that Wang Chen has his own plan.

As the nine-day-breathing soil is absorbed by the congenital five-element lotus, the five-element lotus gradually grows up and grows slowly, from an inch high to gradually growing to nearly one zhang.

After another hundred years, the congenital five-element lotus also bears lotus and lotus seeds.

Upon seeing this, Wang Chen folded the lotus down, took out the lotus seeds, and took off the lotus seeds completely.

"There are more than 30 lotus seeds, and you don't need to use them all. Just leave a few here, and they can continue to multiply in the future. Although they are not very useful, they can still be beneficial to the realm beads."

Wang Chen dropped seven or eight lotus seeds, and then put the remaining things together and began to refine.

This time, Wang Chen refined the five elements clone.

When performing martial arts in Xian Ting, Wang Chen met Gu Fei, a young man in Mai Yi. At that time, he obtained a method of refining the clone, but the refining of this clone must require innate things, which is very effective. Wang Chen I want to use the method to refine a five-element clone.

Refining the avatar of the five elements is a very difficult task. In fact, in addition to the difficulty of finding the refining materials, the refining process is also extremely troublesome.

Because this clone is very powerful and special after refining.

The stronger the clone, the harder it is to refine it naturally.

First, Wang Chen used the lotus as the main body to refine his five-element clone body, and then used the lotus seeds and torso to refine the limbs and other branches.

This refining was extremely complicated and careful, and it took Wang Chen fifty years to complete the refining successfully.

After the first step was completed, Wang Chen began to split his soul.

The avatar of the five elements must have its own soul, otherwise this avatar cannot exist alone, and its utility is very limited, but this soul splitting is not a simple matter, especially the nine souls of Wang Chen, each of which must be split. Finally, it merges into one body and enters into the avatar of the five elements.

This process is another ten years.

After the completion of the second part, Wang Chen began to let the split spirit and the five element clone slowly fuse and temper, so that the spirit completely controlled the five element clone.

Only the third step, after this step, is the last step, imprinting and blurring.

Wang Chen’s soul must completely transform his understanding of the profound into a mysterious rune, and integrate it into the five-element clone, so that the five-element clone is exactly the same as the mysterious of the soul. Then it was to completely integrate this kind of mystery with the clone, and the spirit in the clone.

This process is even more uncomfortable.

The five-element clone, the reason for the five-element clone, is a crucial step.

The divine soul that Wang Chen split includes attributes such as Yin Yang Feng Lei Bing and so on. In this step, the divine soul and the mysterious, and the five element clones merge into one. The different divine souls are all turned into nothingness, and the clones are eliminated.

And this step is to test the material for refining the clone.

If the clone is of the fire attribute, then Wang Chen's clone is only the clone of the fire attribute, and only cultivates the supernatural power of the fire attribute, and the other attributes in the soul must be removed. Only in this way can the three be completely integrated.

Divine soul, avatar, and mystery are completely integrated. With the help of the innate source of innate materials, they are reclassified as bodies. This is simply a matter of heaven and earth.

It took more than three hundred years for Wang Chen's five-element clone to be completely refined.

At this time, Wang Chen was completely replaced.

With a movement of mind, the avatar of the five elements turned into a five-color escape light, which disappeared in an instant, and then the body turned into a five-color light, dissipated in the surroundings, and then gathered together.

After that, Wang Chen demonstrated various five-element magical powers, five-color magical light, great five-element extinction magical light, and so on. This power was displayed, and it turned out to be more powerful than Wang Chen displayed.

"Well, it's okay that I spent so much energy. There should be no problem going out now. With this clone, I don't have to go out anymore, and my safety is extremely guaranteed."

Wang Chen sighed. Over the past three hundred years, Wang Chen has spent a lot of energy. Even though the Qingling Shenmu has grown up a lot, the benefits of cultivation are even greater, and Wang Chen has not tried it.

The refining of these five-element clones Every step cannot go wrong, and a wrong step will ruin it.

With this innate material, Wang Chen had nowhere to cry if it failed, so he had to refine it carefully, and the effect after the refinement was truly extraordinary.

"Go out now. In the future, the body will feel the profound in the realm beads and practice steadily, and then the five elements will come out, practice again, and go to the demon realm again. Compared to the time in the demon realm, the strength will definitely be greatly improved."

Wang Chen’s five-element clone is somewhat similar to the clone of Mai youth Gu Fei, that is, the clone cannot be too far away from Wang Chen, too far, this clone will slowly weaken until the soul weakens, and correspondingly, Wang Chen This avatar of the five elements can also help Wang Chen comprehend the mystery of the five elements.

Of course, the most important thing is that this clone is almost immortal.

Even if the emperor is strong, Wang Chen's five element clone is estimated to be able to escape, anyway, under the emperor is absolutely safe, so Wang Chen will be completely relieved in the future.

In addition, Wang Chen's body can also devote himself to cultivation, and no longer have to worry about accidents and unpredictable dangers on the road. (To be continued...)

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