Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 859: Conflict in the Moonlight Land

This fairy city is the largest fairy city encountered by the Five Elements Flying Shuttle in a year.

Wang Chen's kendo realm has advanced greatly. In addition to the five-element escape, the speed of the kendo realm is dozens of times faster, and it is dozens of miles through in the blink of an eye.

But outside this fairy city, Wang Chen frowned slightly.

Because this fairy city is actually closed, surrounded by formations, although it is not a very powerful formation, it also shows that the situation around it is not right.

Only one direction of Xiancheng left a doorway, and there was a constant flow of people.

"Let's go, go in and take a look, this Qingyue land seems to be something wrong."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice, Peacock Fairy nodded and said with a cold face. Since Wang Chen said that last time, Peacock Fairy's expression has been even colder, not to say anything, but Wang Chen thinks this is pretty good. , There are not so many troublesome things.

Soon, the two of Wang Chen entered the only gate of Xiancheng.

There were not many people in line at this gate. Although it was a bit crowded, it was still unobstructed, but at the gate, there were more than a dozen monks checking and collecting the entrance fee.

When Wang Chen and Wang Chen walked in, a monk also looked at it and said:

"One hundred and five immortal stones per person."

Wang Chen frowned slightly, did not speak, Peacock Fairy gave a cold snort, and threw out two hundred immortal stones. The dozen or so monks who watched the door laughed.

"Oh, this fairy really has a temper, yeah, is there a fragrance on this immortal stone?"

The nearby monks laughed when they heard the words, but at that moment, the monks who had just spoken had a flash of five-color brilliant light. The body is transformed into the Five Elements Essence. Disappear.

A monk who was about to leave in the distance heard this. But it flew over.

"What's wrong, what happened."

A dozen people guarding the door were also stunned by the scene in front of them, and hurriedly surrounded Wang Chen and Fairy Peacock, staring at them.

"What's wrong, what happened, why did Yang Hu die?"

When the handsome monk saw the dying monk, his expression couldn't help but not change, and he looked at Wang Chen and Fairy Peacock with a sneer. Shen Sheng asked, his tone full of unkindness.

"Four young masters, it was this female cultivator who killed Senior Brother Yang. It must be a gap in Qingyue Court. Should Young Master hold him and interrogate him?"

A monk whispered, and then he smiled, meaningful.

The young monk smiled, his expression full of smiles on his body. Said:

"Come here, these two are the spies of Qingyueting. Take them down."

"you dare?"

The five-colored brilliant light flashed on Fairy Qingyue's body, and he said in a cold voice that the killing intent in his tone was not concealed. The young handsome cultivator chuckled and said:

"This fellow Taoist, this Xiancheng is the domain of my Yang family. The only way for you now is to catch with your hands. If you can prove that you are not the spy of Qingyue Court, then I can let you go. Otherwise, if you resist, the Xiancheng The immortal emperor of the Yang family in me will take action. What do you think you can do with a golden immortal?"

"how to prove?"

Fairy Peacock said coldly, the handsome young cultivator chuckled, but the cultivator next to him responded: "Fairy cultivator Qingyueting has done a lot of evil, otherwise you will be destroyed. If you are not cultivator Qingyueting, you must join my Zhang family. It’s best to be a member of my Zhang family, for example, to marry the fourth son of my family. When that happens, not only will there be no danger, but there will also be endless benefits."


Fairy Peacock snorted coldly, and flashes of colorful light flashed, and then killed the young handsome monk.

This so-called Fourth Young Master was also a golden immortal cultivation base, and his strength was not weak.

Wang Chen also watched with gusto: "This so-called Fourth Young Master turned out to be the five-element supernatural power of sacrifice, but this supernatural power is obviously not as powerful as the great five-element extinction supernatural power."

The fourth son of the Yang family was also a monk who sacrificed the magical powers of the five elements, and his strength was not low.

Only after the bursts of colorful light flashed, within the fairy city, a series of powerful divine consciousness peeped out, and Fairy Peacock saw it, but his expression changed.

