Although the battle between the two Golden Immortal cultivators was fierce, Wang Chen didn't care about it. After a short glance, he continued to walk down, but there was no one on the lower clothing moth competition platform.

After thinking for a while, Wang Chen understood.

This competition platform is obviously different from other competition platforms. It is obviously for the trial of the emperor level monks, which means that only the emperor level monks can compete in this place. The immortal emperor-level monks were fighting against each other. Obviously, they didn't want Xuanxian and Jinxian. Although there were almost all of them, unfortunately, they didn't happen to be right now.

After spinning around in this huge competition platform, Wang Chen left.

Compared with the test platform, Wang Chen is somewhat interested, because the wind that swallows the heavens and martial arts is strong, and Wang Chen is infected by this wind, and can't help but want to fight here, and even if it is possible, the king of Yum and the king of Qiansheng. Chen also wanted to fight to see if there was any hope for it.

After all, King Yum and King Qian Sheng are divided into cultivation bases, and Xuanxian and Jinxian cannot directly fight against each other.

After leaving the competition platform, Wang Chen found a shop and rented it for a hundred years. It was not until the second day that Wang Chen came to the competition platform again.

"Is this for Daoists to participate in the competition, or to watch?"

At the entrance of the competition platform, a monk who swallowed Xian Ting still asked casually. Every monk who came in would ask this question. If they participate in the competition, they must be arranged in order. If they are watching the competition, they must pay the entrance fee. Field fee.

Wang Chen smiled slightly and said:

"Participate in the competition."

The man smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then led Wang Chen in, and then handed over a jade charm. Said:

"Write your basic information on it. Then leave the message jade slip. Just wait for the notice, but it is estimated that it will take about two to three months to see that the Taoist friend is the Xuanxian cultivation base. In addition, you will have to pay one hundred and five. Pin Xianshi."

Wang Chen clicked a little bit, and after doing this according to the regulations, he got a jade talisman.

At this time, Wang Chen knew that with the jade charm. Before the competition, you can enter the competition platform for free, so that the one hundred fifth-rank immortal stones are not a loss. Of course, if the monk fails the competition three times, the time to participate in the competition again will be extended, and you won’t be able to get this jade talisman. NS.

After getting the jade talisman, Wang Chen also relaxed, just waiting to start the competition.

In normal times, Wang Chen wandered around and took a look in the fairy city. Especially the competition between the monks made Wang Chen very envious and full of fighting spirit.

Only when Wang Chen wanted to fight. This battle is long overdue.

Two months later, the news was sent when the summons met, saying that it would be three months before Wang Chen took part in the competition, and the order of the competition had come out.

But at this time, Wang Chen didn't have time to pay attention to these, because Wang Chen's fairy infant broke through again.

Right now, Wang Chen’s cultivation base is at the peak of Xuanxian, only a short distance from Jinxian, but the mana in his entire body has reached the level of Jinxian. The peak of fairy qi, after so long this time, finally broke through again.

The immortal qi that the fairy infant vomited reached the level of the eighth grade immortal qi.

This eighth-rank immortal energy is much more refined than the seventh-rank immortal energy, and the faint feeling of qualitative change made Wang Chen stronger.

This increase in strength has enabled the strength of the monks to advance by leaps and bounds.

However, at the time of Xuanxian, Wang Chen was the eighth-rank immortal qi from the fairy infant, and the ninth-rank immortal qi from the fairy infant at the time of the golden fairy. What about the fairy emperor? Or is it the Ninth-Rank Immortal Qi? Wang Chen faintly looked forward to it, but it was not a simple matter to really exceed the limit by the time of the immortal emperor.

Five months later, Wang Chen woke up from his practice and walked towards the competition platform.

Arriving inside the competition platform, Wang Chen took the jade amulet and came to the competition platform. At this time, dozens of people were waiting next to the competition platform. Most of them were Xuanxian monks participating in the competition. Just a few monks with obscure auras.