"Go, the other party has a master of the Immortal Emperor level."

With that said, he was going to leave with Wang Chen.

But Wang Chen cried and smiled slightly, saying: "Since there is a master of the immortal emperor, and you still have to cause trouble, can you be as fast as the immortal emperor? If you run now, you will definitely die. Let's stay here for now, nothing will happen. of."

Fairy Peacock was about to leave, but was stopped by Wang Chen.

Fairy Peacock was a little regretful, but after hearing this, she felt reasonable, but she stayed behind Wang Chen.

call out! call out! call out!

Soon, the Three Ways of Escape appeared at the gate of Xiancheng. Each of these three monks had the cultivation base of the Emperor, and the gray coercion shocked everyone present.

Many people couldn't help but marvel in their hearts: "As expected of the Yang Family, they are all powerful forces in Qingyue Land, and three immortal emperors appear randomly."

As soon as the three immortal emperors appeared, the four sons greeted him and leaned over to salute.

The three immortal emperors also had a few conversations with the Fourth Young Master's Divine Sense, and then turned their gazes to Wang Chen and Peacock Fairy, but the main gaze was on Wang Chen.

Because of the aura on Wang Chen's body, the three of them were slightly surprised.

"Two, let's catch it with your hands. If I make a move, you will definitely die. You will be caught with your hands. After our Yang family finds out your identities, we will be able to let you out."

One of the three immortal emperors said, even if he was slightly surprised at the breath of Wang Chen, he didn't say much.

After all, a little aura is nothing. Like the fourth son of the Yang family, he has some special auras, obtained by practicing special techniques, and possessing certain treasures, he will also exude a peculiar aura.

Fairy Peacock hid behind, did not speak, and was very nervous. He was silent for a moment. When he wanted to speak, Wang Chen in front of him smiled:

"Three, you don't know why they want to capture me, are they three emperors?"


Another immortal emperor smiled and said: "Why, kid, you are so proud, you are a profound immortal, and you ask me why, I don’t know how many so-called geniuses like you have killed afterwards, I It's the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor of the Yang Family, and you are just a nameless pawn. This is enough. Today, whether you want to or not, you have to stay."

"Yes, boy, you have no room for bargaining. If you don't know how to promote, you don't want to talk nonsense with you. Fourth son, but kill him, a mysterious immortal, not your opponent at all."

Another immortal emperor said lightly.

The Fourth Young Master nodded, and a five-color bright light flashed above his body, turning into a five-color mountain, and pressed down heavily towards Wang Chen.

Great magical powers, the Five Elements Mountain.

The five-color giant mountain was almost going to suppress the surrounding world, and squeezed towards Wang Chen fiercely. Under this blow, I am afraid that many Jinxian cultivators will be suppressed and sealed.

But Wang Chen smiled, stretched out his hand, and pointed out. The five-colored huge mountain that was about to land was crushed, and the body of the next four sons was nestled in Wang Chen's hands.

"Three immortal emperors, do you want this **** to take me away? You Yang family really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is I really don't know how there is such a stupid family in Qingyuedi."

The voice of Wang Chen's chuckle spread all over the place, as if it spread to the entire fairy city. In an instant, countless monks were shocked.

"This...someone feels that the Yang family is provoked in Xiancheng, and they call the Yang family an idiot. It's really bold."

"A major event is about to happen. These young moons are really chaotic. Since the emperor disappeared, the control of the Nangong family has become weaker and weaker. Now the Nangong family is no longer good. The major forces seem to want to remove the Nangong family and take charge together. Qingyuedi, I don't know how many battles have been fought. It is said that there are dozens of immortal emperors who have been killed or injured."

But just as the words fell, there was another burst of light appearing, and the roar spread all over the place:

"I'm looking for death, I actually insulted my Yang family, I don't know whether to live or die."

"Which immortal emperor dared to be so rude? Could it be that he could not deceive the five members of the Yang family? Leave it to me today!" (To be continued...)

ps: I finished writing last night, there is no internet, depressed, upload this morning

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