"Bring the jade talisman, the competition has already begun. You have already come to play, after this time the competition is over, you will play!"

A monk said, it looked like it should be a Golden Immortal monk, and beside him, there was a monk with a deep breath looking at Wang Chen, and he continued to stare at the competition platform without saying anything.

Wang Chen looked indifferent and found a place to sit down without expression.

It's just that the other Xuanxian cultivators had some opinions on Wang Chen.

"Huh, I started to be late before the competition started. Could it be that I look down on the few of us and have to teach him a little lesson after we go up and let him rest for a few months. At such a young age, he doesn't seem to have much abilities. It’s a so-called genius, and it’s time to know some truth in life."

"Yes, wait for everyone to be polite, just beat him directly."

The voices of these people were not concealed, and Wang Chen naturally heard it, but Wang Chen just gave a blank glance and ignored it.

The battle on the field was obviously evenly matched. After more than an hour, one of the talents was defeated.

"Well, you two are ready to go up!"

Just after the test, a cultivator who swallowed Xianting said, and then one of them turned into a light and flew up, and Wang Chen also smiled slightly and flew onto the test platform.

"The test begins."

The cultivator who devoured Xian Ting quickly said, and then the two retreated and started fighting.

This competition on the test platform is still different from the battles in other places, not only because of the competition, but mainly because this place is restricted. For example, the supernatural powers of the earth escape are greatly restricted, and the surrounding space is only a few hundred meters. , The scope is limited, and the magical powers of the escape technique are also restrained to a certain extent.

However, after the start of the competition, the cultivator on the opposite side flew up with a scream, and a colorful leaf-shaped fairy was floating on the soles of his feet, and behind the cultivator, there was a fairy base that resembled a leaf.

When Wang Chen saw it, he was slightly surprised:

"It's weird Xianji, let's see if there is anything special."

Generally, special fairy bases have special features, and there are some advantages that ordinary fairy bases do not have. Of course, there are also some shortcomings, even fatal.

Wang Chen's heart moved, and his body turned into a five-color light, which was when he raised his hand and smashed it fiercely.

"Despicable, didn't you say that you are a sword repairer? How can you use the physical training method of fighting? Is it to hide your strength."

The monk's expression was slightly cold, and he cursed, but at the same time, the immortal artifact was folded, surrounded by his body, and then turned into a leaf, floating in the air, the speed is also very fast.


Wang Chen punched it up. Although he didn't exhaust all his strength, Wang Chen had understood more than 8,000 kinds of mysteries after all, and his body refining supernatural powers were extremely powerful. Although his strength was not great, his body strength was quite astonishing. This move, as if hitting cotton, didn't even have much power.

However, even so, the man fell forward, with blood showing at the corner of his mouth.

But Wang Chen smiled softly:

"Fellow Daoist Xianji is interesting. It's pretty good, but unfortunately it's not perfect yet. If it can be perfected in the future, it will be able to make some breakthroughs."

" Don’t get too proud of it too soon, it’s still uncertain who wins and loses!"

The monk snorted coldly, his face was very ugly. At first, the few people thought that Wang Chen looked down on them, and they were a little angry when they came late on purpose. But now Wang Chen's strength seems to far exceed them, so there is nothing too much. The big problem is, even though he doesn't accept it softly, he doesn't have any opinion on Wang Chen in his heart.

"Well, Xianji, who has seen you, doesn't want to compare it anymore. You should surrender!"

Wang Chen chuckled, and then waved his hand, a five-color bright light rose up, and then the monk's leaf-shaped fairy artifact disappeared.

In an instant, the cultivator stood there listlessly.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

When Wang Chen heard the words, he didn't say anything, he just returned the leaf-shaped fairy artifact to the monk, and then went on after the monk who swallowed the fairy court declared victory.

However, after Wang Chen walked down, the monks watching the battle on the spot became a sensation. (To be continued...)

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